Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Complete Ripoff
I bought Legendary Way, Way back before everyone could play and see how bad the game was, and after a while, I quit to see if they'd improve. Well, upon trying to come back, I tried to login and had issues, so I submitted a ticket, claimed my legendary badge on the forums, and came back the next day. Upon returning the next day, I tried to login and was greeted with a permanent fairfight ban. On an account that has been unused for months, and that wasn't banned yesterday. Hmm.

In short, this game has been my worst purchase, Ever, and is a shining example of what is wrong with supporting a game in development. I can't believe I wasted 200 bucks on this game only to get screwed. I would be more than happy to release any info that may prove that I have not cheated, and have not logged into my account in ages, however, I fully expect this thread to be locked and deleted. Please prove me wrong, I dare you.

Edit: to clarify, I'm pasting my post from further down this thread.

Yall are really missing a big part of the point here.

1.) The devs have obviously gotten away with this before, and will again, which is a huge problem.

2.) The entire concept of "We're banning you, and because we're banning you, we can't look into your claim that this is an illegitimate ban" is circular reasoning, and wrongheaded.

3.) Despite claims like this, and a very negative history, there are still people (trolls?) that whiteknight this game and it's devs.

4.) These whiteknights are happy to claim that you should just buy the game again, since it's so cheap, when that only furthers and supports the problems with this company.

It is my personal belief, that Hammerpoint is trying to milk whatever cash they can from ISS before they close it down for good. See the "new game" that they are coming out with, described as, "an evolution of the ISS, it still uses some of the art assets from the existing game, and it does more feel like 'ISS as it supposed to be released back in 2012' than a completely new game" source:

And finally, since people have been saying, "why would you blow money like that on this or any game, blah blah." I'll interject that I make a lot of money. I enjoy gaming, since I was nearly killed in a car accident 10 years ago, gaming has really been a source of pleasure, a way to do activities with my family that don't hurt, and in general, a highlight in my life since then. As such, I _enjoy_ investing my money in games that look interesting to me, I've spent thousands in League of Legends, Marvel Heroes, Infinite Crisis, and Firefall, for example. In all of the early access/kickstarter campaigns/etc, that I have been a part of, the only one I regret is The WarZ (Infestation: Survivor Stories) It is for that reason that I've brought this up on the Steam forums, and will bring it up elsewhere, Hammerpoint is a disgrace to the gaming community, and to game developers in general.
Автор останньої редакції: Weldon; 13 черв. 2014 о 1:38
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Показані коментарі 115 із 156
Sounds like your account got hacked/hijacked so would recommend changing your password for steam maybe even get a new email account. No one here can help you even if we wanted to and why should your thread get locked/deleted?
because there's a long history of locking negative threads on these forums? because my account got hacked, I lose over $200? If Blizard doesn't screw it's customers, why do these people do it?
Agreed this game sucks, a streamer friend of mine was asking for a deal in bulk for a give away, in the end he's forum banned for 'trolling" not to mention the foolish forum post the dev made saying "Our games unhackable" then even now nearly a year later they still have a prevelant aimbot and esp issue..
The legend accounts had a month free stronghold when you purchesed the legendry account. And when they relized that alot of people still had there legend accounts they realized they was gunna lose alot of money so they banned all of them. The clan that I was in everyone's legend account got banned all at the same time in middle of streaming. We all put up a ticket but no reply.. then out of nowhere apparently we all 13 of us was hacking lol really hacking?!? what a joke!! why do we need to hack if we have a team of 13 including me .. and i'm gunna be honest we wasnt that good. and i think we had about 5 dead clan member at that point then BAM!! BANNED !! Yeah i agree with you total waste of money and time!!
did you not read the part about him doing that?
I did create a ticket, here's some email copy/paste for you.

Initial Ticket:
Hi, I purchased the legendary edition of The WarZ a long time ago, and decided to download it again and give it another shot. However, I was unable to login to my account, could find no "migrate" or "upgrade" feature, and upon trying to redeem my old key, found it to still be in use. My email for the WarZ is the same as I am sending this email from, [email removed], I'd like to access the account I paid $200 for, thanks for your swift response.

After a day went by, I tried loging in to find that I was now banned. (never redeamed my month of stronghold rental) and recieved this response:

Trebmoz (Infestation Survivor Support)
5:22 PM (3 hours ago)

to me
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (#189868) has been solved. To reopen this request, reply to this email or click the link below:

Trebmoz (Infestation Survivor Support)
Jun 11 14:22


Please note that Support is unable to assist with this account as it was closed legitimately. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.


Infestation Support

Now, if it wasn't banned the day before, and yet it was banned After I submitted a ticket, met with a response of "we're not helping," I'm crying foul. I've had my WoW account hacked, and you know what blizard did? They recovered all my stuff, reset my password, and sent me on my way. One look at the IP that supposedly caused this "legitimate" ban would prove it didn't come from me.
Also, note that I didn't recieve that response from support until After I made this thread.
I can belive it there history with this kind of crap is well know.
Wait... who would spend $200 dollars on any game?? just sayin'
Автор останньої редакції: jeffyyboy; 11 черв. 2014 о 21:45
Цитата допису jeffyyboy:
Wait... who would spend $200 dollars on any game?? just sayin'

could be server rentals / marketplace

still from the reply he's banned. game over, and it does not sound like they will unban him, so its time to move on, nothing nobody can do... lots of other zombie games on steam and lots more coming in the months to come... at least he didnt get banned from $80-$120 game like you see in ea forums all the time... reminds me i'm waiting for battlefield hardline beta, sadly unlike cod dice dont do zombies for battlefield, nor dinosaurs :(!
Автор останньої редакції: The doctor is in; 11 черв. 2014 о 22:49
Цитата допису Weldon:
because there's a long history of locking negative threads on these forums? because my account got hacked, I lose over $200? If Blizard doesn't screw it's customers, why do these people do it?

You seem to confuse these forums with the official one, they cannot just lock threads they dont like a mod will be the judge of that, they once tryed but kinda backfired on them. But gotta ask what have you been paying 200$ for btw? You got 20+ hours so have a hard time believing that they went for serverrental also because you say that you used to play the game before there were anyone else playing the game hench before private servers were even implemented("I bought Legendary Way, Way back before everyone could play and see how bad the game was, and after a while, I quit to see if they'd improve") so please tell me what have you been using your hard earned cash on, the marketplace???
Цитата допису Ev1lCryWolf:
Agreed this game sucks, a streamer friend of mine was asking for a deal in bulk for a give away, in the end he's forum banned for 'trolling" not to mention the foolish forum post the dev made saying "Our games unhackable" then even now nearly a year later they still have a prevelant aimbot and esp issue..

What do you mean by "a deal in bulk for a giveaway", did he want free stuff or how is that to be understood?
Автор останньої редакції: Septic; 11 черв. 2014 о 23:03
illiterate, He was going to pay full price per individual game, just a deal to buy them all at once as to one at a time, that is all, illiterate.
now im confused. still he's banned. nothing we can do since as septic pointed out nobody here has any access so nobody here can help him. and since they said he's banned he's banned... the web is full of these posts for just about every game that does any banning. at some point it just game over, time to move on, since nothing can be done... i think this is sort of learning opportunity for all to with any game not buy into early access, cause it can end up being an expensive lession. lucky for him it was not on $80-$120 game like i kind i have from ea... still i see people not really learning cause they keep buying early access and many tend to disappoint... much better to wait until after the release and buy when the issues gets fixed, when you know what the game is and when it goes on sale. like right now titan fall is like $30, its just like month after it came out and people were paying $80 for it not that long ago.. same thing happened to me with simcity 2013 i paid like $80 it was a disaster and then they put it on sale for like $20 which was an insult on top of injury. now they doing battlefield hardline and they want $80 and you know right after that $40 for the premium / season pass and it will be $120 for something that a month after that they sell for $30 + $20 and that is not early access. think of the people who paid $80 or more for planetary assult early access for a game everybody knows will be like $20 and $5 on sale... so lession is no early access and dont buy until after bugs fixed, you know what you going to get for your money and it goes on sale. anyways it's done deal he's banned by fairfight, flagged him for some rule that got triggered and they checked its over and done with and they aint going to unban em...
Автор останньої редакції: The doctor is in; 11 черв. 2014 о 23:29
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Опубліковано: 11 черв. 2014 о 11:54
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