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Wordsmith has left the building.
Hey everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that I am departing. The lore of Payday is now in the hands of other creative minds.

Before I go, I wanted to pop in and say thanks to each and every one of you, who supported my work on the lore and storyline. From day one, you welcomed and encouraged me. You put up with all the crazy riddles, reality games and other shenanigans we threw at you. You have made my time on Payday some of the best in my almost 20 years doing games. I will never forget the journey we took together. (I know that sounded sappy, but I really mean it, damn it!)

Be well. Keep heisting.

And as Locke would say, so long you dwankie chops!

//Joe (AKA Wordsmith)
Naposledy upravil OVERKILL_Wordsmith; 22. říj. 2021 v 5.41
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Cheers, was a fun ride while it lasted
I thought you left a long time ago. If so, does it mean that there is still a lot of content worth digging into?
Great times! Thanks for the fun lore with all the twists and turns Joe! :wolf: :2:
Miss you, always.
Thank you for all your hard work, and good luck with whatever future endeavours you pursue!
I really enjoyed your work on Payday 2.

Best of luck with whatever you do next.
Just knew about this! Good luck in your life and thank you for everything! It was quite a ride!
It's sad to see you go, but it was a lot of fun while it lasted. Thanks for keeping us entertained and good luck in whatever comes next!

P.S. Tell your kitten I said hi <3
Thank you for all the work you did turning the wreckage of the game's deep lore into something comprehensive and exciting. I wish you the best of wishes in your future endeavors and I'm positive you'll be able to catch that lightning in a bottle again.
Popping in quite late, but I had to say thanks for all the work you put into the game. You single handedly rescued its lore and brought closure to the abandoned secret storyline. The game would not be the same without you.
Happiness in the rest of your life, wherever you are now :luv:
Thanks a lot for your work on the Payday 2 story! I enjoyed it immensely, and I wish you good luck for the future.
Uro 30. říj. 2021 v 5.12 
somehow you wove a strange tapestry from the disparate threads the story missions had left hanging & we arrived somewhere rad.
was fun following along through obtusian puzzles with whatever pieces of info became gleanable as things moved in a new direction.

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goodluck, hope the future is cool to you and ur cats.
Naposledy upravil Uro; 30. říj. 2021 v 7.00
I didn't know you made the lore until a video I saw. I just wanted to say that I'm very thankful for everything you did for the Payday 2 community and honestly don't know how you wrote a story even though there wasn't one in the start, thank you for everything.
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