

DocTime56 Feb 7, 2016 @ 8:24pm
Antichamber-like games???
Hi! I loved antichamber and also liked portal, and i just bought polarity, but i wanted to ask if anyone knows a game that feels more like antichamber.
I wanna something Antichamber-ish:acduck:
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Showing 1-15 of 107 comments
So no games like Portal then? Can you define this more?
DocTime56 Feb 12, 2016 @ 7:18pm 
Something that feels more like a pure puzzle game, i loved portal, and GlaDos, but i´m looking for something without a story
Originally posted by main_gi:
So no games like Portal then? Can you define this more?
Californ1a Feb 12, 2016 @ 7:19pm 
Originally posted by doctime56:
but i´m looking for something without a story
Antichamber has a story...
DocTime56 Feb 12, 2016 @ 7:22pm 
Originally posted by Californ1a:
Originally posted by doctime56:
but i´m looking for something without a story
Antichamber has a story...
Really?? I didn´t notice it, even when i filled all the moral wall,
Well, then i´m just looking for something with a world with a different logic, something that really makes me think.
P.D. thanks for the colortone recommendation, i haven´t bought it yet, but it looks like what i wanna play
Last edited by DocTime56; Feb 12, 2016 @ 7:27pm
Yonzoo Feb 17, 2016 @ 6:10am 
Originally posted by Californ1a:

WTF is it with you and suggestings Colortone to everyone!?
buckysrevenge Feb 17, 2016 @ 12:47pm 
Although they do have stories, the puzzles in Talos Principle and q.u.b.e. seem more like antichamber to me.
Californ1a Feb 17, 2016 @ 6:27pm 
Originally posted by Yonzoo1105:
WTF is it with you and suggestings Colortone to everyone!?
Because people are asking for "Antichamber-like" games, and it is similar. You could ask the same thing for people suggesting Portal, QUBE, or Talos on these threads (however, I don't think Portal or Talos really compare).

Also, it's a good cheap game. Sure there are a couple minor bugs and it's fairly short, but it is good.
Yonzoo Feb 17, 2016 @ 6:46pm 
Originally posted by Californ1a:
Originally posted by Yonzoo1105:
WTF is it with you and suggestings Colortone to everyone!?
Because people are asking for "Antichamber-like" games, and it is similar. You could ask the same thing for people suggesting Portal, QUBE, or Talos on these threads (however, I don't think Portal or Talos really compare).

Also, it's a good cheap game. Sure there are a couple minor bugs and it's fairly short, but it is good.

Fair enough, its just that i saw you at least twice. It kinda looked like you were getting paid by the devs xD
Originally posted by Californ1a:
Originally posted by Yonzoo1105:
WTF is it with you and suggestings Colortone to everyone!?
Because people are asking for "Antichamber-like" games, and it is similar. You could ask the same thing for people suggesting Portal, QUBE, or Talos on these threads (however, I don't think Portal or Talos really compare).

Also, it's a good cheap game. Sure there are a couple minor bugs and it's fairly short, but it is good.
I played the demo actually and I just could not finish it, the sensitivity, that FoV, no rewinding, ugh! But its mechanics seem pretty cool.

Originally posted by Yonzoo1105:
Originally posted by Californ1a:
Because people are asking for "Antichamber-like" games, and it is similar. You could ask the same thing for people suggesting Portal, QUBE, or Talos on these threads (however, I don't think Portal or Talos really compare).

Also, it's a good cheap game. Sure there are a couple minor bugs and it's fairly short, but it is good.

Fair enough, its just that i saw you at least twice. It kinda looked like you were getting paid by the devs xD
You should look at the games I love, I have probably recommended LogicBox and SpaceChem over 24 times now. But they are great games.

By the way, I haven't bought it yet, so I can't say anything about its quality, but The Witness's idea of learning without text mirrors that somewhat of Antichamber. People do have a lot worse things to say about The Witness though.
Yuen Mar 5, 2016 @ 12:37am 
I'd suggest The Stanley Parable. It slightly is a puzzle, but it's more of a psychological mind♥♥♥♥ puzzle. I don't want to spoil much, but the game looks boring at first, but after the first try it just gets better and better and better.
ergot Mar 5, 2016 @ 8:25pm 
Tri: Of friendship and madness
The room
Kappagon Mar 25, 2016 @ 6:54pm 
QUBE is a good one but far less ambitious and more relaxed than most FPS Puzzlers out there.
wirroj Apr 1, 2016 @ 1:20pm 
I've played both Talos and Tri quite a lot, and both are good, but I've got stuck on both of them and not played either for quite a while. Tri: plays with a physics to confuse your sense space and location (direction of gravity), but there's not really any game which is quite like Antichamber that I know of. Both games allow plenty of exploration without time constraints. Currently on my second play through of AC.

I was wondering about what a second AC could be like. Would it need to depart too much in gameplay from the original?

I'd recommend English Country Tune, for it's abstract puzzles, music, and general atmosphere, but it's not first person exploration. Also recommend Kairo. Tried Parallax but didn't get into it.

Last edited by wirroj; Apr 2, 2016 @ 2:38am
alike03 Apr 4, 2016 @ 4:57pm 
It has a demo which you can tryout shows the gamemechanics without spoiling anything.
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