PlanetSide 2

PlanetSide 2

Cookie 3 月 11 日 上午 3:17
What would be the best option to save this game?
I played this thing since 2014, back when it was owned by SoE. Battles were huge and for the most part peoples skill was considered intermediate. I quit the game a few months ago but log in rarely from time to time to check what's new and how the games doing.

I mostly fight the same couple people unless it's on a weekend when the game has 1,000+ players. Playing during the week is just going against a single player who has a ton of hours on the game like myself. We just kill each other until one of us get bored. Or fighting people who are literal gods in combat; be it ground or air. Which hey, they put the time and experience in, great for them!

I'm glad to see that Oshur is getting a mild sunset. The continent was extremely boring to me and really didn't fit into what I loved about the game. Even the Esamir revamp made the map feel less about large open battles and more about tight combat scenarios.

I genuinely feel a sense of sadness to see the game now in a semi "dead" state. I do understand its over 10 years old, but part of me just misses coming home from work, jumping in a large random squad and roaming the giant open lands of Indar till midnight.

Obviously people have their own gripes of the game, whether it be cloakers, maxes, revive grenades, etc. But without a complete class / game overhaul like that would there be a possibility to add some form of advanced AI to help make battles feel more lively again?

Bots would never bring the experience a ton of players would, I agree with that; but this idea would be to prevent those clashes of 4 on 4 or 1v1s for map control.

This idea is probably a fruitless endeavor and would very quickly be made fun of from the community, and further support the idea of a dead game. I just miss big battles. I miss the fun.

Maybe they could shut the game down and do these reworks people want instead, then hype it up and give it a big release! I don't know. It would be nice to see even 3k+ players on at once.
最后由 Cookie 编辑于; 3 月 11 日 上午 3:20
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Lord Lamer 3 月 11 日 上午 3:41 
Adding bots would make me and alot of others simply abandon the game once and for all, if they hadnt made that failure of the arena version that ruined any future of a ps3 it might had been a future for it.

Now i doubt they will be able to salvage whats left, cheaters and all the issues that made so many leave the game already.

If there was a miracle fix for cheating and making a list of brand new servers i would possibly restart the game for a fresh start. But with how they are handling the game recently, im guessing they would be better off leaving the franchise to someone who cared alot more about the game and the community.
The Void 3 月 11 日 上午 4:29 
The main problem I see: we have other games that can do a lot of things Planetside could do back then. You can have even more epic battles in BF1 or like the newest game Helldivers.

So the genre of "big epic battles" has already some very good games to offer. This game is old and has lost alot of unique things. So my only guess would be:
Make a new Planetside 3 with new engine, mechanics and progression system.
FREEZED 3 月 11 日 上午 5:57 
same thing could fix this game as any other multiplayer game, get rid of cheaters, there is no point to play game which only has cheaters on it. this is reason why every legit player has left the game and are not coming back.
Bubz 3 月 11 日 上午 11:21 
Just let it die really. Devs care very little, Wrel did nothing useful. Just let it die
Cookie 3 月 11 日 下午 1:02 
引用自 Bubz
Just let it die really. Devs care very little, Wrel did nothing useful. Just let it die
I would if there was something substantial to fill its place. Battlebit isn't doing it and battlefield doesn't.
Black_Fox 3 月 11 日 下午 1:44 
Probably not anything left that can be done to truly save the game except a true sequel.
Would need a few things though:

- Better use of current day hardware
- Better gunplay mechanics closer to Battlefield, since that is the concept the game was designed around
- Infantry, Tank and Aircraft interaction overhaul
- Class balance, Infiltrators and Heavies were the ones with the most complains from players over the life span of the game, medics got some complaints too for their Rev grenades
最后由 Black_Fox 编辑于; 3 月 11 日 下午 3:25
The answer is to stop updating the game because every time they do, they introduce a plethora of new bugs and make it unplayable for weeks or even months at a time.
最后由 Youngling Slayer 编辑于; 3 月 11 日 下午 3:55
Revitalize the Planetside franchise by embarking on the development of Planetside 3 (PS3) in parallel, leveraging the positive player features while discarding less effective elements. Target a release within two years. Streamline the transition by dismantling the convoluted code of Planetside 2 (PS2), salvaging only essential models, and reimagining the game on the powerful Unreal Engine 5+ (URE5+). With the efficiency of Unreal 5 engine, a professional development team could feasibly complete this endeavor within a year, followed by rigorous testing and refinement over the subsequent year.

Reform the business side of operations by implementing modifications to the subscription model. Align development milestones with community demands and revamp the payment structure to provide subscribers with increased DBG cash and enhanced access to features like prioritized development voting. Monetize player input to offset development costs without resorting to a pay-to-win model.

Enhance project management and development life cycles by enlisting dedicated professional Project Managers and Community Representatives. Addressing persistent scheduling setbacks and dwindling community engagement is paramount. Incorporate cyber-security protocols into the development life cycle, ensuring closed beta testing meets stringent quality assurance standards before progressing to public testing and production release.

Elevate customer service standards by establishing an in-game service-on-demand team. Combat hacking, cheating, and toxicity by deploying scalable customer service resources during peak hours to swiftly address player grievances and community concerns.
xRBLx 3 月 12 日 上午 4:29 
To fix the game, I believe we need more people playing it again. This will encourage the developers to invest more time and effort into it. The easiest way to achieve this, I believe, would be to give the game a complete re-skin, like when Eve Online released Trinity, its HD rework many years ago (2009?). Also, the game is not very friendly to new players, which makes it difficult for them to get started and the best thing about this game is the community and outfits.
Morrow.J 3 月 13 日 上午 4:05 
I honestly don't know if PS3 would be as successful. I have been playing the game for years casually on and off and am not even close to unlocking everything. The grindy nature of unlocking ♥♥♥♥ and progressing the classes has taken me years. For people with minimal lives outside of work I can see how it seems "easy" but its too grindy.

I don't think folks having gone years to grind out characters and make them effective loadouts etc through time, money, and certs etc would be willing to do it all over again for another decade.
That is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ thought.
FSHerrante 3 月 13 日 上午 5:01 
It would be enough to put a development team that understands the type of game this is to work on it, and not a group of interns who intend to turn the game into something else.

The game only needs 4 things:

A lot of weapons characteristic of each faction.

Eliminate multi faction weapons.

Arsenals and abilities clearly differentiated by faction.

No operational limitations to balance factions.

Each faction attacks and defends in one way, making them equal so that they all have the same way of doing it is a mistake they have been making since daybreak bought the game.

And about implementing a new aquatic continent the way they did... what a piece of garbage... Even the campaign they implemented was absolutely horrible.
If they ever work on PS3, they should not make promises that they will not keep.

Back in the day there were (iirc) 12 continents announced, and every few weeks or months a new one would be added to the game. They added a single one after about a year or so, and then others they added I only heard about and didn't play myself. I think maybe 1-2 additional ones have been added making the grand total of like what.. 5 maps or so?

And I hear the water one is rubbish indeed.

Nonetheless I keep hoping for a Planetside 3 one day. I loved the game during it's initial 1-2 years, but eventually it was just the same old day in day out.
Cookie 3 月 13 日 上午 9:10 
I don't know maybe I'll give it the old WoW mentality and just appreciate the memories I had that are no longer possible with this game.
People will hate me for saying this buuuttt.

Close planetside 2 down save the money from keeping the game updated with active servers and redirect all resources to making planetside 3.
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