Penumbra: Overture

Penumbra: Overture

Barrel glitch
Hey guys, so I have this really frustrating glitch and it is stopping me from progressing in the game.

After you have made the fuse, you are suppose to go back to where you got caved in, light the barrel so it explodes and then you can climb through the hole and progress.

However in my case, there is no barrel :( I have loaded a new game twice and uninstalled the game, and the issue is still there D:

Does anyone know how to sort this out?
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
As you first enter the area, with the door that breaks when the demon dog comes thru it, there is a little area to the left, the barrel of TnT can be found there.

Hope this helps.
yep it helps, so I have the fuse AND the TNT barrel, but where sould IU use them ? the nots say "i found a potential way out, but need to remove the rubble first" but it doesnt say where !

edit: ok it seems to be where it says "northern area" on the map, very near from where you find the tnt barrel.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: neofutur; 2015. szept. 22., 19:49
Thanks for your help ^^
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2015. máj. 30., 16:25
Hozzászólások: 3