Brütal Legend

Brütal Legend

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Ry Ry Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:11am
Controller Support? And other problems
I can seem to use my controller in the menus. But not in game?

Also quicktime solos need to have the keys on them. not 360 controller (unless you are using that of course).

And alt tab breaks the game

One time after i failed a solo i couldnt open any menus

Oh and make a custom cursor for the menus
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
Ry Ry Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:19am 
Also 'Please'. Im coming off as rude sorry. I love this game. I just want it to work right for new people who didnt play it on the 360.
76561198054375177 Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:23am 
You don't sound rude at all. Those are all issues that we are aware of and will address.

On the first item, are you using a 360 controller or a different controller? If you're using a 360 controller, it should work fine in game. Would be strange if it did not!
Supreme DAYO boy Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:30am 
xbox360 controller work fine
Ry Ry Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:33am 
Guess its a problem on my end... I t works in the menus and even vibrates during game. Very Odd.
Thanks for the reply!
f0rex_ Feb 14, 2013 @ 1:47am 
My xbox360 controller doesn't work (menu or ingame is the same). When I launch the game i can see the typical windows mouse waiting circle during the first intro movie.

Any hint? I've got latest driver, etc.
Ry Ry Feb 14, 2013 @ 2:04am 
Try launching the game then dont touch the keyboard and mouse. Just the controller. Thats how i got mine working.
f0rex_ Feb 14, 2013 @ 2:37am 
Thanks for the help but still the same issue.

Tried to launch BL through Steam Big Picture, I can access Big Picture in-game pressing the xbox pad central button, navigate the menu of Big Picture with my pad, but the game seems cannot recognize mu pad.

Also, my settings are lost when i close the game.

Disabled UAC but still the same :(
Last edited by f0rex_; Feb 14, 2013 @ 2:38am
WinZip Feb 14, 2013 @ 7:24am 
I am using a XBox 360 Controller, but it's not working. It's possible to navigate through the Menu, but I can't change Options like Gore. Sliders do work. Game crashes, when I try to remap the controls via Gamepad. I have no control ingame.
DarKshodaN Feb 14, 2013 @ 7:29am 
Originally posted by «Gғм» f0rest:
My xbox360 controller doesn't work (menu or ingame is the same). When I launch the game i can see the typical windows mouse waiting circle during the first intro movie.

Any hint? I've got latest driver, etc.

Exactly the same Problem i have.
76561198054375177 Feb 14, 2013 @ 9:58am 
Originally posted by DocBunkel:
I am using a XBox 360 Controller, but it's not working. It's possible to navigate through the Menu, but I can't change Options like Gore. Sliders do work. Game crashes, when I try to remap the controls via Gamepad. I have no control ingame.

Are you using a wireless controller with the adapter? If so, that's a known issue.
I got a wireless controler, and had no problems with it.
Important don't touch the keyborad.
I got only problems with the graphic so it's nearly unplayable for me. :(
Very much early Beta
WinZip Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:47pm 
Originally posted by DFNathan:
Originally posted by DocBunkel:
I am using a XBox 360 Controller, but it's not working. It's possible to navigate through the Menu, but I can't change Options like Gore. Sliders do work. Game crashes, when I try to remap the controls via Gamepad. I have no control ingame.

Are you using a wireless controller with the adapter? If so, that's a known issue.
Yep, I do! It looks like there's very much to do, till the game can leave the beta. =/
CaptThad Feb 14, 2013 @ 4:30pm 
I have a wired 360 controller, doesn't want to work at all in game. I also have a wireless fight stick (I like to keep the dongle plugged into the back) and a Logitech G13, and it seems when those aren't plugged in that the 360 controller works. Some sort of input conflict I guess. Tried both individually, and both cause the non-detection on the 360 controller issue. The G13 itself works fine with the game.

Annoying thing is that I can't just unplug the G13 (which I don't want to have to do at all), I have to reboot the computer to unload whatever it has running in the background that prevents the 360 controller from working.
Inverse Feb 14, 2013 @ 4:46pm 
I've been having some weird stuff go down with a controller. Every so often, my avatar gets locked in a direction and *will not* change. Like I'll be pushing up and my character will run right. Resetting the camera so far has broken this, returning control to normal, though it doesn't "feel right".

It feels a little sluggish after returning to normal, but it's entirely possible that's just my perception.

Using a PS3 Dual Shock 3 and MotioninJoy to make the computer recognize it as a Xbox 360 Wireless w/ Receiver.
f0rex_ Feb 14, 2013 @ 7:23pm 
Originally posted by CaptThad:
I have a wired 360 controller, doesn't want to work at all in game. I also have a wireless fight stick (I like to keep the dongle plugged into the back) and a Logitech G13, and it seems when those aren't plugged in that the 360 controller works. Some sort of input conflict I guess. Tried both individually, and both cause the non-detection on the 360 controller issue. The G13 itself works fine with the game.

Annoying thing is that I can't just unplug the G13 (which I don't want to have to do at all), I have to reboot the computer to unload whatever it has running in the background that prevents the 360 controller from working.
Yes I have G13 too and my xbox controller doesn't work. Tryed to unplug G13 but not reboot and still the same.

I think there is some conflict between BL and G13, please fix asap.
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