Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation

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TheGalacticW Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:02am
What do you think happen in the end scene,she was saved or not ?
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
Mapwales Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:31am 
She was saved so it leaves the story open I think. Shame really if they'er not making AI 2 maybe they will who knows ?
TheGalacticW Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:33am 
Originally posted by mapwales:
She was saved so it leaves the story open I think. Shame really if they'er not making AI 2 maybe they will who knows ?
I hope so this game was amazing on every point
RadimusPrime Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:49am 
My theory is that she is picked up by a Wayland Yutani crew sent to retreive the creature. Amanda would wake up to find that she is a host (which would explain why after being captured and awoken in the second nest an Alien looks at you sniffs you and then lets you go) and that the company has removed the creature from her. It would now be loose on the ship (because that's how these things go) and the whole thing would start up again.

You'd likely have to avoid more Marine like enemies as well as some armed scientists on top of the Xeno.
-|Nur|- Nov 27, 2016 @ 9:31am 
Originally posted by RadimusPrime:
(which would explain why after being captured and awoken in the second nest an Alien looks at you sniffs you and then lets you go)

Not only has the egg meant for her not hatched, but the two aliens in the transit tunnel will kill Amanda if she's spotted. The same for the aliens that observe you trying to free the Torrens. Not to mention every facehugger you come across tries to get you as well..
RadimusPrime Nov 27, 2016 @ 10:20am 
Originally posted by -|Nur|-:
Originally posted by RadimusPrime:
(which would explain why after being captured and awoken in the second nest an Alien looks at you sniffs you and then lets you go)

Not only has the egg meant for her not hatched, but the two aliens in the transit tunnel will kill Amanda if she's spotted. The same for the aliens that observe you trying to free the Torrens. Not to mention every facehugger you come across tries to get you as well..

Are you sure? Cause I honestly don't remember a single Xeno in any of the areas after the second hive scene. The two in the transit station showed up and then left after the cut scene. The onyl creatures that can get you are the face huggers which have never shown any resistance toward infected hosts in the movies. Only Xenos have shown the ability to detect a host and leave them be.

I'll have to play those final levels again but I'm pretty sure that facehuggers are the only threat from the second hive on.
EX0m0nd0 Nov 27, 2016 @ 11:28am 
It's not really a cut scene, those xeno will attack you if you go approach or attack them.

I'm not sure what would happen if facehugger trying to implant human that has been implanted. I think facehugger can detect host too.

Also if I'm not wrong the facehugging period is quite long so if it does happen to amanda, she won't make it into torrens before sevastopol falls to KG-348's atmosphere.
Last edited by EX0m0nd0; Nov 27, 2016 @ 11:30am
Connacht Nov 27, 2016 @ 10:23pm 
Unfortunately the plot of Aliens: Colonial Marines is considered official canon by 20th Century Fox and all the other owners of the franchise and at some point you meet a log that says that the implanted embryo develops a sort of cancer-like placenta that would kill the host anyway.

(this however conflicts with the queen extracted from Ripley's clone in Alien: Resurrection, but her DNA is partially merged with xenomorph one thus she could be an exception)

Since Amanda ultimately survives and lives until her 60s, a new Alien: Isolation can't be based on her being an host for a new xenomorph. Unless developers discard the seal of being canon just like with the Alien vs Predator games, or 20th Century Fox discards the plot of Aliens: Colonial Marines from the canon.
Well, actually I think that nobody would really care. That part of the plot could be ignored and developers might simply retcon again what happens to hosts and release an official canon game. With nobody complaining or saying anything at all for the incongruence between the two games.
RadimusPrime Nov 28, 2016 @ 7:35am 
I think the basic facehugger gestation time could vary. Kane and the dog erupted much earlier but those were drones. Ripley (much like her mother) could be carrying a queen. It's never really stated which universe this game takes place in. In the original the alien was able to turn humans into eggs when Ripley finds the captain deforming into an egg pleading to just die. However this was cut out of the theatrical release and later we got introduced to the queen.

Therefore what Amanda has could be a Queen. Ripley took an entire movie which was enough time to get from Earth to Fury so she was infected for a long time. Plus it would make sense to follow the similar patterned of escalation of the original movies. Just so long as they don't go full Colonial Marines in the next one. Which I'm all but certain they won't.
EX0m0nd0 Nov 28, 2016 @ 12:02pm 
Still the xenos can kill the amanda, so I think amanda is clean.

If A:I 2 story make amanda implanted with queen embryo it will be just terrible, how many more same coincidence story between mother-daughter we want to see. Even I don't really like the idea of amanda ripley to be protagonist in A:I in first place. They can just create protagonist character unrelated with E. Ripley and the game will still be good.
Last edited by EX0m0nd0; Nov 28, 2016 @ 12:05pm
TheGalacticW Nov 30, 2016 @ 5:21am 
So the alien ship that we se leave in Prometheus is the ship from alien 1 the first movie !?
Dayve Nov 30, 2016 @ 1:31pm 
I've had the same theory ever since I completed the game myself:

2 days before Amanda, Samuels and Taylor arrive at Sevastopol, Ransome contacts Weyland-Yutani and tells them about the deadly lifeform on board. W-Y buy out Sevastopol, upload new operating protocols to the androids (protect the lifeform, kill anybody who interferes, disallow all external communication). This is all shown through in-game messages and voice logs.

By the time Amanda boards Sevastopol, W-Y already own it. They bought it 2 days earlier. W-Y are on their way to Sevastopol, no doubt, with teams of scientists and marines to contain the situation and take possession of the alien.

I think the light we see at the end of the game is the W-Y ship arriving. They find Sevastopol and all the aliens are gone - sucked in to the gas giant after the orbital stabilizers blew. They find Amanda floating around. They may also find The Torrens drifting in space after its crew is killed by an alien.

W-Y would have to keep Amanda prisoner at this point. She's the only one left who knows about the nearby planet where the aliens come from, and W-Y will want to get these aliens and use them for weapons. Amanda knows this too, she found out from the Apollo AI on Sevastopol - it told her that W-Y essentially killed all the crew to keep the specimen safe.
Cyber Kong Nov 30, 2016 @ 5:26pm 
Originally posted by TheGalacticW:
What do you think happen in the end scene,she was saved or not ?
She definantly didn''t die as she is mentioned in the Aliens movie dying at the age of 88 or something around that. Fingers crossed very hard for an Isolation 2 to know more of the story!
Last edited by Cyber Kong; Nov 30, 2016 @ 5:26pm
DeadEyeMaster1 Dec 1, 2016 @ 1:01am 
Originally posted by Dayve:
I've had the same theory ever since I completed the game myself:
W-Y would have to keep Amanda prisoner at this point. She's the only one left who knows about the nearby planet where the aliens come from, and W-Y will want to get these aliens and use them for weapons. Amanda knows this too, she found out from the Apollo AI on Sevastopol - it told her that W-Y essentially killed all the crew to keep the specimen safe.

Aliens are from KGB-348? I thought it's the Anestoria brought Foster onboard and the infections began.

Not a regular for Alien, just watched Prometheus and AVP, thought that Waylend is already dead in AVP. So probably different universes for each of these?
Last edited by DeadEyeMaster1; Dec 1, 2016 @ 1:02am
Dayve Dec 1, 2016 @ 5:55am 
Originally posted by DeadEyeMaster1:
Originally posted by Dayve:
I've had the same theory ever since I completed the game myself:
W-Y would have to keep Amanda prisoner at this point. She's the only one left who knows about the nearby planet where the aliens come from, and W-Y will want to get these aliens and use them for weapons. Amanda knows this too, she found out from the Apollo AI on Sevastopol - it told her that W-Y essentially killed all the crew to keep the specimen safe.

Aliens are from KGB-348? I thought it's the Anestoria brought Foster onboard and the infections began.

Not a regular for Alien, just watched Prometheus and AVP, thought that Waylend is already dead in AVP. So probably different universes for each of these?

Hmm... aren't they from one of the planetoids around the gas giant in this game? Marlow and his crew go to that same planetoid and his wife puts her face over one of the eggs. It's the same planetoid as in Alien because the Nostromo's gear is still inside The Derelict.

Also KG-348 is the big gas giant. I believe it has small planetoids/moons around it, as well as Sevastopol station.
Last edited by Dayve; Dec 1, 2016 @ 5:57am
Andvari Dec 1, 2016 @ 2:07pm 
Pretty good game overall, but the ending was disappointing. All that for such a short, lame cutscene? You're thinking "oh, now what?" and then the ending is interrupted by the credits.

I'm guessing she is found by a ship indicated by the lights hitting her. We know she ultimately survives based on Aliens the movie. But a lot could happen between then and the ending of Alien: Isolation. Maybe the new ship is also infested with lots of aliens like the Torrens. Could be a whole new game in itself.
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Date Posted: Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:02am
Posts: 26