Just Cause 3

Just Cause 3

Easter Egg - Portal Silos
I did not find this, plenty of people have already made videos etc about this.

At each site listed below, you can find a silo with a 6 digit number printed next to it, and a wall with 4 buttons on it.
The part which I haven't seen done before, is numbering the buttons starting from 0 in the left, which makes the code required the same at the number on the destination silo.
Pressing the buttons in the correct order will open the doors of your silo. If you jump in, you'll fall into a portal that leads to the silo with the same number you typed in.

This is a list of the known silos

- Silo 1-0-3-0-1-3 : N 40 42.277 E 5 35.221
- Silo 0-3-2-3-1-0 : Pending
- Silo 1-2-2-1-1-2 : Pending

(For example, for the silo marked 122112, you would press buttons 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, and 2 in that order to get there from any other silo)
(I would have grabbed the GPS of the other silos, but my game crashed and I don't have time to reboot it)

Note: If you try to take a vehicle with you, the vehicle won't appear on the other side.
Közzétéve: 2015. dec. 13., 7:27
Hozzászólások: 0