Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

I'm honestly debating buying this game. Should I?
I'm looking for a rpgish game and I found this game. Is it honestly worth the 15 bucks? I know theirs some controversy with this game but has it really developed.
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depends on what kind of games you like.

basically this is a brutal pvp survival game with zombies thrown in. but there are great many free privately hosted pve servers where you dont have to sorry about other players and you can focus on killing zombies...

while the game has a marketplace for you to buy supplies (not guns) using ingame money that you loot there is really no need for it cause you can easily loot as you go. its sort of there for convience of pvp players that dont want to play the survival aspects of the game and just want to pvp with their friends.

i like the game, loads of fun, very addictive.

and it runs great on my 2yr old box. amd 1090t/ati6870/16gb and ive not had any problems to speak of

and while the reviews, articles, posts are for the most part very bad the game inspite of all this has since releases on steam has easily been one of steam top 100 most played game. around top 50...

the company continues to actively fix bugs, make changes and add new features. and in the past year theyve done a lot of work to it to make it better, long list of things fixed, changed, added. right now they are working on strongholds, vehicles and new giant california map. so check out the many

patch notes


developer diaries

also keep in mind that the game uses not one, but two very powerful anticheat engines. punkbuster and fairfight and that they have 0 tolerance for hackers, cheaters, glitching, expliting bugs, ect.. so the minute to hack/cheat, glitch, exploit bugs you will be banned.

there used to be free trial version try to see if they added it back

that way you can see if you like it and if it runs on your box without spending a penny

watch some gameplay videos

check out the wiki

if interested wait for 50%-75% off sale

that way if u dont like it you didn't spend much


make sure your hardware exceeds the minimum hardware requirements for this game

also make sure box exceeds minimum requirements
System Requirements

OS:Windows Vista/Windows 7 (enhanced for 64-bit OS)
Processor:2.4 GHZ Quad Core or better
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia GTX 460/ATI Radeon HD 5850
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Sound:Windows Compatible Sound Card
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection

keep in mind if you have a laptop components such as cpu/gpu are 1/2 generations behind desktop equivalent

also this game needs 64-bit os with 8gb of ram and a very good 4 core cpu + gpu with 1gb video ram

最近の変更はThe doctor is inが行いました; 2014年1月22日 15時29分
Me personaly, I wouldn't. I've seen the game improve and I've seen it get worse. If you want a rollercoaster of poor desiscions and comunication, this game is for you.
最近の変更はgsc159753が行いました; 2014年1月22日 14時51分
Regardless of what others say (pro and con) it ultimately comes down to you!
One thing I can tell you about this game with 450 hours played is there is a ton of hackers. AImbotting/No clipping and esp. Before you purchase check out recent youtube videos about it.
-HOTG- ODIN の投稿を引用:
One thing I can tell you about this game with 450 hours played is there is a ton of hackers. AImbotting/No clipping and esp. Before you purchase check out recent youtube videos about it.

All games have hackers again, regardless of what others say (pro and con) it ultimately comes down to you!
this game uses both pb/ff so while there maybe hackers they are being caught and banned. with other games that do not use pb that is just not the case cause unlike pb which is very difficult to bypass cause it runs at ring 0 with the kernel protected from things running in application layer ring 3 and ff which does not run on either the client or the servers but on seperate computers the monitor the telemetry from the clients and servers other anticheat do not run in ring 0 with the kernel protected from other applications that maybe running in ring 3 like hacks so they are easily by passed.

so this game is not less protected from hackers, but more protected from hackers than other games that do not use pb/ff

and if you dont want to play with hackers there is a very simple solution play on one of the many free private server where there is an admin that will remove problem players... easy enough to do...
No, I wouldn't suggest spending your money on this unless it goes on sale for $3 or less.
DerpytheUnicorn の投稿を引用:
I'm looking for a rpgish game and I found this game. Is it honestly worth the 15 bucks? I know theirs some controversy with this game but has it really developed.

It depends on what you like. If you're in the market for a PVP oriented, shoot-on-sight game with zombies that are basically white noise, then this is your game. If you're looking for a game with RPG-ish elements with zombies in it (Multiplayer coming soon), I'd suggest Project Zomboid instead. At least in Project Zomboid you have an enemy that is considerably fiercer and more dangerous then ISS. Why is this game such a PVP fest? I'll tell you! Firstly, this game has absolutely no reward for helping others. It's a purely PVP fest as the Global Inventory, high amount of high-powered weapons available, the zombies are a znooore fest, encourages PVP.

Secondly, there are several other games on the horizon with zombie survival and some RPG features. One is even being made by Warner Brothers! So there is plenty of competition to choose from :)

Lastly I need to mention that people are leaving this game slowly but surely. People are upset in the forums, people are upset on the Reddit forums and people are upset here. This game and its developers are not something to sponsor, both morally and as a matter of an investment.

Before I get washed away in the spamm that is Doctors post, I'd like to mention that Sergey said the game has sold in 2 million copies and that 3/4 of them were purchased here. He also stated that the game has a hundred thousand unique users playing.

Which means that there is roughly 1,8 - 1,9 million people NOT playing the game. A majority has therefore left the game in favour of other games :)
Ok thanks for the responses everyone. I think I'm gonna try and hunt down some recent gameplay.
Ducks 2014年1月23日 8時33分 
game is a scam.
General Fredrik の投稿を引用:
Before I get washed away in the spamm that is Doctors post, I'd like to mention that Sergey said the game has sold in 2 million copies and that 3/4 of them were purchased here. He also stated that the game has a hundred thousand unique users playing.

Which means that there is roughly 1,8 - 1,9 million people NOT playing the game. A majority has therefore left the game in favour of other games :)

as usual rude, insulting and complete fabrication / misrepresentation of facts

here is the original and nowhere does it support your assertion that 1.8-1.9 M people no longer playing the game.

if you take the average number of players calculated by the steam stats that has been repeated cited and do the math you will see that that most people are playing game... that is why its easily been on the steam top 100 most played games since released to this very day. it it would only have 100k-200k players playing the game it would not put it on the list...

Zombie Killer
626 posts

Posted 15 January 2014 - 10:43 PM

Hey everyone !

I know I've been terribly bad lately and ignored forums, but I'm kinda back :)

First of all - I want to give you some numbers about the game :

1) Game have reached over 2,000,000 players. Out of them around 300,000 are free trial accounts, rest are players who have bought game. While most bought it at full price, some have bought it during sales events on Steam.

2) Around 1/3rd of all players are bought Infestation on Steam, rest have bought game on our own website.

3) Every single day we have around 100,000 unique players.

I must admit 2013 was a challenging year for us. We've been DDOSed, hackers attacked our servers, and yes I must admit that at some point in the middle of the year we became too greedy. But good things is that we've realized that, and fixed problem. We've removed GC shop, we've lowered prices and hopefully have made decent gameplay changes.

So we're looking very positively toward 2014.

Here's one thing I really want to discuss - PVE aspect of the game. As far as you know right now game is pretty much PVP only experience. So we've been thinking a lot on how we can introduce pure PVE experience to the game without breaking balance, etc.

We have a few ideas, which we'll start publicly discussing with you, so we can gather your feedback on them before we'll implement anything. But first I really want to hear your ideas.

im not sure why someone who has posted that they do not own the game or even play the game puts so much effort in coming in this forum and trying to disrupt it and insulting the game, the developers , other members, people who play the game, and even the steam moderators as you have done repeatedly and can be seen by just looking at your post history in this forum.

i guess we should feel blessed since the funny thing is we normally get dayz fans coming here and expressing their hate of the game, the developers and people who play this game and its not every dat that we get a the dead linger fan doing it... sure dont see very many of them... i guess the game got rather boring quick...

still instead of dumping in this forum and stiring things why not work to make the game that you do like better instead of what your currently doing trying to tear other game down. i bet they can use use some help... and not this kind of help. i mean the people playing this game putting it easily on steam top 100 i dont think they are reading any of this for the most part and the ones that do will just give you an ear full.
最近の変更はThe doctor is inが行いました; 2014年1月23日 9時36分
The doctor is in の投稿を引用:
General Fredrik の投稿を引用:
Before I get washed away in the spamm that is Doctors post, I'd like to mention that Sergey said the game has sold in 2 million copies and that 3/4 of them were purchased here. He also stated that the game has a hundred thousand unique users playing.

Which means that there is roughly 1,8 - 1,9 million people NOT playing the game. A majority has therefore left the game in favour of other games :)

as usual rude, insulting and complete fabrication / misrepresentation of facts

Just like your precious developers did to me :)

DoctorSpam の投稿を引用:
im not sure why someone who has posted that they do not own the game or even play the game puts so much effort in coming in this forum and trying to disrupt it and insulting the game, the developers , other members, people who play the game, and even the steam moderators as you have done repeatedly and can be seen by just looking at your post history in this forum.

You know, you're pretty funny. You got a warning for going against your own words, remember that? When you attacked people who didn't own the game despite the FACT that you can own it without linking it to Steam? :)

Want me to make a video about this game so you can see I own it? Where I bash it for maybe 30-40 minutes straight? I could do that for you...

Oh WAIT! Hammerpoint will just take down my video because they can't accept negative criticism. Oh well. I guess I'll just go get banned from the forums and play with people who aren't jerks.

Doctorb の投稿を引用:
i guess we should feel blessed since the funny thing is we normally get dayz fans coming here and expressing their hate of the game, the developers and people who play this game and its not every dat that we get a the dead linger fan doing it... sure dont see very many of them... i guess the game got rather boring quick...

Am I supposed to take offense to this or something? I don't get it. You bragged about speaking assembly language when it had no relevance to the argument and now you're saying I'm coming from Dead Linger and attacking? Maybe you just didn't know that perhaps I had purchased War Z when it came on Steam but got a refund?

Yeah, you're pretty ignorant Doctor. Then again, you're a fanboy of War Z so I'm not surprised ;)

Doctorb の投稿を引用:
100 i dont think they are reading any of this for the most part and the ones that do will just give you an ear full.

Where are they then? Why aren't they rushing to the aid of this game and defending the game from my evil, horrible opinions? :(

I mean, I'm such a mean and evil person for saying my opinion that I should get banned (Your words, remember? ;)) but YOUR opinion is only allowed?

Oh man, I feel really silly Doctor, please forgive me :(
最近の変更はGeneral Fredrikが行いました; 2014年1月23日 10時10分
Well I did a bit of research on the game that combined with the very colerful comments posted on here I've reached a conclusion.

-There is no way in hell I would buy this game.

I do not have enough hours in the day to list every single flaw I found in the CURRENT version.
This game is nothing more then a cash grab but anyway thank you everyone for your input hope you all have a wonderful day
DerpytheUnicorn の投稿を引用:
Well I did a bit of research on the game that combined with the very colerful comments posted on here I've reached a conclusion.

-There is no way in hell I would buy this game.

I do not have enough hours in the day to list every single flaw I found in the CURRENT version.
This game is nothing more then a cash grab but anyway thank you everyone for your input hope you all have a wonderful day

Haha! Watch out for the Doctor now ;) He's gonna hate you now. Have a wonderful day to you to! :)
DerpytheUnicorn の投稿を引用:
Well I did a bit of research on the game that combined with the very colerful comments posted on here I've reached a conclusion.

-There is no way in hell I would buy this game.

I do not have enough hours in the day to list every single flaw I found in the CURRENT version.
This game is nothing more then a cash grab but anyway thank you everyone for your input hope you all have a wonderful day
made the right choice there, I regret buying it.
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投稿日: 2014年1月22日 13時27分
投稿数: 25