Folk Tale

Folk Tale

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GF  [developer] Sep 28, 2013 @ 4:02am
Favorite Hero Class ( Community Question )
Following the strong interest in sharing your favorite monsters, it's about time we started a questionnaire about your favored hero class. To kick things off we'll list a few of the vanilla classes that you might find in RPG games that we could certainly fit into Folk Tale.

Mentioned So Far ( upto --- STATS UPDATE 4 --- )

Amazonian ( Female Barbarian ) - 3
Arcane Warrior - 4
Archer - 1
Assassin - 6
Barbarian / Berserker - 3
Bard/Minstrel ( Songs on Lute = Group Buffs / Storybook ) - 8
Bare Knuckle / Pit Fighter - 1
Battlemage - 4
Beastmaster - 5
Blackguard - 1 ( opposite of Paladin )
Blood Mage - 1
Captain ( Banner bonuses ) - 2
Cleric ( Super-Monk ) - 2
Dark Knight - 2
Demon Hunter ( better against undead ) - 2
Dragoon - 2
Druid - 9
Enchanter - 1
Engineer - 9
Elementalist - 2
Fool - 1
Gladiator - 1
Grenadier - 1
Hellkin - 1 ( working title for Demonic friendly )
Highwayman / Outlaw - 2
Hunter - 2
Icemage - 1
Illusionist - 1
Knight - 2
Lancer - 1
Marksman - 2
Man-at-Arms ( Military bonuses )
Militia ( Armed Peasants ) - 1
Monk / Disciple - 2
Necromancer - 9
Paladin - 10
Pirate - 3
Pyromancer - 1
Ranger - 15
Sage ( Apothecary bonuses ) - 1
Shaman - 3
Summoner - 4
Sorceress - 2
Soul Collector - 1
Swashbuckler / Duelist ( sword and pistol ) - 4
Thief/Rogue - 7
Village Idiot - 2
Warlock - 1
Warrior - 5

Folk Tale won't include multi-class characters.

So we'd like to hear about your favorite hero. Weapons, play style, anything you would like to share.
Last edited by GF; Jan 14, 2014 @ 3:33pm
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Showing 1-15 of 140 comments
Owen Snowdon Sep 28, 2013 @ 4:03am 
i like Paladin to be add to the game it be cool and it be cool to have some kind of cults in the that pray to the holy toast
Last edited by Owen Snowdon; Sep 28, 2013 @ 4:06am
maleko_splitter Sep 28, 2013 @ 4:38am 
What about a rouge or a ranger - someone who uses bows and ranged weaponry.
Feran Sep 28, 2013 @ 4:54am 
Druid or Ranger would be good.. basicly a ranged character with an affinitty with animals
hnmitch Sep 28, 2013 @ 4:56am 
I like all the listed classes. Though the name of the class doesn't matter to me versus what they can do and if there is a point in having classes.
Paladin for sure. Will you make it to where the player can form parties? Or is it going to be like an rts where you create a group of like 10 or 15 heroes and swarm an area killing everything.
I'm hoping for party formation :)


Tank: Aoe abilities that draw monsters away from allies. Mabye aoe tank class and a boss tank class with single target abilities to keep the bosses attention.
Paladin, Knight, Warrior(Sheild and sword)

Healer: Automatically uses a cure on lowest health ally in range with some aoe healing if needed. Priest, Cleric, Sage?(apothecary bonuses)

Support: buffs allies or debuffs mobs
Bard, Elementalist(debuff, and party elemental weapons buff)

Dps: High damage dealers with single target or aoe spells and skills
Man-at-Arms, Warrior(2-handed), Thief, Demon Hunter, Icemage, Firemage, Ranger..etc

This would add a tactical/strategy elements to the game and make the player choose their groups well so they survive. Also set a limit on the number of heroes in each party that is formed like 4 or 5. Could even add something like a quest board( at a "Heroes Guild"?) where you could assign parties to go off map and explore dungeons for resources or gear or squash some pests that have been plagueing the settlement or townsfolk(random quests).
Last edited by hnmitch; Sep 28, 2013 @ 4:59am
Matty101 Sep 28, 2013 @ 5:59am 
I'm fairly open minded when it comes to hero's, so i'll just list some random ones you missed incase people forgot/think they should be in:

-engineer(guns/steampunk type machinery abilities)
-ranger/archer type
-beastmaster(balance damage with pet/pets)
-hunter(trap type abilities/minimal melee damage)
-druid(nature based magic)
-amazon(barbarian female type for the women out there)

and heres some fun hero types, not sure how your working the hero system but thought it may be nice to have unlock/easter egg heroes.

For fun:
-sparkling nice vampire type(draining and charm abilities/can be used for a multitude of jokes)
-badass traditional vampire(draining and melee abilities/can make jokes @ above)
-wannabe superhero(just like knight but with a really bad costume)
-little timmy(young boy who uses unconventional weapons like slingshots etc)
-executioner(big axe and a penchant for lopping off heads)
-bill's wife(heavy set woman with her sleeves roled up and a constant scowl on her face became a brawler after years of putting up with a useless husband)
-gertrude(little old lady with a big purse,to power up she drops a rock in it before swinging,has large swing arc and stuns)
-clumsy ninja(normal ninja type abilities but ninja falls and trips all over and makes a heap of noise)
-bearded lady(a deep voiced barbarian with womens armour, a wig and gender confusion issues)

Thats about it i think for me, like i said they're not so much suggestions, just random ideas.

GF  [developer] Sep 28, 2013 @ 6:21am 
Originally posted by Matty101:
For fun:
-sparkling nice vampire type(draining and charm abilities/can be used for a multitude of jokes)
-badass traditional vampire(draining and melee abilities/can make jokes @ above)
-wannabe superhero(just like knight but with a really bad costume)
-little timmy(young boy who uses unconventional weapons like slingshots etc)
-executioner(big axe and a penchant for lopping off heads)
-bill's wife(heavy set woman with her sleeves roled up and a constant scowl on her face became a brawler after years of putting up with a useless husband)
-gertrude(little old lady with a big purse,to power up she drops a rock in it before swinging,has large swing arc and stuns)
-clumsy ninja(normal ninja type abilities but ninja falls and trips all over and makes a heap of noise)
-bearded lady(a deep voiced barbarian with womens armour, a wig and gender confusion issues)

Fantastic stuff.
Omega Prime Sep 28, 2013 @ 7:07am 
id like to see either a Paladin or a Barbarian as a hero class, however there is 1 class i would like to see even more and that has to be a: Monk/Brewmaster as a hero class.
Vinyl Asylum Sep 28, 2013 @ 8:12am 
Would like to see a Sorceress or Female Battle Mage or a Ranger as stated above.
Neowulff Sep 28, 2013 @ 9:41am 
I always enjoy playing the Ranger or anyone with bows basically. The archery training yard could just be some repurposed hay bails from the local manurey (cow pasture).

Please please please dont add guns!
Richon Sep 28, 2013 @ 9:44am 
Yes please to the Toast Paladin! :)
Cum Warlock Sep 28, 2013 @ 1:50pm 
I think it would be cool to have a system where there are a few 'base' heroes, like knights, archers, who have to be retrained to be more specialized. Like sending a knight for training in the monastary after he gains a few levels to make him a paladin. But these are all cool ideas, I think. I'd really love to see the Captain character mounted, or perhaps have a mounted knight.
neauxbody Sep 28, 2013 @ 3:28pm 
I love the idea of the Amazonian, Swashbuckler, and Ranger. Also, having had werewolves just maul my militia mans, I can really see how an apothecary character would come in handy. It'd be fun to have hero classes that stem from all the professions available... like a suitably advanced woodsman becomes a Hunter or Ranger, or a stonecutter becomes a strong man, or a monk become a Cleric, or a peasant who drinks enough become a Drunken Master.
C942 Sep 28, 2013 @ 5:53pm 
I like a lot of Matty101's choices as this is a game that knows what a joke is we should have somewhat silly heros (but no steretypes like a over-egar/cowardly Paladin who is more devote than anyone).

I have left my suggestions unamed and for the most part gender neutral so that Games Foundry can decide on what is best. I also have not said what role they would play (tank, DPS, etc...) as I believe that some are obvious and others could go in many directions and that is for Games Foundry to decide. Hope they are good suggestions!

I would continue with obvious yet fresh takes on them like:

A engineer (technology based hero) that has massive health problems, like he coughs when talking to others.

A vampire that is a Batman parody (I'm a Bat man) and scowls a lot with the loss of his parents

A Amazonian that has daddy issues (I don't know about that one)

A DISCO GOLEM! (idle animations/specials are dance related)

A goblin that has a vendeta against his/her own kind

A little girl with a teddy, and the teddy transforms in to a monster/robot to protect her

A fish man (just a man with a fish head with a bowl on top) that has no good abilities (magikarp of heros)

A Ranger that is "one" with nature, like drugs

A steampunk wheelchair person whos handicap has increased their mental abilities and wheelchair their physical

A heavy metal Barbarian with an "axe" (kills monsters stating that they are not metal enough) with a groupie ability?

The Corgi of Death (a criminal mastermind who's latest experiment when horribly wrong and now they are stuck in the body of a Corgi)

A nerd/geek that defeats monsters with cards/facts/boring conversations (a satire of the modern nerd

A Brat that uses tantrums and such to get there way/kill monsters

The [insert veggie] Farmer who uses veggie based attacks and veggie puns

And finally a hero/heroine that is a pun on Steam/Valve, third special in never unlocked, raises the happiness of villagers, "updates" (pauses) periodically, and his/her arms look like the Steam logo
Thoogah Sep 29, 2013 @ 6:56am 
necromancer & a stealthy assasiny type :)
Feran Sep 29, 2013 @ 10:59am 
Sword/SwashBuckler type.. only based around the Cat from Shrek Puss in Boots.. instead of a ginger cat could be a tabby or a large fluffy white cat..
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