What keeps u in late game?
I prefer stealth maps and reached lvl 100, completed all stealth missions on max difficulty, thinking of dropping the game now because the missions are repetitive and I don't know what there is interesting left to do in the game.. any suggestions?
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正在显示第 1 - 15 条,共 19 条留言
If you like the gameplay try the "loud part" of the game or if you realy just into the stealth part try custom heists from modders. Maybe get a team and try to ecm rush heists, set yourself challanges like do it with heavy armor or so, could be a new kick too, Otherwise just quit it....
最后由 CannabisLupus [GER] 编辑于; 5 月 8 日 上午 6:58
zykollo 5 月 8 日 上午 7:12 
skillcieling for stealth is way lower than that of loud. so give it a try and get good. it'll keep you invested for a while
Blockhead 5 月 8 日 上午 7:36 
Achievements, Infamy, The Secret, completing all heists (including the Loud ones). It can get repetitive, sure; so make sure not to burn yourself out if you're not enjoying the game anymore.
Noob 5 月 8 日 上午 8:21 
Well for me it's just play the game, trying out other build, getting infamy etc... just like what the person above said.

You seems getting the bored now, so I think quitting is a good idea, no good comes when you are doing something that you don't like after all.
Plus you can come back when you feel like it.
Insomnia 5 月 8 日 上午 8:23 
I dove into the modding scene. I'd say nearly 1,500 of my hours were purely just editing and testing mods… I've made some pretty cool stuff, not to brag or anything.
JIMTOMAV 5 月 8 日 上午 11:23 
引用自 Insomnia
I dove into the modding scene. I'd say nearly 1,500 of my hours were purely just editing and testing mods… I've made some pretty cool stuff, not to brag or anything.
almost exactly the same as this ^.

Before that I spent a lot of my time playing melee only as well as a few other unconventional builds such as pacifist and inventing yakuza stealth.
Vipture 5 月 8 日 上午 11:48 
I was in about the same place when I first hit 100. The loud missions seemed lame to me at first, but over the years I've found them to be really interesting and fun, and they add a lot to the storyline and character backstories if you pay attention (if you're into that, which I am).
If you're intimidated by the amount of options for loadouts and don't know where to start, I'd recommend looking up some builds on YouTube to get you started. Just pick one that looks cool to you, there are SO MANY different play-styles you can use in loud. Don't be disappointed if you can't complete loud missions on Death Sentence, as even an experienced team with good loadouts can have trouble in these.

Alternatively, there are a number of easter eggs and challenging achievements to go for, if that's more your thing. I found it pretty fun to try speedrunning levels in stealth (My Diamond Store record is 1:04 if you want to give it a go, WR is 0:32). There are also bugs/exploits that can allow you to complete a mission differently than intended. For instance, it is possible to complete Firestarter without ever facing a wave of police, even though Day 1 is supposed to be loud.

Also, and I can't stress this enough, if you are looking to get replay value out of PD2, utilizing mods will make your experience MUCH more enjoyable. At the very least, getting a nicer HUD, effect timers, bug fixes/QOL changes. I'm personally not a fan of gameplay altering mods (some would call these cheating), but as long as your lobby is aware and okay with it they can add a layer of fun too.
DM_2145 5 月 8 日 下午 12:12 
loud, but payday 2 sucks now so whatever lol
for me
soundtracks, (sometimes) fun gameplay, and slaughtering tons of cops
racism. 5 月 8 日 下午 12:44 
stealth is ass loud is better
Insomnia 5 月 8 日 下午 12:51 
almost exactly the same as this ^.

Before that I spent a lot of my time playing melee only as well as a few other unconventional builds such as pacifist and inventing yakuza stealth.
Really?? What kind of stuff did you make?
_galaxy 5 月 8 日 下午 12:57 
引用自 CannabisLupus GER
If you like the gameplay try the "loud part" of the game or if you realy just into the stealth part try custom heists from modders. Maybe get a team and try to ecm rush heists, set yourself challanges like do it with heavy armor or so, could be a new kick too, Otherwise just quit it....

JIMTOMAV 5 月 8 日 下午 2:38 
引用自 Insomnia
almost exactly the same as this ^.

Before that I spent a lot of my time playing melee only as well as a few other unconventional builds such as pacifist and inventing yakuza stealth.
Really?? What kind of stuff did you make?
Mostly small QOL mods for myself.
They are more about testing and learning what I can do within the game rather than being anything user-friendly for upload.
Using AI as well, to both aid with making the mods as well as train in AI management for future.
Verxatious 5 月 8 日 下午 4:18 
Infamy rewards and the skull masks
amber echo 5 月 8 日 下午 9:39 
mods and A LOT of ways of cusomisation for weapons, builds etc.
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发帖日期: 5 月 8 日 上午 6:27
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