BryBry_81 Jul 2, 2023 @ 8:50pm
Fish animations need improvement
I just got the demo and purchased the Reef DLC based on the reviews. I opted to skip the other 2. Anyways, I enjoyed everything in the whale demo. However, the fish in the reef demo are animated really poorly. The fins move OK, but they turn around in all sorts of directions like they're made of a flat piece of cardboard. They don't so much swim as they just spin around in circles. It really breaks the immersion experience for me and doesn't look realistic at all. in fact, it looks plain dumb. The Jellyfish also occasionally clip through each other, which again is immersion breaking. Fix those issues, and you've got a great demo to showcase to people who have never experienced VR. It's not like these objects are randomly placed each time, it's the same demo over and over again, so why is it so clunky?