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Who are the mods here?
Okay, who the hell are the mods here? Steam themselves? Towns devs?

I personally, am not a fan of having a thread locked in the middle of an actual conversation with no reason for it what so ever.

Mods dont have the right to dictate what it is we do or do not discuss within the GAMES group.
Отредактировано KaosReigns; 2 дек. 2012 г. в 16:39
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I think it's just Steam mods on these boards
Fizban Frobozz (Заблокирован) 2 дек. 2012 г. в 16:40 
Usually, game devs are also mods here. I know that was the case for Cortex Command. I think Tom K is, too.
Автор сообщения: BattleSausage
I think it's just Steam mods on these boards

Then they best stay the ♥♥♥♥ out of the personal game groups, or im sure there will be issues. They have no business coming in here locking our threads when they have nothing to do with the game outside of sales.

Evecque and I were FINALLY coming to some sort of an understanding, when bam, thread closed. No, not agreeing, but understanding.... Now im a little miffed at the mods :/
Отредактировано KaosReigns; 2 дек. 2012 г. в 16:41
Fizban Frobozz (Заблокирован) 2 дек. 2012 г. в 16:41 
I think the Steam mods only lock/delete when they feel there is a rules violation. You can see all the ruled through the link on the right.
Автор сообщения: Evecque
I think the Steam mods only lock/delete when they feel there is a rules violation. You can see all the ruled through the link on the right.

Hopefully someone comes on and admits to it then, I fail to see what was wrong in that thread aside some heated discussions.

From everyone, not just 1 side.... Everyone in that thread is included lol
Отредактировано KaosReigns; 2 дек. 2012 г. в 16:42
These are the *Steam* forums. Ultimately, Valve is the one who dictates what rights we, as posters, and the mods have here. Frankly, I'm surprised things in this forum have gotten this far without a mod stepping in earlier. I just hope the trolls are happy that they just got smacked down by mod, maybe they'll go away now.
Fizban Frobozz (Заблокирован) 2 дек. 2012 г. в 17:27 
Автор сообщения: Zorlond
These are the *Steam* forums. Ultimately, Valve is the one who dictates what rights we, as posters, and the mods have here. Frankly, I'm surprised things in this forum have gotten this far without a mod stepping in earlier. I just hope the trolls are happy that they just got smacked down by mod, maybe they'll go away now.
With all due respect, I don't think the mods support one side or the other and I suspect they found plenty of violations on both sides of the arguement. Maybe they will state the exact reasons for the locking but I doubt it.
The thread in question was locked due to becoming a huge flame war with little discussion.
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Дата создания: 2 дек. 2012 г. в 16:38
Сообщений: 8