Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

[FMJ] Clan Recruiting
We are recruiting members for WarZ, we have a private Pve server and teamspeaks server.
add me or visit
Ultima modifica da Tywo; 10 apr 2013, ore 7:40
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Visualizzazione di 1-15 commenti su 15
I added you, except a PM from me soon ;)
Still recruiting
Join for alot of fun!
Hey i can join,also i just rented my own server not long ago.
take a look at our website,
bumpy bump bump - go to our site to challenge us to a war or to join us!
wow! i've sent an application
nick been looking a while now for a team to roam Warz. hoping i can joi your clan pm me;)
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Data di pubblicazione: 9 apr 2013, ore 2:06
Messaggi: 15