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Email Soup Oct 15, 2015 @ 7:25pm
Mods please close this
People are still replying to this even though Overkill has given their response
Please close this
Last edited by Email Soup; Oct 25, 2015 @ 1:16pm
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Showing 1-15 of 44 comments
Young_Gangrel Oct 15, 2015 @ 7:36pm 
A word from Almir, Producer of PAYDAY 2
Hi everyone,

So let me just say it - wow. What a Pre-Order fest it's become and continues to be. At OVERKILL, we're humbled by the community response we've been getting. We're also strengthened - the positive feedback we've received means - more than ever - that we want to finish strong and give you guys the best Heist game we can.

For anyone who's been cable tied in the last 36 hours, this is what's up;
- PAYDAY 2 Pre-Orders hit Steam number 1 spot - all categories after only 3 hours.
- PAYDAY: The Heist hit top 5 as well with a 75% discount that ends on May 30th.
- We launched the teaser trailer for our PAYDAY Web Series coming this summer where you'll get to know our favorite career criminals a little better.

The community forums have been booming. We read it all, we've listened and - in what I would dare to say is becoming a classic OVERKILL way - we've reacted.

Let me explain.
The Steam page for PAYDAY 2 has been updated based on your feedback. We've made it clear that PAYDAY 2 will have no micro-transactions whatsoever (shame on you if you thought otherwise!) and we've made it more clear that the PAYDAY loot bag is part of the Career Criminal Edition as well.
We've seen countless questions about dozens of subjects, but there's been one thing in particular that people have been asking for.

Due to popular demand, we're proud to say that we're releasing 4-packs of both the Standard Pre-Order Edition and the Career Criminal Edition - available right now. When you buy these, you do it to the prize of 3 - get one for free.

That's a pretty good deal if you ask me. So make sure to get your friends convicted! I, ehm, mean, make sure you convince them to get hooked on PAYDAY 2!

On behalf of the OVERKILL staff - thank you!

Let's do this!

Producer - OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. lied to your players
Pyro Fennec Oct 15, 2015 @ 7:36pm 
You're going to keep harping on about a two-year-old promise made before the game even came out?
Email Soup Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:24pm 
Originally posted by Pyro Fennec:
You're going to keep harping on about a two-year-old promise made before the game even came out?
I like how everyone just keeps copy and pasting that message like they're original. Reminds me of those terrible re-posters on reddit who think they're funny.
Htipper Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:37pm 
Originally posted by Pyro Fennec:
You're going to keep harping on about a two-year-old promise made before the game even came out?

They should keep spamming it, unless you are implying ignoring previous statements is a correct way to treat customers and is a vaild reason break promises to an entire fan base? They haven't even given a single response to their actions besides a voice actor saying to trust them, so this is all they have to go on for now. Just wait until OVERKILL actually addresses this, it will die down as soon as they say something.
Rittless Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:40pm 
It's a reminder of the fact that there's no going back from this. Game over, time to find something else.
His Dudeness Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:45pm 
I think I would be more forgiving to Almir if he didn't immediately patronize everyone who even for a second considered Payday 2 would ever have microtransactions.

I also believe that what many people are feeling stung by is the fact that such actions show that Overkill, or perhaps just the higher ups, aren't above quashing their morals for the sake of money. This would fly directly in the face of their image as 'a company by gamers for gamers'.
District Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:45pm 
Originally posted by Ritty:
It's a reminder of the fact that there's no going back from this. Game over, time to find something else.

Sweet! Now I got all the time in the world to play Far Cry 4 on my PS4! Neat!
Dimensio Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:51pm 
Originally posted by Pyro Fennec:
You're going to keep harping on about a two-year-old promise made before the game even came out?
You state a valid point. Promises are only considered broken if they are contradicted within a two-year period.
Ex Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:58pm 
Originally posted by Dimensio:
Originally posted by Pyro Fennec:
You're going to keep harping on about a two-year-old promise made before the game even came out?
You state a valid point. Promises are only considered broken if they are contradicted within a two-year period.

Localmind Oct 15, 2015 @ 9:28pm 
Originally posted by Young_Gangrel:
A word from Almir, Producer of PAYDAY 2
Hi everyone,

So let me just say it - wow. What a Pre-Order fest it's become and continues to be. At OVERKILL, we're humbled by the community response we've been getting. We're also strengthened - the positive feedback we've received means - more than ever - that we want to finish strong and give you guys the best Heist game we can.

For anyone who's been cable tied in the last 36 hours, this is what's up;
- PAYDAY 2 Pre-Orders hit Steam number 1 spot - all categories after only 3 hours.
- PAYDAY: The Heist hit top 5 as well with a 75% discount that ends on May 30th.
- We launched the teaser trailer for our PAYDAY Web Series coming this summer where you'll get to know our favorite career criminals a little better.

The community forums have been booming. We read it all, we've listened and - in what I would dare to say is becoming a classic OVERKILL way - we've reacted.

Let me explain.
The Steam page for PAYDAY 2 has been updated based on your feedback. We've made it clear that PAYDAY 2 will have no micro-transactions whatsoever (shame on you if you thought otherwise!) and we've made it more clear that the PAYDAY loot bag is part of the Career Criminal Edition as well.
We've seen countless questions about dozens of subjects, but there's been one thing in particular that people have been asking for.

Due to popular demand, we're proud to say that we're releasing 4-packs of both the Standard Pre-Order Edition and the Career Criminal Edition - available right now. When you buy these, you do it to the prize of 3 - get one for free.

That's a pretty good deal if you ask me. So make sure to get your friends convicted! I, ehm, mean, make sure you convince them to get hooked on PAYDAY 2!

On behalf of the OVERKILL staff - thank you!

Let's do this!

Producer - OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. lied to your players
Kagetora Oct 16, 2015 @ 6:45pm 
Originally posted by District #IAmNotAWallet:
Originally posted by Ritty:
It's a reminder of the fact that there's no going back from this. Game over, time to find something else.

Sweet! Now I got all the time in the world to play Far Cry 4 on my PS4! Neat!
Yea, or Fallout 4 when it releases. :) Say, is that game (Far Cry 4) really as good as everyone says it is?
Last edited by Kagetora; Oct 16, 2015 @ 6:46pm
Toyfan1 Oct 16, 2015 @ 6:47pm "He ws he rat all along!"

Thank you subreddit.
Nevander Oct 16, 2015 @ 6:47pm 
Originally posted by Pyro Fennec:
You're going to keep harping on about a two-year-old promise made before the game even came out?
Uh... yes? Why wouldn't we?
Venator Vicain Oct 16, 2015 @ 6:49pm 
No need to discriminate guys, the devs just breathe through their skin.
leadmecca Oct 16, 2015 @ 6:54pm 
It's like saying, we will be on the up and up we won't rape you. Then 2 years laters after they have given bad touch more and more to see what they can get away with they lead you into the back of the van after you worked your arse off for crime fest time and again except this time you get the choice after they have nerfed the game to micro trans hell... you can get buffs but you have to pay us. The door remains open to leave, but we'd rather you stay and play our gambling game, close your eyes and let Vlad give you bad touch because by now you are use to it so why not go all the way with us?

Boogers n come people! boogers n come!
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Showing 1-15 of 44 comments
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Date Posted: Oct 15, 2015 @ 7:25pm
Posts: 44