Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

The Infamous Cloaker 2018년 8월 17일 오후 5시 24분
Useless perks
Why does Fallout 3 have so many perks that are absolutely useless to choose?

Just a small list as well as my reasons why I find these specific perks to be useless.

Daddy's boy/girl Just skill points

Gun nut Just skill points

Little leaguer Just skill points

theif Just skill points

Swift learner Adds extra XP, waste of perk

Scoundrel Just skill points

Fortune Finder Gives slightly more caps, waste of a perk as you never run dry on caps

Scrounger Just skill points

Here and Now Just XP to gain another level, waste of a perk point

Pyromaniac Adds damage to fire weapons, but not all of them. Bugged perk

Life Giver Adds +30 HP, useless

Size Matters Just skill points

Night Person Temporary +2 int and +2 Per during Night, doesn't effect anything good also you already likely have 10 int already

Adamantium Skeleton Just adds +50% DR to limbs, but only for LIMB damage not health damage

Lawbringer Adds "fingers" to evil characters, gain caps and possitive karma. Once more just a waste of a perk, easy to earn caps and karma

Contract killer Adds "Ears" to bad people, gain caps and negative karma. Once more just a waste of perk, easy to earn caps and karma

Tag! Just skill points

Infiltrator Get a second chance if you force locks on doors, you should never have to force locks

Computer Whiz Get a second chance if you get locked out of PC's, useless as you can just back out and go back in to refresh

Explorer Gain the locations on the map, but you are not able to fast travel to them. Even more worthless on PC as there is a console command that does the same thing.

Deep Sleep Just more XP

Devil's Highway Just Karma

Escalator to heaven Just Karma

Karmic Rebalance Just Karma

No Weakness Raise all SPECIAL stats to 5, just a worse version of "Almost perfect"

Rad tolerance Removes the negative effect of the lowest level of radiation (Useless as you most likely won't ever want to be radiated)

Warmonger Useless as you likely already have found all schematics by this level

Rad Absorption Useless as you likely already have a lot of Rad-X and Rad-away at this level as well as you medic station in your home

Nuclear Anomoly Has a high risk of killing yourself at higher difficulities
The Infamous Cloaker 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 8월 17일 오후 5시 27분
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=CrimsoN= 2018년 8월 17일 오후 7시 18분 
Thats a good question. To be fair. Some of the perks that give skills points also give unique dialogue (like, I know for fact that the Gun Nut perk gives you unique dialogue with Flak at Flak and Shrapnels).

But yeah, aside from that, there are quite a few useless perks. With mods like Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition, the perks become a ton more useful, but without something like that, most of the perks are useless.

Unlike Fallout 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas where most of the perks are substancially more useful and you have limit on the perks (i.e. Fallout NV- perk every 2 levels and classic Fallouts you get a perk every 3 levels) you can acquire, meaning that the perks you do choose matter significantly more.
The Infamous Cloaker 2018년 8월 17일 오후 9시 53분 
Driver Nephi님이 먼저 게시:
Thats a good question. To be fair. Some of the perks that give skills points also give unique dialogue (like, I know for fact that the Gun Nut perk gives you unique dialogue with Flak at Flak and Shrapnels).

But yeah, aside from that, there are quite a few useless perks. With mods like Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition, the perks become a ton more useful, but without something like that, most of the perks are useless.

Unlike Fallout 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas where most of the perks are substancially more useful and you have limit on the perks (i.e. Fallout NV- perk every 2 levels and classic Fallouts you get a perk every 3 levels) you can acquire, meaning that the perks you do choose matter significantly more.

Yeah, that is a bit of an odd thing Fallout 3 did. Having dialogue options that are directly linked ot some specific perks that doesn't seem to have uses for any dialgoue things (Like the Lifegiver one in Oasis)
Vex Hilarius 2018년 8월 18일 오전 12시 59분 
I always questioned why Bethesda put in the most useless perks in this game. I kinda just tell myself its because It was their first attempt at Fallout so they didn't really know how to manage skills, perks, special. Elder Scrolls is similar but not what Fallout was so Bethesda just combined the two gamestyles and hoped for the best.

On the top side, there are some really cool perks though, like Mister Sandman. New Vegas however just does the perk system better. Most if not all perks in NV could be useful depending on your playstyle.
The Infamous Cloaker 2018년 8월 18일 오전 1시 17분 
DiscountLouisCK님이 먼저 게시:
I always questioned why Bethesda put in the most useless perks in this game. I kinda just tell myself its because It was their first attempt at Fallout so they didn't really know how to manage skills, perks, special. Elder Scrolls is similar but not what Fallout was so Bethesda just combined the two gamestyles and hoped for the best.

On the top side, there are some really cool perks though, like Mister Sandman. New Vegas however just does the perk system better. Most if not all perks in NV could be useful depending on your playstyle.

True, though there are still some perks that linger that are wrothless in new vegas as well as a few new that are quite bad as well.

For example most people would never pick up something like Lead Belly in new vegas (Same reason as on here but even more so in new vegas with all the clean water sources), here and now still exists, same with swift learner. And adamantium skeleton is even worse in new vegas as you have doctors bags in that game as well. And the very nerfed version of Grim Reaper's sprint which is never a good level 20 option. Also it has some bugged perks like In Shining armor which does absolutely nothing at all. Also we got a perk that is almost only good on the hardcore mode being the "Home on the range" which is the one that allows you to sleep at campfires. Another honorable mention of weirdly useless perks goes to "Broad Daylight" the perk that removes the penalty for sneaking with the Pip-boy light on. We also have an even worse version of Swift learne being "Lessons learned" which is the perk that gives a +1% xp gain per player level
TJ the HedgeScout 2018년 8월 18일 오전 8시 12분 
Why not revamp them?
My ideas.
Daddy's boy/girl: 1 extra guess and 20% more healing from stimpacks

Gun nut: 10% more accuracy and damage with small guns

Little leaguer: 10% more damage with melee and +1% Crit chance (including max chance)

theif: higher % success chance

Scoundrel: better prices and set the min/max ratio to 1:1

Fortune Finder: Gives slightly more caps from containers, quests and enemies

Pyromaniac: Adds damage to fire weapons, also adds 25% fire resistance

Life Giver: Adds +50 HP and heal 1 HP per minute each rank speeds up by 15 seconds.

Size Matters: 10% more accuracy and damage from Big Guns
TJ the HedgeScout 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 8월 18일 오전 8시 14분
Ryÿ 2018년 8월 18일 오전 10시 13분 
How are you guys even able to play?
Brandybuck 2018년 8월 18일 오전 10시 46분 
The should have had only those perks that the OP wanted. Shame on Bethesda for not consulting with him first.
=CrimsoN= 2018년 8월 18일 오전 10시 48분 
Ryÿ님이 먼저 게시:
How are you guys even able to play?

What do you mean? Like able to play without the game crashing? Follow the sticky thread. I usually only get crashing if I cause it myself or after like 5 or 6 hours of gameplay.
wicked lester 2018년 8월 18일 오후 2시 45분 
Ryÿ님이 먼저 게시:
How are you guys even able to play?

TTW off my Good Old Games copy of NV. I still get crashes more frequently than I'd like but quite playable.
wicked lester 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 8월 18일 오후 2시 46분
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페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2018년 8월 17일 오후 5시 24분
게시글: 9