Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

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for anyone who thinks this is a horrible game
Im getting tired of every game released that isnt a "major" release called being horrible.

Yes, war Z has its issues, its a little bit difficult for people to jump in because not all new players know how to not get killed, or to join into unpopulated servers to live longer.

Yes there are glitches, YES there are things that the devs have not released. but as a game, i find it fun when i can play it. that is enough for me. if you dont find it fun, dont play it.

IF YOU WANT TO SPEND ALL YOUR TIME YELLING ABOUT IT, your doing no one good. the game has enough reviews any player can simply google and find out, so stop flooding the forums with that and let this be a source of actual information..

if you want a terrible game to rant at, try playing

seriously, i dare you.
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Hahahaahahah, hahaahahh, you said it right man! You can play it. Your pc prob cant handle better ones, so it has to play this one and its a cheat infested one for that. Maybe thats why you enjoy it. Or your really having fun, because you and your mates are playing together. That might be the only thing to make it fun, but you could have fun with your mates doing any game and have fun! This game is utter crap and you know it!
no. i play solo.

logged about 30 hours into it. ive randomly teamed up with a single person twice to run around. it was nice.

i have been killed about 50 times and killed someone once. lost my only fair pvp match because i only had a shotgun and no armor.

ive run around 6 people shooting at me in the middle of the night and had a nice rush of adrenaline.

i take joy out of simple things. it is fun enough for me simply being able to run through a town being able to pick up as much as i can over and over again (especially when there was Christmas items) and just talking to people.

i have yet to die by a bug, and yeah ive died to a hacker or two, but i just load up another char and jump to a diffrent server and its fine. just have to play smart and you can do fine.
CTY chargeo1 a écrit :
... IF YOU WANT TO SPEND ALL YOUR TIME YELLING ABOUT IT, your doing no one good....

you know, glass houses and all... just sayin'.

hey, glass houses grow great plants
jpate81 a écrit :
mr bigdad a écrit :
Hahahaahahah, hahaahahh, you said it right man! You can play it. Your pc prob cant handle better ones, so it has to play this one and its a cheat infested one for that. Maybe thats why you enjoy it. Or your really having fun, because you and your mates are playing together. That might be the only thing to make it fun, but you could have fun with your mates doing any game and have fun! This game is utter crap and you know it!

It's not utter crap if he's having fun. For some people, having fun is all that matters in a game. The game could be ♥♥♥♥, but if he has fun. It's a good game to him. You aren't anyone special to tell someone how they feel about a game. Quit thinking you are.

You really didnt get what I was saying, so I guess that says enough doesnt it? Indeed he has fun and thats the most you should have in a game.
GANuclearShadow a écrit :
CTY chargeo1 a écrit :
Im getting tired of every game released that isnt a "major" release called being horrible.

You lost any reason to be considered on from here. Indie games with much less of a budget than WarZ have seen more success than many AAA publisher backed titles. You like the game? That is fine. But to be blatantly dishonest to defend this game and to throw the gaming community under the bus to defend it with nothing but sheer inaccuracy to reality of the behavior of the community.

The game is terrible game-play wise, the game was clearly created and rushed to release for the sole purpose of beating DayZ to the market. There was clearly no intent on making a quality product. It has a very dishonest and very repulsive behaving development team as well. If it were simply just a bad game people would have moved on by now but this wasn't a swing and a miss, it was intentional.

You can like the game all you wish, I have no problem with that. But if you have to be dishonest to defend something ask yourself if it is truly worth defending to begin with. But as long as you continue this foolish line of behavior and dishonesty you deserve no consideration and most of all no respect from others.

You said it right on the spot!
I've grown to enjoy the game. as long as I avoid hackers of course...
Nejco 9 févr. 2013 à 13h01 
mr bigdad a écrit :
Hahahaahahah, hahaahahh, you said it right man! You can play it. Your pc prob cant handle better ones, so it has to play this one and its a cheat infested one for that. Maybe thats why you enjoy it. Or your really having fun, because you and your mates are playing together. That might be the only thing to make it fun, but you could have fun with your mates doing any game and have fun! This game is utter crap and you know it!

oh yeah what's better you insulting ♥♥♥♥? cod probably. good game, have good gameplay not good graphics.
killing floor is example of that
stop being rude, and get back into your cod or what ever you play
Damn, really... you guys never get the message -.- there are a ton of NOT major releases games on steam and they are still good games and not hated and most important still available on steam. But WAR - Z on the other hand ... was banned and also valve gave FULL REFUND to anyone who wanted one. That is the judgement of one of the best PC GAMING PLATFORMS OF ALL TIME. Sorry but i think they know a bit more about games than you. Also, nobody hates you for liking ♥♥♥♥♥♥ GAMES. If they wanned to sell ♥♥♥♥ and write ♥♥♥♥ on the cover it wouldn't be hated so much because they are selling ♥♥♥♥ and telling you what they are actually selling... so if you like playing ♥♥♥♥ that is totally your call and you can totally buy it.
CTY chargeo1 a écrit :
Im getting tired of every game released that isnt a "major" release called being horrible.
That's not true though. Good games generally receive a good reception, regardless of the budget.

CTY chargeo1 a écrit :
Yes, war Z has its issues, its a little bit difficult for people to jump in because not all new players know how to not get killed, or to join into unpopulated servers to live longer.

Yes there are glitches, YES there are things that the devs have not released.
Yes, there's merit to the harsh criticism.

CTY chargeo1 a écrit :
but as a game, i find it fun when i can play it. that is enough for me.
Hey, ♥♥♥♥ happens. I liked DRIV3R.

CTY chargeo1 a écrit :
if you dont find it fun, dont play it.
I don't.

CTY chargeo1 a écrit :
IF YOU WANT TO SPEND ALL YOUR TIME YELLING ABOUT IT, your doing no one good. the game has enough reviews any player can simply google and find out, so stop flooding the forums with that and let this be a source of actual information..
No let's let people talk about whatever they want to, as long as it's not breaking any rules.
Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
You didn't once in your op mention the real cause of our hate.
The developers, and the way they have treated people.
The things they have called people.
The lies they have told people.
The power hunger trip they have been on every since they gained "power".
The promoting cheating websites.
False banning information.

Game could be the greatest thing to ever come into existance, but would never touch because of the people behind it.
Morals and principles.

I wanted to like the game so much but my PC is too good to waste anymore on a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ looking game with 2001 textures and graphics.
I paid $60 for the legends package,shoot me now.
No please don't I must go back to Arma now. :)
Wait, what are you on about?
You homestly think people think this game sucks because it isnt a "major release"?

Oh. Yeah. Its not the buggy gameplay. Not the lack of content. Not the terrible ethics of the developers. Not the fact that the game isnt 10% of what it was promised to be.

Its that it isnt a mahor release...

By the way... the WORST argument you can make to attest to a games quality is not "but there are other bad games too!"
Hell, at least Gettysburg has ORIGINAL ideas. War Z has not one.
Dernière modification de Dr. Vroom; 10 févr. 2013 à 5h00
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Posté le 9 févr. 2013 à 8h56
Messages : 51