Age of Booty
Similar games to Age of Booty?
i really miss this game. Is there anything similar to it?
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vorik 19 iul. 2021 la 9:41 Naval Warfare is a short game and more arcade-like. basically TimePilot (oldschool arcade game)/ Defender in a military boat. There's also Wasteland Angel, the same in a truck. Less (actually zero) port building in both games.

Most ARPGs (Diablo, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn) offer similar, but in a fantasy setting. Also with less (actually zero) port building, but there might be a game out there that fits Age-of-Booty-like a little better. There's a few mobile games like iOS Parking Jam

I also have Leviathan Warships, but looks like it's now removed from the store on Steam. Haven't actually played this one yet.
Editat ultima dată de vorik; 19 iul. 2021 la 9:42
I got Leviathan Warships in a giveaway recently actually. might give that one a go.
those games both look good too. wait for a sale and might try them out. thanks
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