The Cave

The Cave

New News for Linux?
Any new news on the Linux version of the game?
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1-15 / 121 のコメントを表示
Will be released this year!
Cloonaid の投稿を引用:
Will be released this year!
Lol, hopefully sometime this week
I will only buy it, when they release it on linux.
=(eG)= d10sfan の投稿を引用:
New News for Linux?

Angry penguin masses are building up outside Double Fine HQ. They want blood..or fish, we're not sure.
Amrey 2013年1月30日 8時15分 
Another angry pengiun here!
Just kidding :) .... about the angry part..... but I still want linux version.... giff update plx :)
kon 2013年1月30日 11時26分 
Wait for linux version too. Agggrh......
So after it's released are we going to chant "So long and thanks for all the fish"?
Guess twitter isn't a good way to get a response from the devs. Oh well
Really hoping it will be released this week. I already own a copy, just waiting for it to pop up in my linux list.
i will buy a copy after linux release!
Will the linux version published only for steam beta testers?
The Linux version will be released for anyone on Linux. It's delayed another week unfortunately, due to some tricky driver/GL bugs we still have to resolve. Sorry for the delay guys =/
salt 2013年1月31日 12時47分 
Thanks for the update Justin. It's awesome that Doublefine is giving Linux love. Personally I can wait for a good game on linux, rather than have a buggy game on linux now.
Hope you guys can overcome your issues without too much hassle. We appreciate the effort <3

It's been hard to steer clear of spoilers, though >_<
s_d 2013年2月1日 14時17分 
Justin, Cheese is right... our spoiler resistance is waning! We're trying, though...
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投稿日: 2013年1月29日 7時00分
投稿数: 121