The Lord of the Rings Online™

The Lord of the Rings Online™

Should i play it ?
Hey, guys. I am a MASSIVE lord of the rings fan. And, i am also a MMO junkie. Played WoW, dcuo, tera, you name it. But, i am a bit skeptical. Because of the low player count. And the fact fact that the graphics and game are very dated. Also, the expansions are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ premium price ! And actually didn't come across this game till post sales (-_- #FML). SO.... i really just don't know.......WHAT SAY YOU ?!?!?! (If you got that reference, i love you!)
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I don't want to be mean but can you use search function ? Thread like this is here 1000x
Long story short: Yes
#1 Player count is low when compared to WoW all MMO's are.
#2 Use DX11 and LoTRO blows most games away.

There are two different clients for LoTRO. A High Res and Low Res Client, if you are looking at crappy graphics of LoTRO I'd bet you are looking at the Low RES client and/or a crap CPU/GPU.

LoTRO is one of the best if not the best immersive MMO's out. Character development (see deeds and books for example) is actually character development and you can "see it" and "feel it" in game.

Killing 240 Tomb-Defenders in Evedim to advance your Guardian's Discipline trait would probably make your head explode.

As a MASSIVE ME fan you shold have already been playing the game. I would say you should stick with WoW or whatever MMO you are playing as your mind seems to be made up already.
Последно редактиран от MMOGamer71; 26 юли 2013 в 10:00
Don't forget that you can earn the credits you use to buy expansions/quest packs by doing slayer deeds & quests.
This takes determination (and grinding), but it has allowed me to buy the quest packs for Angmar, Evendim and the North Downs. (and also extra character slot, extra class, shared storage)
If you are a Tolkien fan, then LOTRO is for you. It is being used as a course aid in at least one University level course on Tolkien.

LOTRO is VERY true to the books... not to Peter Jackson's movie version of them.

The expansions are not a big deal if you are truly interested in Middle Earth... by the time you complete the quests and deeds in the "starter areas" you will have the Turbine Points you need for the expansions -- watch for sales. There WILL be one coming up when the Helm's Deep pre-order is announced... probably in August.
I played a few MMO's and Lotro is a bit different in a good way. Imo it takes more time to develop your character, that is why I sometimes put the game aside for a month or 2. But at the same time this slow developing makes you more part of your character. It feels more rewarding when you get what you been working for. I would be very disappointed if they take down the servers.
Don't know how Lotro plays as pure F2P I bought all content. They'll probably 'force' you to buy content/sub by torturing you with grinding :) If you like the first impressions of Lotro, you could wait for turbine point discount and once you got these, wait for content pack discount :)

Oh and last time I played PvP battleground it was still absolute crap, not worth a second of your time/money.
Последно редактиран от Spacehamster; 27 юли 2013 в 18:48
I've been playing LOTRO for a little over a week now and I can say it is much better than WoW. The over arching story/quest gives the game much more meaning and the graphics are better. I got pretty bored with WoW pretty quickly as it didn't seem to have much of a story. Not to slam WoW too much, but the only reason I stuck with it as long as I did, was because my friends talked me into joining.
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