Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

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My opinion of WarZ
First, I am not going to presume to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't buy. My advice is that if you can afford it, try both The War Z and DayZ and see which you like the most. You may like DayZ. You may like The War Z. No one will know except you.

However, I've seen a lot of negative opinions flooding this forum so I'm posting a more positive one.

Why I like WarZ:
1. I love the clan/party system. If it's in DayZ, I guess I can't find it.
2. The controls are a lot easier to figure out. I can't express how nice that is.
3. The game loads faster and the overlay/stat/health screen is better in WarZ. More of the screen is freed up to actually see the game and your surroundings.
4. I usually spawn in safer areas than in DayZ. Thus I live longer.
5. Easier to find food, weapons & misc. items. Thus I live longer.
6. A lot more melee weapons. A lot. Enough to make you want to go stab every zombie in the face with a pitchfork. THUS I LIVE LONGER!
7. New character? Your flashlight can kill a zombie in 5-6 hits if you aim for the head. DayZ? Your flashlight can't be used as a weapon. Need I say it again? Longer live I thus.
8. More character options. You might have to pay some cash to unlock a couple of them but even changing the color of the shirt, pants, etc with the default character is more than you get with DayZ.
9. Normal Mode stats/skill tree. I just find this neat. I haven't really noticed a difference with the skill tree but I love keeping track of my kills.
10. Safe zones with vault people in them now. This is not something I remember in the game months back. I like that. Hell, safe zones itself is worth noting. Great place to meet up with friends.
11. I have fun with this game. My friends have fun in this game.
12. Decided to tack this on last minute. Infections. They are a pain in the butt but it's rather neat to know you can possibly get infected by a zombie and die if you don't find a vaccine.

Of course, there's ♥♥♥♥.
1. Hackers. They exist in both games.
2. Bandits. You will die on a public server. You will die hard. You will die fast. You will die questioning humanty and the purpose of life as you know it. Do not get dismayed for one day, you will kill someone and that gleeful murderous inner self will laugh maniacally and you'll be addicted forever to pking.
3. No vehicles yet. I'd love to plow through zombies with that giant dumptruck at the construction site near Fallsdale. Just sayin'. Would be awesome. Splat!
4. Ammo could be easier to find. Really seems to be more cash shop. I guess the cash shop is a mixed blessing. I've been able to find most of the items I need in game so I haven't had to use it often. But ammo.. ammo seems really hard for me to find. If anyone has any tips on this, I'd appreciate it!
5. Private servers cost like 48 bucks a month. It's expensive. But that's what clans/friends are for. I love both public and private servers. I play on both. It's really a matter of preference.
6. Zombies kill you faster in The War Z. (But they don't run as far.)
7. Animations are hilariously bad. Sometimes I question if this should be a ♥♥♥ because like I said, hilarious.
8. Can't wait for more maps!

I might be forgetting some things. But I just wanted to toss my opinion out there. I don't think a game should be judged based on a couple developers. There's a whole team behind a game and one or two people doesn't make a whole team. As far as the game goes, I think it's a lot more stable and fun than the DayZ and it's cheaper. I'd love to give DayZ another chance when it becomes a standalone game but as of right now, this moment, I'm a WarZ girl all the way. I hold no bias. I love all things zombie but I judge games for the game. Not for the people behind them.

If you've read this, you must have a lot of time on your hands, probably because the servers are down. I kid, I kid. Thank you.

Clan: Heroes of Canton

****Actually, servers seem to be back up. So I'm off to see if I died when I crashed. Game on, Survivors!
Dernière modification de Meeki; 5 avr. 2013 à 10h07
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i love you pros and ♥♥♥♥, i 100% agree with you sir!

Keep up the work!

See you ingame
Not bad, you didn't list lack of VOIP as a ♥♥♥ though and I feel that is a big one.. it is really the one thing I miss from Day Z.
James a écrit :
Not bad, you didn't list lack of VOIP as a ♥♥♥ though and I feel that is a big one.. it is really the one thing I miss from Day Z.

Oh, that's a good point! I don't really notice voip in games as my friends and I favor teamspeak since we play a lot of different games together.
Dernière modification de Meeki; 5 avr. 2013 à 10h26
Meeki a écrit :
James a écrit :
Not bad, you didn't list lack of VOIP as a ♥♥♥ though and I feel that is a big one.. it is really the one thing I miss from Day Z.

Oh, that's a good point! I don't really notice voip in games as my friends and I favor teamspeak since we play a lot of different games together.

yeah me too, but the problem is when theres someone around who is not in ts with the rest... you dont have much time for texting
Where are the advertised features? Where are the 200 person servers, the 100-200km maps, the vehicles, the Strongholds (people paid for that and STILL don't have them)? These were all promised to get people to buy the game, then were pushed back to Dec '12, then promised by the end of Jan '13, then guaranteed by the end of Feb... here it is April and where are they?

Yes you can blame the devs for the actions of a few. The ones causing the problems are the ones in charge. By giving them money you allow Sergey to do this all over again.
I will believe that these features will be added as soon as all the promises for WarINC have been fulfilled.

If you buy this game, that is your choice, I am here to educate, not censor (that is a job for the Hammerpoint Moderators, seriously read up on that wonderful example of power mad forum control).

Some people can separate the company from the product. If you choose that path, then you also can never complain if you are banned or when the servers go dark for the last time because you have now been educated on that possibility.

Stay safe in the game, keep away from Clearview though, aimbots and server jumpers have been repeatedly sighted!
Hanging Bunny a écrit :
Where are the advertised features? Where are the 200 person servers, the 100-200km maps, the vehicles, the Strongholds (people paid for that and STILL don't have them)? These were all promised to get people to buy the game, then were pushed back to Dec '12, then promised by the end of Jan '13, then guaranteed by the end of Feb... here it is April and where are they?

Yes you can blame the devs for the actions of a few. The ones causing the problems are the ones in charge. By giving them money you allow Sergey to do this all over again.
I will believe that these features will be added as soon as all the promises for WarINC have been fulfilled.

If you buy this game, that is your choice, I am here to educate, not censor (that is a job for the Hammerpoint Moderators, seriously read up on that wonderful example of power mad forum control).

Some people can separate the company from the product. If you choose that path, then you also can never complain if you are banned or when the servers go dark for the last time because you have now been educated on that possibility.

Stay safe in the game, keep away from Clearview though, aimbots and server jumpers have been repeatedly sighted!

I've been playing since Alpha and while some things they promised have taken much longer than expected (like clans, party, private servers), they were eventually added. Hiccups happen. You can think you have something ready to go live and when you test it, it is incompatible with some other element of the game. It is disappointing but what a lot of people forget is that it's just as disappointing for the people behind the game as it is for those playing it. I have a friend that has worked with games and my boyfriend works with a software company. He's always having to try to fix problems where someone makes something that simply isn't compatible with the system. I'm not a computer tech person though. Just a gamer, but I do think that it's better to take longer and make sure something works than to throw it prematurely in a game without properly working out all the kinks.

It does suck waiting. I played the game alone for the longest time. I didn't start inviting my friends to the game until the party/clan system went live. I just felt that would make it an easier transition for them as it was absolutely chaotic trying to figure out where people were on the map before. The game has a ways to go, but it's also come a long way. It's easier for some of us to see it than others, because we've been playing it for so long.

I have mixed feelings on the strongholds. I get six months when it comes but I would rather have had it in server rental to be honest.

All this is, is my opinion. I respect yours and any other person that has a different opinion because it's really ludicrous to expect every person to like the same games. What these games should do is provide a demo or a free trial and let people get a feel for them before purchasing.
I am so toying with the idea of buying it, personally i can afford it and if it does crash and burn then so be it, but and it is a big but, the micro transactions worry me, if it is still a buggy and hacked game. Why introduce that now or wouldnt it have been wiser to do that when your product is bug and hack free? I dont want to buy stuff then get killed by a hacker to just lose what i have just purchased? Advise me about the in game money please?
Korshus a écrit :
I am so toying with the idea of buying it, personally i can afford it and if it does crash and burn then so be it, but and it is a big but, the micro transactions worry me, if it is still a buggy and hacked game. Why introduce that now or wouldnt it have been wiser to do that when your product is bug and hack free? I dont want to buy stuff then get killed by a hacker to just lose what i have just purchased? Advise me about the in game money please?

The micro-transactions are something I have a love/hate relationship with. Thankfully, you can't buy guns in the marketplace. However, you can buy addons to the guns (like scopes, silencers) etc and ammo. As far as guns go, I have 60+ stocked up in my bank and found them all in the world. I have a lot of melee weapons as well which I also found. I've NEVER had a problem of finding weapons, so I don't get upset when losing them.

I think the hardest part is starting off because you do only get a flashlight. It helps to have a friend already in the game, but it's not impossible to sneak around (crawl on your belly if you must) to search a town.

I see a lot of people say this game relies on microtransactions and I can honestly say that everything I have in my vault, my 60+ guns, my 50+ melee weapons, I never paid a dime for. I did end up buying a private server though which was crazy expensive. :(

Ammo is hard to find in the world. That's the benefit to people with cash. They can find a gun and just stockpile up on ammo. If they removed ammo from the marketplace, I'd probably be a lot happier.
Meeki a écrit :
I have mixed feelings on the strongholds. I get six months when it comes but I would rather have had it in server rental to be honest.

All this is, is my opinion. I respect yours and any other person that has a different opinion because it's really ludicrous to expect every person to like the same games. What these games should do is provide a demo or a free trial and let people get a feel for them before purchasing.
I'm familiar with compatibility problems in software. It is always best to map out the entire framework in pre-planning rather than suffer feature creep. This development did not have an adequate planning time. I know the pain of having to correct poorly coded scripts or fix a model with n-gons and non-manifold geometry. That is usually due to outsourcing to the lowest bidder. The company then has to spend more money and time bringing in a consultant to fix it than they would have just hiring the right person in the first place. That is an industry wide issue that needs to be addressed.

The lack of demos can be placed at the feet of the Marketing/Upper management MBAs who really are only interested in money, not providing a solid game. The reason that I've been given not to have a demo is that it will lead to negative press and lower sales. When I ask why not give a portion of the Marketing budget to the dev side so that the game is actually well made and fun. If the game is solid, the demo will be a good example of the finished product, and advertising by itself. If people enjoy the demo it may go viral as people tell their friends, blog or vlog about it and you will reach more potential consumers. The conversation denigrates into mutters and grunts about who has a degree in business and years of marketing experience... blah blah blah ;P

I also respect most people on the forums, I may debate issues with people, but I rarely have any resentment after the fact (only once when someone made threats of violence, and it wasn't a WarZ supporter).
It's kind of a weird paradox. On one hand I'm always glad when people enjoy a game, on the other hand I really despise Titov and the whole new wave of doing business he represents to me (not just him EA, Zynga, 1000's of mobile app LLCs, etc.).

I do agree with James on quite a few points. A couple being:
1) It is ridiculous not to have some form of Voip on any multiplayer game, especially one where you are trying to negotiate or co-operate with people.
2) There needs to be more options in the genre. I think a game made using traditional dev techniques and not rushed out the door to make an arbitrary deadline and income quota will blow both DayZ and The War Z away. At the very least there will be more options and that is never a bad thing.
Dernière modification de Hanging Bunny; 5 avr. 2013 à 11h55
Korshus a écrit :
I am so toying with the idea of buying it, personally i can afford it and if it does crash and burn then so be it, but and it is a big but, the micro transactions worry me, if it is still a buggy and hacked game. Why introduce that now or wouldnt it have been wiser to do that when your product is bug and hack free? I dont want to buy stuff then get killed by a hacker to just lose what i have just purchased? Advise me about the in game money please?

Do not support those scammers. They lied constantly, banned randomly, misinformed people, took advantage of the customers. This game is nothing but fail. Do not buy.
Dernière modification de ratatoep; 5 avr. 2013 à 11h13
Hanging Bunny a écrit :

I honestly can't blame you on your resentment towards Titov. He didn't even take responsibility at first for the big steam fail which to me was really unprofessional. I think he even implied it was the users fault. If I hadn't already liked the game at that point and was a potential new buyer, that would have been a big turn off to me. Fortunately, or unfortunately (depends on opinion I guess), I was already hooked.

I'd love to see more games like this. I am crazily obsessed with zombie games. I think there's a lot of potential for a survival mmo, but it seems like both games are really moving at a snails pace and have a lot of issues overall.

I genuinely do enjoy WarZ the most out of the two though. I have a blast with my friends. We are more of a hazard to ourselves than the zombies or other players are.
ratatoep a écrit :
Do not support those scammers. They lied constantly, banned randomly, misinformed people, took advantage of the customers. This game is nothing but fail. Do not buy.

If you are going to come into my thread, at least have enough respect to not tell people what to do. You are not their mother, their father or their guardian. They have the right to make up their own mind.

A lot of the things people are unforgiving towards took place months ago. A lot of people haven't touched this game in months but still hang around on the forum just to spread resentment. A couple PEOPLE lied and provided misinformation. Not the whole team. A couple people deserve your resentment. Not the whole team. And certainly not the game. If you choose to avoid the game, that's your right. But you came to that conclusion on your own so you should at least give others the same respect. It's why I provided pros and ♥♥♥♥ to the game from an opinion on the game itself. I kept hammerpoint, titov and everything out of it because my opinion on that is completely separate and I resent it too. But I don't take it out on the game.

The steam page doesn't provide any misinformation anymore. What it says is what you get. My friends got their 15$ worth out of the game within the first week of playing just for the fun we had. Some people will like this game. Some people will hate it. It's up to them to decide for themselves.

Dernière modification de Meeki; 5 avr. 2013 à 11h34
Meeki a écrit :
ratatoep a écrit :
Do not support those scammers. They lied constantly, banned randomly, misinformed people, took advantage of the customers. This game is nothing but fail. Do not buy.

If you are going to come into my thread, at least have enough respect to not tell people what to do. You are not their mother, their father or their guardian. They have the right to make up their own mind.

A lot of the things people are unforgiving towards took place months ago. A lot of people haven't touched this game in months but still hang around on the forum just to spread resentment. A couple PEOPLE lied and provided misinformation. Not the whole team. A couple people deserve your resentment. Not the whole team. And certainly not the game. If you choose to avoid the game, that's your right. But you came to that conclusion on your own so you should at least give others the same respect. It's why I provided pros and ♥♥♥♥ to the game from an opinion on the game itself. I kept hammerpoint, titov and everything out of it because my opinion on that is completely separate and I resent it too. But I don't take it out on the game.

The steam page doesn't provide any misinformation anymore. What it says is what you get. My friends got their 15$ worth out of the game within the first week of playing just for the fun we had. Some people will like this game. Some people will hate it. It's up to them to decide for themselves.

I really don't get this numerable "fun". Fun for a week, 15$ definitely worth it!

Nevertheless i'am trying to warn people against this scam, because supporting Hammerpoit and other companies alike is like pumping more carcinogens into a gaming tumor.
Dernière modification de ratatoep; 5 avr. 2013 à 11h50
Meeki makes a good point.
those of us who pre-ordered the game and played since last october got ripped off, we didn't buy a deathmatch shooter, we paid for a zombie survival mmo that would be hacker-free with 200 player servers and a map approx 10x the size that actually arrived.

we were also promised a game that would run on an average laptop with integrated graphics at 30+ FPS.

and do note that those of us who pre-orderd also paid for private stronghold servers which have never materialised.

so there are two groups of buyers here:

1. Original buyers who still haven't received 90% of what they paid for, and have had the "full hammerpoint experience"

2. New buyers.

so what he is saying is F*** you if you got ripped off by this company, because now they have stopped lying.

well the point is they lied to everyone who pre-ordered, and then to everyone else for another couple of months who ordered on their promises.
then they did a steam release, and it got pulled from steam after 24 hours because of the lies.

eventually they removed the worst of the lies and it came back on steam.

And actually they haven't stopped lying. they have just stopped communicationg period.

Just because you like this game, does not mitigate the fact that they ripped off tens of thousands of buyers between its initial release and its second steam issue.
Dernière modification de Holden_Mcgroin; 5 avr. 2013 à 12h04
ratatoep a écrit :
I really don't get this numerable "fun". Fun for a week, 15$ definitely worth it!

Nevertheless i'am trying to warn people against this scam, because supporting Hammerpoit and other companies alike is like pumping more carcinogens into a gaming tumor.

Games are meant to be fun. It can be a day, a week, a month, or in my case over half a year. If the person has fun, it's money well spent. I'd have more respect for people that felt the game was a waste of money because they just found it to be a horrible GAME. Because face it, to some people it is. It's got a lot of issues. But claiming it's a waste because you want to stick it to the developers or a company isn't what this thread is about.

You aren't warning anyone about anything currently going on. You're holding a grudge for something that took place months ago. I still don't get the scam thing. I've constantly seen promised features being added to the game. Like I said, it's always late but they've been coming.

What the devs fail most at is public relations. They can be rude. They have shown favoritism in livestreams at times. They aren't infallible. There has been misinformation or a lack of proper information. They are far from perfect. But people can grow, adapt, change and learn. Do I trust them? No.

Do I enjoy the game? Yes. That's what this thread is about.
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Posté le 5 avr. 2013 à 10h05
Messages : 59