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Soul Walker Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:43am
For the kids!
Thanks to you all we raised $128 for the Children's Hospital of Illinois! Hopefully we can do this again next time!
Last edited by Soul Walker; Nov 8, 2015 @ 12:46pm
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Showing 1-15 of 129 comments
misswhitecocaine Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:44am 
I thought this was going to be a weird thread.
I thought wrong.
TheAfroPanda Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:44am 
good luck dude
Payday 2 is ~not~ the kind of game you want to be publicising right now.
Especially for a kids charity.
Are you insane?
gigantopithecus1 Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:50am 
Originally posted by Inny【鼠】Nazrin:
Payday 2 is ~not~ the kind of game you want to be publicising right now.
Especially for a kids charity.
Are you insane?
What game would you suggest?
Good luck with your stream OP. I hope you don't do anything silly to embarass yourself like blow up the hotline miami lab.
openroadracer #TAIWAN #UKRAINE (Banned) Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:52am 
I would have gone with Smash Bros. if I were you...
Soul Walker Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:53am 
Originally posted by Inny【鼠】Nazrin:
Payday 2 is ~not~ the kind of game you want to be publicising right now.
Especially for a kids charity.
Are you insane?
Here's the thing, as much as Payday 2 put a sour taste in my mouth, I am allowed to play any game of choice (that are within terms of twitch's tos) so I left it to the people. That poll is more or less a suggestion of Games I'd prefer to play. At the end of the day I'm playing the games for others to watch and trying to help raise money for a good cause.
Soul Walker Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:54am 
Originally posted by openroadracer #IAmNotAWallet:
I would have gone with Smash Bros. if I were you...

There hasn't been any rule outs so far, only games that will be ruled out are games I cannot acquire before the Saturday.
It's an 18 rated game where you kill 100's of cops every heist.

For a kids charity.
Soul Walker Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:55am 
Originally posted by gigantopithecus1:
Originally posted by Inny【鼠】Nazrin:
Payday 2 is ~not~ the kind of game you want to be publicising right now.
Especially for a kids charity.
Are you insane?
What game would you suggest?
Good luck with your stream OP. I hope you don't do anything silly to embarass yourself like blow up the hotline miami lab.
Thank you! Don't worry I'll find some way to screw up otherwise somehow, 9 times out of 10 I'll be playing solo since usual group that I used to play with outright refuses to play it or install it again.
Soul Walker Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:56am 
Originally posted by Inny【鼠】Nazrin:
It's an 18 rated game where you kill 100's of cops every heist.

For a kids charity.

It's a Game and it's not breaking any T.O.S.
openroadracer #TAIWAN #UKRAINE (Banned) Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:56am 
Originally posted by TMG Ken:
There hasn't been any rule outs so far, only games that will be ruled out are games I cannot acquire before the Saturday.
I know this sounds insane, but if you can get a Gamecube or N64, I'd really want to see an F-Zero game on the stream.

Hell, if you can get a Wii(NOT a Wii U), you can put the old SNES F-Zero on its hard drive and play F-Zero GX on the same console.

That is, if the Wii Virtual Console stuff is still accessible...
Last edited by openroadracer #TAIWAN #UKRAINE; Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:56am
Email Soup Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:59am 
This is nice.
Soul Walker Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:59am 
Originally posted by openroadracer #IAmNotAWallet:
Originally posted by TMG Ken:
I know this sounds insane, but if you can get a Gamecube or N64, I'd really want to see an F-Zero game on the stream.

Hell, if you can get a Wii(NOT a Wii U), you can put the old SNES F-Zero on its hard drive and play F-Zero GX on the same console.

That is, if the Wii Virtual Console stuff is still accessible...
I do have F-Zero SNES on the WiiU, I do not have F-Zero GX and if I were to order I don't believe I'll be able to acquire it by saturday since paycheck hits friday and I will be busy hosting local video game tournaments that day.
openroadracer #TAIWAN #UKRAINE (Banned) Nov 3, 2015 @ 12:00pm 
Originally posted by TMG Ken:
Originally posted by openroadracer #IAmNotAWallet:
I know this sounds insane, but if you can get a Gamecube or N64, I'd really want to see an F-Zero game on the stream.

Hell, if you can get a Wii(NOT a Wii U), you can put the old SNES F-Zero on its hard drive and play F-Zero GX on the same console.

That is, if the Wii Virtual Console stuff is still accessible...
I do have F-Zero SNES on the WiiU, I do not have F-Zero GX and if I were to order I don't believe I'll be able to acquire it by saturday since paycheck hits friday and I will be busy hosting local video game tournaments that day.
Pity that. I think F-Zero X is the best in the series.

Ah well. What about Spec Ops: The Line?
Soul Walker Nov 3, 2015 @ 12:01pm 
Quote put out wrong, interesting.
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Date Posted: Nov 3, 2015 @ 11:43am
Posts: 129