Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

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How long after DayZ: SA's release will this game still be populated?
I'm just curious, I'd say within about a week 60% of the population will make the transition; within 4 weeks I'd estimate that number to be closer to 80-90%.

What are your thoughts?
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32 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
my thought is that you have no information to back your "assumptions" up, therefore making your statistical points nothing more than made up sillyness in your intent on ridiculing you sir, but starting off a discussion with statistics that can't stand on anything is a bit foolish to me considering you don't even own War Z....have a good day sir and try not to believe everything you read or watch in the game reviews.
I agree with Nopeace. Plus I think that people are going to be very disappointed with DayZ Stand Alone, and are in for a rude surprise. Rocket has already said several things that made me lose faith in him and his game.
1) DayZ SA will still be based on ARMA2 platform. This means all of the worst parts of DayZ as a mod will still be present in the SA. This includes the inventory system.
2) Zombies will still move on rails, because it is how ARMA2 deals with npcs and it would take Rocket too much work to fix. This means they will still be just as buggy as they are now.
3) The Stand Alone will NOT be released in a completed version. Rocket has confirmed that it will be released unfinished and have additional core features released over time.
4) I haven't read anything that leads me to believe that Rocket is going to change the "trusted client" issue that makes ARMA2 so easy to hack using scripts.
En son Quix tarafından düzenlendi; 25 Nis 2013 @ 9:11
I agree completely TC, Day Z standalone seems like it would be of a far higher quality than both Day Z Arma 2 and The War Z, because it has had far more work put into it, rather than just being what you'd call a mod.
İlk olarak Redshift tarafından gönderildi:
I agree with Nopeace. Plus I think that people are going to be very disappointed with DayZ Stand Alone, and are in for a rude surprise. Rocket has already said several things that made me lose faith in him and his game.
1) DayZ SA will still be based on ARMA2 platform. This means all of the worst parts of DayZ as a mod will still be present in the SA. This includes the inventory system.
2) Zombies will still move on rails, because it is how ARMA2 deals with npcs and it would take Rocket too much work to fix. This means they will still be just as buggy as they are now.
3) The Stand Alone will NOT be released in a completed version. Rocket has confirmed that it will be released unfinished and have additional core features released over time.
4) I haven't read anything that leads me to believe that Rocket is going to change the "trusted client" issue that makes ARMA2 so easy to hack using scripts.

1.) Actually, inventory system is being completely reworked from the ground up; I do agree though that Arma 2's inventory system was pretty terrible.

2.) Pathfinding is being fully reworked, the during the release we might not have the final version, but it's a known issue.

3.) Yes, that's already been stated, it's no mystery.

4.) The netcode is being fully re-written, it will be more akin to the way MMOs work, where almost everything is calculated server side to prevent hacking.

The interesting thing, is that all your complaints and statements were covered in the dev blog had you bothered to read any of it.
The last thing I read was an interview with Rocket where he said pretty much the exact opposite of what you are saying. That was the point I stopped reading anything further on DayZ. So if he has done a 180 on those issues since then, ok.
This doesn't excuse that fact that "YOU" sir are what is wrong with the industry now...believing everything you hear out of a reviewers mouth instead of developing your own feeling for the game built on personal experiences. No, no, no, that is far too easy for simple minds. Instead we watch or read a few bad reviews and act like sheep spreading propaganda about the game to whoever will listen. If you Jackass consumers have such a problem with the quality of games today, get off your ass, go get an education and get off the internet trolling every forum you can find sounding like a scourned woman and do something about it....Other than that you still don't own the game to slander it the way your doing, so anyone who takes you seriously probably isn't someone who should be taken seriously.
Yeah, if you actually read, and watch the videos, originally, it WAS suppose to be the Arma2 platform, buuuut, the reason why its taking so long is because they are actually RE-writing the whole thing, so no, its no longer using the ARMA2 platform, which was announced several times on the dev blogs, because ppl fail to read, or even inform themselves.

Rocket stated if it was using the arma2 platform, it would have been out already but they had the chance to re-do everything, so he decided to take it


En son ChiGoku tarafından düzenlendi; 25 Nis 2013 @ 12:11
İlk olarak nopeace4life tarafından gönderildi:
You sound mad, bro. Maybe you should consider that TC could have had the game, and got a refund for it.
En son Mahogany tarafından düzenlendi; 25 Nis 2013 @ 12:25
Not mad just noticing a pattern....just go down the STeam Discussions for this game and you will see that more than half the people who slander this game have no record of ever playing the game. Just seems a bit ridiculous to me...If the game is truely horrible as so many of you claim, then why give it life by making Discussions and Groups slandering the game. In actuality your only creating interest for the game defeating the purpose of the on-going ranting of how this game is so bad. Yes, the bussiness models used are unethical....Yes, they scammed the hell out of there day one customers...Yes, Development team sucks, but they are getting better...Despite all the negatives noted, there are still people buying and playing everyday that don't mind playing the under developed game. There are so many other games to play, so why waste time raging over a title that wasn't your cup of tea that really didn't cost that much?? Just seems rather silly to me.

İlk olarak MahoganyTooth tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak nopeace4life tarafından gönderildi:
You sound mad, bro. Maybe you should consider that TC had the game, and got a refund for it.
Still sounds mad
Maybe you should see a therapist about your anger issues
İlk olarak MahoganyTooth tarafından gönderildi:
Still sounds mad
Maybe you should see a therapist about your anger issues

I'm sorry you've misunderstood my text from what you believe to be a defensive stance sir...please be sure to spread more propaganda in your Anti-War Z group (ATWZ)!!! lmao...I need more noobs to kill in game anywayz...good day sir!! lol
En son nopeace4life tarafından düzenlendi; 25 Nis 2013 @ 12:48
most of the people bought this game before it was on steam and use the game launcher, not steam.

and I can't see why anyone who actualy plays and likes this pile of dung would suddenly stop playing it when they don't play the existing Day Z.

personally I like Day Z (and fyi I use six launcher or DayZ commander to launch, before you go investigating my in-game time) and I like Arma.

But I am not a Day Z fanboy and I think people might be expecting a bit much at first from DayZ standalone... particularly if they are War Z players and haven't yet played any arma games.
A week, if hammerpoint are lucky and there are still numerous fanboys around maybe more
İlk olarak MahoganyTooth tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak nopeace4life tarafından gönderildi:
You sound mad, bro. Maybe you should consider that TC could have had the game, and got a refund for it.
Bingo, I had the game at launch, and was issued a refund. I regularly speak with people who have played the game recently, and it's just as bad as it was during launch.
İlk olarak Hypereia tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak MahoganyTooth tarafından gönderildi:
You sound mad, bro. Maybe you should consider that TC could have had the game, and got a refund for it.
Bingo, I had the game at launch, and was issued a refund. I regularly speak with people who have played the game recently, and it's just as bad as it was during launch.

Yes I also was there from day one but was refused a refund even after providing legal proof they must refund, still they chose not to refund so I involved my lawyer, he contacted HP and they said they would issue a refund, 2 weeks later he had heard nothing so he emailed them only to have the email bounce back saying his email adress had been blocked by the reciever.

The game has taken very small steps since launch, and is still just as buggy than day one.

I would advise to all who are considering buying this to steer well clear, if you want a zombie survival experience that is not fueled by money the I would suggest Day Z, it's a much more thought out game, more features, more stability and is actually fun. It's a shame as HP has tainted the "Zombie Survival" genre with this abomination of a game.
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32 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 25 Nis 2013 @ 5:14
İleti: 32