No More Room in Hell

No More Room in Hell

Question about nmo_junction
I was playing Junction a bit earlier. After some(a lot of) time, I got to the ending section where you blow up the pillars. I was messing around trying to figure out where to place the explosives since it didn't let me place them directly on the X, until I figured out I actually have to place them on the pillars. Unfortunately, I also left the farthest pillar to be the last. I tried running to the truck, but I somehow didn't get in in time and it left without me, leaving me to a disappointing death.

My question is, is it possible to run back from the farthest pillar back to the truck in time? Or have I just screwed myself by doing that? I sprinted almost the entire way back(until I heard the breathing).
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I might be wrong, but I think the bombs don't detonate until at least one player has boarded the truck.
You can still reach the truck if you're fast enough, but next time you should start with the farthest pillar when planting the bombs.
Messaggio originale di SpookyFace:
You can still reach the truck if you're fast enough, but next time you should start with the farthest pillar when planting the bombs.
Yeah, that's what I'm going to do at the end of the day.

Messaggio originale di Miller0:
Yes, it is possible. Just make sure you don't waste any time getting back to that truck, driver must be very on edge or very impatient.

I guess that must have been it haha.

Messaggio originale di A Generic Guy:
I might be wrong, but I think the bombs don't detonate until at least one player has boarded the truck.
That might be the case in coop, but it certainly isn't in solo.
Id say plant the farthest one first, which is the far right column, then plant the middle, lastly the one on the left, closest to the truck last.
It is possible but you can always place the last one first

You move slower + get tired quickly if your inventory is completly full
I planted all 3 and nothing is happening in solo? What do I need to do
In situations where you have to run fast you should consider dropping something.

You move fastest when your inventory is less than 50% full (0 - 49.5% full).

You will move 10% slower if your inventory is 50 - 99.5% full,
and 25% slower if you are 100% full.
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