Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

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FlashLights are The Holy Grail?
I just started o wo and... i've died the second i've gotten into a town on every new character i make and in a diffrent server everytime o -o do people want flashlights that badly? or is there a game going around to kill anyone on sight that has a flashlight? (on my 20th death within about 3 hours of gametime)
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Do you have your flashlight on?
no i dont o -o i only have my flash light out to bash zombies that get in my way
Most people WILL kill ANYONE on sight. If you aren;t already... I suggest starting out on servers with a lower population
i am ; -; maybe im just so unlucky to run into the only other person on a server to get shot on sight everytime lol...
Yeah.. and some towns are safer to loot than others. Sounds like you are just having some bad timing. I've searched half the towns on a server with a dozen players on them without bumping into someone... and I've also been on a 10 person server and run into a town with 6 players in it.
well i am a pretty unlucky person when it comes to games ; -; but i shalln't give up! D'; i'll just play again later >u> nd hope i dun die the second i join lol...
I'll tell you the truth. I have died so many times. You just learn from your mistakes and try not to make em again. I see it as a challenge, seems most see it as the game being bad.
When you first start out in WarZ you soon find out straight away ppl will kill you possibly because the same thing happens to them becomes a KOS even if you have nothing for them to gain except a negative reputation. Doesn't help that there is no VOIP in proximity only type chat, but that aside the atmosphere changes when you see another wanderer/survivor let the hunt begin ;P
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Ανά σελίδα: 1530 50

Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 1 Μαρ 2013, 19:53
Αναρτήσεις: 8