Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program

I haven't made it to the Mun
I am at 45 hrs and haven't made it to the Mun despite watching 50 hours of youtubes. I am starting to feel a little dumb. Am I behind the curve?
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
m3 Mar 20 @ 7:59pm 
Originally posted by Fleshbits:
I am at 45 hrs and haven't made it to the Mun despite watching 50 hours of youtubes. I am starting to feel a little dumb. Am I behind the curve?
it took me several entire days to figure out the mun
and a year or two for rendezvous
KSP is just a tough game
you can do it man
There is no curve. You do you.

It entirely depends on how you play and learn. Some players might watch a mun video for beginners, copy the exact craft, copy every action/movement and get to the mun after a few tries, not really actually knowing anything.

Others might be distracted by the many, many things there are to learn and end up on the mun 100s of hours later with the knowledge on the how and why of everything and able to design their own mun ship and mission.

Last edited by arjensmit79; Mar 21 @ 1:44am
first get to orbit, second make a manuver node that gets in the SoI of the Mun, third get in the SoI of the Mun and make orbit, then fourth go back home or land!
Nats Apr 13 @ 12:26pm 
He means the orbit of the Mun. You get into orbit around Kerbin then use a manoeuvre node to create an intersect with Muns orbit around Kerbin. You have to drag around the node until it intersects with Mun somehow you will see a shaded Mun created when it is in the right place which shows where the Mun will be by the time you have travelled there. Once you have that sorted you just use that node to travel to Mun and when getting close you use another node to enter orbit around Mun.

You will be pleased to learn that getting there is a lot harder than getting back as the weak gravity of the Mun and the strong gravity of Kerbin make it a doddle getting back.
Last edited by Nats; Apr 13 @ 12:27pm
ee Apr 13 @ 4:07pm 
Play sandbox rather than career. Surely you can make it to the Mun with brute force rocketry. In career or science mode you're given very little to play with and slowly have to work your way to up as far as parts you can use.
Here are my three tips tips for playing KSP.
(1) First Save The Game Often. Before and after attempting anything, every time, always Especially in Carrier Mode.
This game is tough but it ain't gotta' be.
(2) Second get into the habit on using the tool in the lower right menu to setup orbits and flight paths.
Do not struggle with the map if it becomes a struggle since the game has no pause while you attempt to set Orbits up in a hurry sometimes. Using the Map is awkward and can be stressful at times. When you get to a point where you want to set up orbits or flight paths ... SAVE BEFORE SETTING THEM UP it is a critical part of the game ... that way if you bone it, or can't complete it before the position passes, you can reload and try it again.
Getting into the habit of saving the game often can remove much of the stress and frustration from the game ... It does for me BIG TIME.
Use the slider to adjust the increments of you adjustments within the tool.
If you do not get the desired path, simply use the opposite manipulation to get you back to zero and try another type orbit manipulation.

The suggestion to play in Sandbox for some practice runs is a very good one.
But you may find saving the game often might help almost as much, maybe more.

For me at least almost every time I pull something off for the first time, I think this was really much easier than I made it out to be.
This game can be tough until you loose your fear of crashing or failure ... because you have not developed the habit of saving often. I would have never even attempted most of the nutty stuff I do in this game if I did not develop that habit. I can't ever remember thinking ... boy I wish I did NOT save the game right then and there, but I do think ... geeze why the heck did I not save the game before I did that dicey maneuver often ... now I'm PICKLED. This goes for everything, always, every time, Launches, Landings, Intercepts, Space Walks ... EVERYTHING ... you simply can not have to many saves.

(3) Third put your pride to one side and any preconceived notions about Mods as cheats, and get the Mod Menu and the Mod Manager.
That way you can place a Vehicle in orbit around Kerbin and practice intercepts, or the Mun and do practice Landings, and or practice return trips. When you are ready put it all together and make a shot. Would real Astronauts attempt anything without some sort of practice or simulation ... I think not. If you don't think this is called for now, just wait until you attempt deeper Space adventures. I doubt I'd a ever made it to Jool in one shot without those practice shots in stages. That in turn would have never led me to what I really enjoy now ... building Vessels.

Getting the Mod Menu and Mod Manager are the first steps into a bigger better KSP World and experience, you can have multiple saves going at anytime and run your carrier saved game pure KSP without any Mods if you like VIA multiple file saves of the complete game.
I played a couple of hundred hours without them and I regretted it after getting them and could not imagine limiting my experience now, I could not play without them and the Worlds they open up. I like many have several versions of the game backed up and jump in between them often. The next Videos you might consider watching are some that address Mods, the use of them, and game backups and manipulating the STEAM Game files.
To be totally honest, I have not revisited my stock game save in a long time and may never it's just not the KSP World I want to be in any longer.
Last edited by DEAD MEAT; Apr 13 @ 9:15pm
Originally posted by DEAD MEAT:
Here are my three tips tips for playing KSP.
(1) First Save The Game Often. Before and after attempting anything, every time, always Especially in Carrier Mode.
This game is tough but it ain't gotta' be.
(2) Second get into the habit on using the tool in the lower right menu to setup orbits and flight paths.
Do not struggle with the map if it becomes a struggle since the game has no pause while you attempt to set Orbits up in a hurry sometimes. Using the Map is awkward and can be stressful at times. When you get to a point where you want to set up orbits or flight paths ... SAVE BEFORE SETTING THEM UP it is a critical part of the game ... that way if you bone it, or can't complete it before the position passes, you can reload and try it again.
Getting into the habit of saving the game often can remove much of the stress and frustration from the game ... It does for me BIG TIME.
Use the slider to adjust the increments of you adjustments within the tool.
If you do not get the desired path, simply use the opposite manipulation to get you back to zero and try another type orbit manipulation.

The suggestion to play in Sandbox for some practice runs is a very good one.
But you may find saving the game often might help almost as much, maybe more.

For me at least almost every time I pull something off for the first time, I think this was really much easier than I made it out to be.
This game can be tough until you loose your fear of crashing or failure ... because you have not developed the habit of saving often. I would have never even attempted most of the nutty stuff I do in this game if I did not develop that habit. I can't ever remember thinking ... boy I wish I did NOT save the game right then and there, but I do think ... geeze why the heck did I not save the game before I did that dicey maneuver often ... now I'm PICKLED. This goes for everything, always, every time, Launches, Landings, Intercepts, Space Walks ... EVERYTHING ... you simply can not have to many saves.

(3) Third put your pride to one side and any preconceived notions about Mods as cheats, and get the Mod Menu and the Mod Manager.
That way you can place a Vehicle in orbit around Kerbin and practice intercepts, or the Mun and do practice Landings, and or practice return trips. When you are ready put it all together and make a shot. Would real Astronauts attempt anything without some sort of practice or simulation ... I think not. If you don't think this is called for now, just wait until you attempt deeper Space adventures. I doubt I'd a ever made it to Jool in one shot without those practice shots in stages. That in turn would have never led me to what I really enjoy now ... building Vessels.

Getting the Mod Menu and Mod Manager are the first steps into a bigger better KSP World and experience, you can have multiple saves going at anytime and run your carrier saved game pure KSP without any Mods if you like VIA multiple file saves of the complete game.
I played a couple of hundred hours without them and I regretted it after getting them and could not imagine limiting my experience now, I could not play without them and the Worlds they open up. I like many have several versions of the game backed up and jump in between them often. The next Videos you might consider watching are some that address Mods, the use of them, and game backups and manipulating the STEAM Game files.
To be totally honest, I have not revisited my stock game save in a long time and may never it's just not the KSP World I want to be in any longer.
YOURE UNBANNNED:KSmiley::KSmiley::KSmiley:
Nats Apr 14 @ 1:37pm 
Originally posted by ee:
Play sandbox rather than career

I played this game in sandbox for years and its very rewarding especially when you try to rescue your stranded Kerbals.

The career mode is rubbish
Originally posted by ☭KSPBugger☭:
Originally posted by DEAD MEAT:
Here are my three tips tips for playing KSP.
(1) First Save The Game Often. Before and after attempting anything, every time, always Especially in Carrier Mode.
This game is tough but it ain't gotta' be.
(2) Second get into the habit on using the tool in the lower right menu to setup orbits and flight paths.
Do not struggle with the map if it becomes a struggle since the game has no pause while you attempt to set Orbits up in a hurry sometimes. Using the Map is awkward and can be stressful at times. When you get to a point where you want to set up orbits or flight paths ... SAVE BEFORE SETTING THEM UP it is a critical part of the game ... that way if you bone it, or can't complete it before the position passes, you can reload and try it again.
Getting into the habit of saving the game often can remove much of the stress and frustration from the game ... It does for me BIG TIME.
Use the slider to adjust the increments of you adjustments within the tool.
If you do not get the desired path, simply use the opposite manipulation to get you back to zero and try another type orbit manipulation.

The suggestion to play in Sandbox for some practice runs is a very good one.
But you may find saving the game often might help almost as much, maybe more.

For me at least almost every time I pull something off for the first time, I think this was really much easier than I made it out to be.
This game can be tough until you loose your fear of crashing or failure ... because you have not developed the habit of saving often. I would have never even attempted most of the nutty stuff I do in this game if I did not develop that habit. I can't ever remember thinking ... boy I wish I did NOT save the game right then and there, but I do think ... geeze why the heck did I not save the game before I did that dicey maneuver often ... now I'm PICKLED. This goes for everything, always, every time, Launches, Landings, Intercepts, Space Walks ... EVERYTHING ... you simply can not have to many saves.

(3) Third put your pride to one side and any preconceived notions about Mods as cheats, and get the Mod Menu and the Mod Manager.
That way you can place a Vehicle in orbit around Kerbin and practice intercepts, or the Mun and do practice Landings, and or practice return trips. When you are ready put it all together and make a shot. Would real Astronauts attempt anything without some sort of practice or simulation ... I think not. If you don't think this is called for now, just wait until you attempt deeper Space adventures. I doubt I'd a ever made it to Jool in one shot without those practice shots in stages. That in turn would have never led me to what I really enjoy now ... building Vessels.

Getting the Mod Menu and Mod Manager are the first steps into a bigger better KSP World and experience, you can have multiple saves going at anytime and run your carrier saved game pure KSP without any Mods if you like VIA multiple file saves of the complete game.
I played a couple of hundred hours without them and I regretted it after getting them and could not imagine limiting my experience now, I could not play without them and the Worlds they open up. I like many have several versions of the game backed up and jump in between them often. The next Videos you might consider watching are some that address Mods, the use of them, and game backups and manipulating the STEAM Game files.
To be totally honest, I have not revisited my stock game save in a long time and may never it's just not the KSP World I want to be in any longer.
YOURE UNBANNNED:KSmiley::KSmiley::KSmiley:

What can I say ????
I'm an old GTA5 forum hand ... YEARS.
Over there I developed the philosophy ...
"If you ain't getting banned every now and then ... you are doing it wrong."
Does not carry over well on more civilized Games / Forums.
Needs work.
Originally posted by DEAD MEAT:
Originally posted by ☭KSPBugger☭:
YOURE UNBANNNED:KSmiley::KSmiley::KSmiley:

What can I say ????
I'm an old GTA5 forum hand ... YEARS.
Over there I developed the philosophy ...
"If you ain't getting banned every now and then ... you are doing it wrong."
Does not carry over well on more civilized Games / Forums.
Needs work.
got banned once on ksp forums for spam
I used to take 12 kerbals to the mun for tourist missions.

Re-Entry was fun.

It was like some weird X-shaped 4 symmetry peapod thing with heat shields. Made like 1.2m per mun trip.
A month or 2 ago I was too much of a wimp to try and make it to orbit
Now i'm failing to even make it interplanetary. I'm able to go to the Mün still :Khappy:
mrakomo Apr 23 @ 7:31am 
Based on the recommendations of Mike Aben (a Youtuber, that created really good series about the game), it is better to go to Minmus instead of starting with Mun. It is further so it requires more deltaV, to get there, but landing is much easier due to low gravity.

If you have a trouble with orbits, I strongly suggest his tutorial videos. He explains those really well. And the suggestion to "SAVE" earlier in this thread is invaluable. I remember trying to land with a plane fifteen times.

Kerbal is an unforgiving game, but it is so fun to play!
Nats Apr 23 @ 11:31am 
Oh yes Minmus is the usual first step. Mun second. I got to Duna but never got back. That's as far as I ever got. I preferred trying to save stranded Kerbals.
Originally posted by mrakomo:
Kerbal is an unforgiving game, but it is so fun to play!
Well, it literally *is* rocket science.

But the challenge makes it all the more rewarding when you progress from design failures to launch failures, then eventually non-failures.
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