Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program

Mechjeb and docking
Im having problems with docking and Mechjeb. I'm using the newest release 2.0.5.

Rendevous works, and I can bring the rockets within a few hundred meters or each other. But when I switch to automatic docking assist, it just rotates a little, then slowly drifts further away from the other rocket without getting closer. What am I doing wrong?
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Do u have Monopropellant fuel+RCS thruster + RCS enabled?
that might be it, I tried using an RCS after reading some stuff, but I dont think i added any fuel.
Make sure you put the RCS thrusters in the right spot, or else your ship will rotate like you said. I usually place a set of 4 thrusters at Center of Mass (part of the rocket your trying to dock, not the center of mass of the entire rocket), or if you want you can put some at the top and bottom. Just make sure you place them at equal distance from the center of mass.
how did you manage to get that? i cant get mine to rendevous it just ends up crashing
You need a docking port on each and you may have to rotate your ship to get it to dock.
sorry poor explaination i cant get them close when i use the rondevous thing it just propells me into an orbit where i eventually crash :(
If it helps, I launch into a stable orbit first, then use the rendevous option to meet up.
Learn to do it manually. Watch this video -
mechjeb comes as a part(s) that you add to the rocket. It doesn't just work straight off if thats what you mean. You should see mechjeb parts in the pods section as well as else where.
I had this same problem, you need to add the mechjeb control piece to your rocket before the UI will be shown.
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 8. dub. 2013 v 15.38
Počet příspěvků: 10