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R1ch4rd N1x0n 2017년 9월 15일 오전 8시 41분
How do Leon and Helena never see any J'avos?
Like, they were in China, they should have at least encountered a few J'avos.

Also, Chris, Piers, Jake, and Sherry never see any zombies, like seriously, there were zombies everywhere in China, as well as J'avos.

Ada and Agent are the only ones who encounter both, which is why that campaign is my favorite.

Like, can someone explain to me how or why no other characters encounter both at any point in the game?
R1ch4rd N1x0n 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 9월 15일 오전 8시 47분
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klimat13 2017년 9월 15일 오전 9시 42분 
Leon and Helena possibly get a glimpse on one Javo briefly in a cutscene =). It's the one in which Simmons gets infected.
R1ch4rd N1x0n 2017년 9월 15일 오전 10시 05분 
klimat13님이 먼저 게시:
Leon and Helena possibly get a glimpse on one Javo briefly in a cutscene =). It's the one in which Simmons gets infected.
They don't see it.
Lanzagranadas 2017년 9월 16일 오전 9시 40분 
There was no reason for zombies to be in China until Neo-Umbrella launched the missile at the end of Chris/Leon chapter 4. Leon and Helena didn't see any zombies in China before that (except the zombies in the airplane, that were caused by the Lepotitsa aboard)

The C Virus only creates zombies when it's spread in gas form, when it's injected it creates J'avos. Tall Oaks had zombies because Simmons' agents sent Lepotitsas to spread the gas through the town, then the same happened in the airplane.
J'avos were Neo-Umbrella soldiers/goons/mercenaries who injected themselves the syringes Carla gave them before the incident began.

Chris and Piers were sent to China to deal with Neo-Umbrella, hence why they actively had to engage and kill J'avos, while J'avos were pursuing Jake and Sherry. Leon and Helena went to China after Simmons, they had no reason to waste time going through J'avo zones, nor did J'avos have any reason to go after them.

Ada's campaign have both zombies and J'avos, but there's an inconsistency there because she actually finds zombies in China before the C missille launch, which doesn't make sense because the only zombies at that point should have been those in the airplane that was crashed and burn to flames.
R1ch4rd N1x0n 2017년 9월 16일 오후 2시 36분 
Lanzagranadas님이 먼저 게시:
There was no reason for zombies to be in China until Neo-Umbrella launched the missile at the end of Chris/Leon chapter 4. Leon and Helena didn't see any zombies in China before that (except the zombies in the airplane, that were caused by the Lepotitsa aboard)

The C Virus only creates zombies when it's spread in gas form, when it's injected it creates J'avos. Tall Oaks had zombies because Simmons' agents sent Lepotitsas to spread the gas through the town, then the same happened in the airplane.
J'avos were Neo-Umbrella soldiers/goons/mercenaries who injected themselves the syringes Carla gave them before the incident began.

Chris and Piers were sent to China to deal with Neo-Umbrella, hence why they actively had to engage and kill J'avos, while J'avos were pursuing Jake and Sherry. Leon and Helena went to China after Simmons, they had no reason to waste time going through J'avo zones, nor did J'avos have any reason to go after them.

Ada's campaign have both zombies and J'avos, but there's an inconsistency there because she actually finds zombies in China before the C missille launch, which doesn't make sense because the only zombies at that point should have been those in the airplane that was crashed and burn to flames.
Well Ada and Agent encounter at least up to 20 zombies in China, before the missle. And a dead lepotitsa body. Maybe the zombies fell out of the plane and landed there?

Oh and another thing, there's no reason Leon and Helena shouldn't have seen J'avos in China, they were everywhere.
R1ch4rd N1x0n 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 9월 16일 오후 2시 41분
Adngel 2017년 9월 16일 오후 2시 48분 
The zombies that Ada finds, are chinese citizens affected by the lepotista that Leon and Helena throw from the plane.

When Ada arrive to the square and find the lepotista corpse with the crowbar impalled and the group of zombies that her collapse with the ground generated. She fights Ubitsvo and continue the battle through the bus and the train rails.

Meanwhile, Jake and Sherry come to the same square, this time they don´t find zombies, instead they just find the lepotista death with a lot of citizens corpses, they are the zombies that Ada and Ubitsvo killed before.

There are not much place of zombies before the Waiyip incident. For then, Chris, Piers, Jake and Sherry are already on their way to the submarine facility, so they miss the chance to see zombies in China.

The issues with the J'avos is that these enemies are not totally mindless, they move ferverishly towards an objective. Their mission was capture Jake Muller, so he and Sherry had to face a lot of J'avos siege during their way through China.

Chris and Piers during their mission 1, were they who enter into the J'avos´s path, they were there looking for them to stop their violence and release their hostages.
In chapter 2 again, they were in Edonia to stop the terrorists J'avos.
For the chapter 3, they go to a point close from Jake and Sherry, so the J'avos numbers increase in those areas, but then they go into poisawan, there are not J'avos there, just the Iluzijaa. It´s when they find Carla and start her pursuit when they meet with J`avos again, who are there protecting her leader.
In chapter 4 and chapter 5, are Neo Umbrella facilities, and Carla used the J'avos as her own army.

So, Leon, after the plane and the Ustanak battleground, he goes to a market, where is not Jake, nor Carla, nor is any J'avo hidehout with hostages... so J'avos presense are not totally demanded.

After that they go to the NeoUmbrella warehouse that hasn´t got enemies (and Chris with Piers already killed the J`avos that were in the docks), also, is just 1 building, it is not odd that there were not J'avos everywhere.

After his Chris confrontation, he goes to the metting with SImmons where J'avos were close, but still Leon and Helena didn´t explore like Jake and Sherry did when they searched for an exit, Leon and Harper literally went straight from the door that they entered, into the train through the balcony....

In Waiyip there were not J'avos, that´s why the BSAA was evacuating the citizens into that area.

Perhaps, if Leon would have been longer time next to Jake, pursuing Carla, or any from the J'avos´s targets, he would have found more J'avos. But Leon went to China for Simmons, so he didn't got confronted with the middle phase C-virus infected.
Lanzagranadas 2017년 9월 16일 오후 6시 34분 
R1ch4rd N1x0n님이 먼저 게시:
Oh and another thing, there's no reason Leon and Helena shouldn't have seen J'avos in China, they were everywhere.

J'avos were not everywhere. Zombies could have been everywhere in the streets (except in evacuated areas) because they were regular people living their lives. J'avos were Carla's army and, unlike zombies, they were intelligent enough to follow orders, they don't just randomly go anywhere and attack anyone, during the incident they had to concentrate their forces on stopping the BSAA and kidnapping Jake, they had nothing to do with Leon or Helena. Besides, Leon and Helena didn't really spend much time in China.

Adngel님이 먼저 게시:
The zombies that Ada finds, are chinese citizens affected by the lepotista that Leon and Helena throw from the plane.

When Ada arrive to the square and find the lepotista corpse with the crowbar impalled and the group of zombies that her collapse with the ground generated. She fights Ubitsvo and continue the battle through the bus and the train rails.

Makes sense then. I didn't remember there was a Lepotitsa corpse around those zombies Ada met.
R1ch4rd N1x0n 2017년 9월 16일 오후 6시 36분 
Lanzagranadas님이 먼저 게시:
R1ch4rd N1x0n님이 먼저 게시:
Oh and another thing, there's no reason Leon and Helena shouldn't have seen J'avos in China, they were everywhere.

J'avos were not everywhere. Zombies could have been everywhere in the streets (except in evacuated areas) because they were regular people living their lives. J'avos were Carla's army and, unlike zombies, they were intelligent enough to follow orders, they don't just randomly go anywhere and attack anyone, during the incident they had to concentrate their forces on stopping the BSAA and kidnapping Jake, they had nothing to do with Leon or Helena. Besides, Leon and Helena didn't really spend much time in China.

Adngel님이 먼저 게시:
The zombies that Ada finds, are chinese citizens affected by the lepotista that Leon and Helena throw from the plane.

When Ada arrive to the square and find the lepotista corpse with the crowbar impalled and the group of zombies that her collapse with the ground generated. She fights Ubitsvo and continue the battle through the bus and the train rails.

Makes sense then. I didn't remember there was a Lepotitsa corpse around those zombies Ada met.
About the lepotitsa Ada and Agent see, I mean it's like shriveled up and hard to make out but you can clearly see it's a lepotitsa with a crowbar rammed into it's face if you look at it close up. Jake and Sherry also see that dead lepotitsa.
R1ch4rd N1x0n 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 9월 16일 오후 6시 37분
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게시된 날짜: 2017년 9월 15일 오전 8시 41분
게시글: 7