PlanetSide 2
Launchpad issue.
I have not been able to get past the Play option in the Launchpad menu. I have, "ipconfig /flushdns" as well as reseted the PC to factory settings; before the update & after todays update. Deleting the files in the PS2 directory does not seem to do anything either.


As well as, "LaunchPad.Cache"

I am able to click on play, and the loading circle appears for only a few seconds; 3seconds at most, then... nothing happens. Any ideas?
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try adding hosts files theres videos online how to do it
Messaggio originale di wolfEXE57:
try adding hosts files theres videos online how to do it
That DNS issue wouldn't prevent the game client from opening. It'd either not show the Play button at all, or open the client, load a bit, then crash to desktop with a G37 or G99 error code.

In any case, that's all fixed now, and RadarX advised people to undo any DNS changes in the last maintenance post.

Messaggio originale di Fries4Life:
I have not been able to get past the Play option in the Launchpad menu.
So just to double-check the problem, the Launchpad itself is working fine, but the game client fails to open? Your web browser doesn't open to a page with an error code on it?

Here's some tests to try.

#1 - Open your task manager and make sure no PlanetSide 2-related processes are already open.

#2 - Open the Launchpad, click the wrench icon on the left hand side, and use the Validate Game Assets option.

If there's an issue with the game files, this will fix it.

#3 - Check Windows Defender and see if it's reacting to the Launchpad. It's been known to assume that programs trying to launch other programs are doing so with malice, so if it reacts, whitelist the Launchpad.exe file.

If you're using any other security software, check its logs too, and if it blocked the Launchpad at any point then add it to the whitelist in that too.

#4 - Instead of running the Launchpad through Steam, go to the game folder and run Launchpad.exe from there directly. Run it as-is the first time, then run in Administrator mode.

If it works when run in Administrator mode, either UAC or your security software was blocking it. You could try to add an exception, but I'd just make a desktop shortcut to Launchpad.exe, and set 'run as administrator' in the shortcut's properties.

#5 - Navigate to the PlanetSide 2 install folder, delete 'planetside2_x64.exe', and open the Launchpad. It will download a 'fresh' copy of the executable.

I doubt this will actually work since the logic behind it doesn't add up, but some people have reported success with it and it can't do any harm to try. If it works, good, repeat it once a week.

#6 - Open the Launchpad, but do not press Play. Navigate to the PlanetSide 2 install folder, and make the following changes to filenames:

planetside2_x64.exe -> planetside2_x64abc.exe
planetside2_x86.exe -> planetside2_x64.exe

If this works, it means your computer is having a compatibility SNAFU with the 64-bit client. File a bug report on the official support forums explaining what happens, include a link to your dxdiag report (throw it on Pastebin or something), and with any luck you'll get some better info on fixing it, or you might expose something that needs patching.
Messaggio originale di Fe3ltheM4Jick:
Is it not the same as the steam file verifier ?
The Steam client's "integrity check" compares the game install against the version on Valve's servers. For games that patch themselves outside of Steam, that's a very outdated version.

Using the launcher's own check compares it to the up-to-date version on the developer's servers, and will only download any files that are actually damaged. So for MMOs, if you want to do a file check, use the launcher itself.

Messaggio originale di Fe3ltheM4Jick:
OK I tried it - didn't change anything. I notice that when I hit play the loader gets to 6% then 9%.
After it shuts down, do you get a page opened in your web browser with an error code displayed?
Ultima modifica da Mikouen; 18 lug 2014, ore 18:58
Did you modify your hosts file?
Check and see that it appears correctly.
Its located at
open with notepad (run notepad as administrator)

It should look exactly like this
"# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost"

If it has more lines below this remove them all so it looks exactly like this and save the file. Try launching ps2 again.
The game works now. Thanks for the response guys. I'm Fries4Life bro.
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Data di pubblicazione: 18 lug 2014, ore 10:20
Messaggi: 6