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almir_gaming Mar 10, 2016 @ 6:50am
Updated Main Menu Open Beta Feedback
Participating in the current Updated Main Menu Open Beta? Please share your feedback here.
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Showing 1-15 of 88 comments
SorroW_1213 Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:01am 
Let's see! :P::TheD::2:
Peanits Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:03am 
Originally posted by Light Bringer (Pip):
I think the Main Menu should be removed actually and instead be replaced with the safehouse. The safehouse upgrade is suppose to be coming soon and with that I think Overkill should put it to good use. The game should load you striaght into the safehouse where you can then acess the laptop to enter Crime.Net. Along with that the display room could be used for swapping weapons instead of always having to restart (which ruins the use of the firing range). Perhaps with the new rooms to be added later they could fit for other features.
I would very much not want to see that happen. Having to walk between each menu would slow it down a fair bit, and it would have to load the safehouse in between heists. It may only slow things down by five or ten seconds each time, but that adds up when you do hundreds upon hundreds of heists. Especially if you're doing some jewelry store farming or something.

EDIT: Playing around with the new menu now. It looks pretty nice. Loving the flashy new animations for things. Renaming the "" button into "Play" (and sticking offline mode in there) will hopefully help some clueless new players figure out what to do.

Only a couple problems so far:
  • The old "Inventory" is now named "Profile". I see why you might want to rename it to avoid people confusing it with the Steam Inventory, but "Profile" isn't a very good name for it. I figured that was the FBI files button at first, since that would be more of a profile. I would call it something like "Loadout" instead, because that's what you do there. You pick your gear for the next heist.
  • The side jobs menu could use some updates. It looked fine when it was on, but on the main menu when it's surrounded by all these other new menus, it looks really dated and ugly. It's a bit disappointing to see it removed from completely though, because now even hosts have to back out to the main menu when they complete a side job. It would be nice if there was a side job button added to lobbies so you wouldn't have to break up a good team just to check it.
  • Content updates and news could probably be combined (if you want to keep them separate, they could split out into two buttons like the "Play" button). It would leave you with one extra space on the menu, obviously, and to replace it, I would suggest the Offshore Casino. It would make sense since side jobs were already moved to the menu as well.
  • I also agree with the others, play button should be first.
  • Very minor one, but the title is a stuffed up into the corner and mostly hidden behind my character. It could be a little bigger, or moved to the bottom right where there's nothing else.
Last edited by Peanits; Mar 10, 2016 @ 1:35pm
Lemushki Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:05am 
Originally posted by Light Bringer (Pip):
I think the Main Menu should be removed actually and instead be replaced with the safehouse. The safehouse upgrade is suppose to be coming soon and with that I think Overkill should put it to good use. The game should load you straight into the safehouse where you can then acess the laptop to enter Crime.Net. Along with that the display room could be used for swapping weapons instead of always having to restart (which ruins the use of the firing range). Perhaps with the new rooms to be added later they could fit for other features.

I dont want this either, but rather this could be optional and just activated if someone looks for the option to do it
Sy1v Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:09am 
looking good.Im hope we will seen more changes
Last edited by Sy1v; Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:09am
Ruff Ruffman Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:11am 
Just launched up the new menu and it worked perfectly. From what i can see right now its just a straight upgrade from the old one. No glitches and the side jobs on the main menu is a welcome change. Change it to this ASAP, good work guys!
Bindal Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:13am 
And the very first thing I noticed in the new main menu - it's a lot uglier and the six giant icons just dominate everything way too much. Especially when TWO of them are basically the same thing: News (updates in general for one, latest DLC in the other. Despite the latter already getting covered by the former when a new DLC comes out).
This feels like three steps backwards. I don't see what was wrong with the old main menu to begin with, either - it WORKED as a main menu. Which is the most important thing for a menu.
The new one doesn't work as a menu. It feels more like an ad, not like a main menu. And considering I could tell half of that stuff just by looking at the screenshot provided in the announcement, that's saying how bad the new menu is. I didn't even stick around for more than two minutes because I couldn't stand the new menu, it's that badly done.

I suspect that one of the first mods to come out when this beta is going to go live in the full game is one that reverts the menu to look like it does now, simply because the current main menu is far more user friendly because it's not overly fancy or trying to be stylish in any way. It gives you everything you need, tells you straight up what it is (plus a tooltip for a few more infos) and everything is all roughly in the same place, the right side, with nothing dominating anything.

So, yeah, whoever thought that was a good idea to do: It's not. Not at all. The only change the old menu may have needed would have been changing the name for "Crime.Net" and "Crime.Net offline" to "Play Online" and "Play Solo".

Originally posted by Light Bringer (Pip):
I think the Main Menu should be removed actually and instead be replaced with the safehouse. The safehouse upgrade is suppose to be coming soon and with that I think Overkill should put it to good use.
No. No. No. Nonononono.
Why would you want to make things even worse and more complicated for NO GOOD REASON? The current Beta is already showing how to make a main menu bad - your idea is topping it in stupidity by A MILE.

They should just finally scrap the whole idea - the safehouse will NEVER have any use and customising it will not add anything. And ideas like "make it the lobby" or "make it the main menu" are NOT GOOD IDEAS, THEY ARE HORRIBLE IDEAS. A main menu should make everything easy, quick and simple to access - walking around is the exact opposite of that. If I have to walk around just to get from changing my gear to finding a game when I can do that right now with two clicks, then that's about a hundred times worse than the two clicks.
Jotlane Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:17am 
The first thing that came into my mind was that the new menu is a lot more controller-friendly. Personally, I don't really care as long as the main menu remains moddable
Bindal Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:22am 
Originally posted by Jotlane:
The first thing that came into my mind was that the new menu is a lot more controller-friendly. Personally, I don't really care as long as the main menu remains moddable
How? The old menu was also perfectly controllable with a Controller - up and down to highlight, A (or X) to click. Menus for controllers worked perfectly fine like that for decades.
Debosy Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:27am 
I am a little confused.
I dont special like new design.

Well its not big problem, its just not from my dream.
Mint Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:45am 
It flashes too much when going from button to button (each square's animation starts completly white, it hurts eyes a bit).

The "Content Updates" and "News" buttons are mostly useless... that space could be better occupied just by splitting the "Play" into 3 separate buttons, instead of going for the sub-menu.

Collecting weapon mods from Side Jobs still uses as background, where it could just happen on the main menu instead.

Other than this it looks pretty sexy.
LucasPxD Mar 10, 2016 @ 8:49am 
yo participo para el open_beta :D
Menu cool, but it's all there in this beta?
Underdrill Mar 10, 2016 @ 9:09am 
I like it, but what would make this even better would be the option to customize this to suit our preferences. Moving stuff around, taking the play online option into the main part, stuff like that would be great.
Last edited by Underdrill; Mar 10, 2016 @ 9:09am
I want to enter with just one click as before. It'd be the best if the "Play" button allowed me to enter directly and there were toggles for offline and safehouse mode near Offshore payday icon.

TBH I feel contract filter needs to be improved before you work on the new menu. Something like Battlefield4 one would be nice.
UnknownDude Mar 10, 2016 @ 9:24am 
Okay, my opinion on the new menu:
I think the change of Crime.Net's name was quite good, tho I still think Crime.Net should be removed entirely and be replaced with a server browser. That would make it good already... One thing that I also think should be changed is that when I'm level 100 and want to access the infamy tree that I can't do that without the game asking me if I want to go infamy. In my opinion, go infamy and access the infamy tree should be 2 seperate buttons. Oh, and the name change from Inventory to Profile is a little bit confusing. I think it should still be called Inventory.
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Date Posted: Mar 10, 2016 @ 6:50am
Posts: 88