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Is this game dead
it used to get updates everyday then it moved to weekly then it just stoped there arnt any updates anymore it just seems dead
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Showing 1-15 of 327 comments
Lord Ainz May 3, 2014 @ 5:28pm 
There was an update last week.
MysticVoid7x9 May 3, 2014 @ 6:39pm 
On their site I read that the devs are busy moving to another country and getting everything setup and finding places for everyone to live there. It seems that before now the devs weren't all in the same country which was slowing down how much work they could do on the game, alot. In a post on the main site I think it was said that it could take 6 hours for one of them to get input from one of the others.
Last edited by MysticVoid7x9; May 3, 2014 @ 6:40pm
Originally posted by Jinkaru:
Originally posted by PixalatedVortex:
i did not say "it's called edit. Use it."

You clearly have no idea what is going on in general. First you can't understand what is going on with the game that you invested into. Now, you can't understand why my comment was made in the first place. I'm going to leave you to your cave of ignorance.

No actualy your right i have no clue whats going on with this game thats why i am asking a question
HarmonyAndHonour May 3, 2014 @ 8:13pm 
Originally posted by PixalatedVortex:
Originally posted by Jinkaru:

You clearly have no idea what is going on in general. First you can't understand what is going on with the game that you invested into. Now, you can't understand why my comment was made in the first place. I'm going to leave you to your cave of ignorance.

No actualy your right i have no clue whats going on with this game thats why i am asking a question

lol your not aloud to ask questions you sinner!
ravenscroftranch May 3, 2014 @ 9:38pm 
posting threads in starbound general forums in steam is a mistake alot make and then are surprized when they get a negative responce....
but yeah i dont know if you have auto updates off or are just unobservent to the activity of your steam launcher you should check each time somthings downloaded incase its somthing you donot want in your system....
this is a gripe i have with quite a few steam users....
and jujst so you know its rare for chucklefish to ever update on the steam forums or the news on steam last was in i believe febuary they tweet and post on the chucklefish forums so you need to do either of those to keep up to date there was another thread called "no updates? that explained there was just one the day it was first posted...
thats why you get irritated responces to your question....
because its an irritating question specialy for an beta look at starforge it updates like twice a year and isent considered dead....
if the forums are active the games not dead check the player base to see how active the game is ...
some of the EA games only update once a month in the mean time the devs are working on the game not posting tons of nonesense on the forums...
though chucklefish is known for having next to no contact with the steam comunity as they just dont bother... one or two here and there just to say hey we are still here...
but i suspect they will be eager to update steam comunity on theire move once its done .....
they might get somone to specificly work in the steam forums (speculation purely)
>waits for the blah blah responce o my long post and or grammer policing wich i care nothing about and more blah blah typical of starbound forums on steam<
ravenscroftranch May 3, 2014 @ 10:08pm 
easy by being abandoned not making enough money to continue or devs die or devs break apart compony disolves etc but yeah thats diffrent and one thing noone gets that starbound says in the launcher ....
thats another irritatant in steam people are so unobservent of the state of a game its never been in alpha in steam it was beta from release on steam
Necrius (Banned) May 3, 2014 @ 10:09pm 
Originally posted by Dbr0wn:
how can a game in alpha be dead
It's called stillborn.
But it isn't dead. Developed by incompetent devs who stumble over appeasing everyone, released to sell way before its time (like most Early access games), but not dead.
ravenscroftranch May 3, 2014 @ 10:10pm 
Originally posted by Necrius:
Originally posted by Dbr0wn:
how can a game in alpha be dead
It's called stillborn.
But it isn't dead. Developed by incompetent devs who stumble over appeasing everyone, released to sell way before its time (like most Early access games), but not dead.
for once i agree with you
ravenscroftranch May 3, 2014 @ 10:20pm 
and we wondered how the world got nuked in planet of the apes... sorry i blew it all to hell T_T
DeadonArrival09 May 3, 2014 @ 11:18pm 
The game isnt dead but they are dragging their feet, they made the decision to move to England before the damn game even left the alpha build. If you cant admit they are enjoying the millions they have made already instead of working as hard as they did before the game launched then your crazy. I agree that some investigating of their site would have told him that it wasnt dead. Until the game gets way better, its "dead" to me. If I open one more chest with Tier 1 crap in it, I will lose it. Basically that is what the game is now, Tier 1 crap on infinite worlds.
DeadonArrival09 May 3, 2014 @ 11:21pm 
(waiting for ravenscroftranch-high defender of starbound to rip into me)
ravenscroftranch May 3, 2014 @ 11:31pm 
defender XD i havent played since they decided to project end game to be forced pvp you obviously dont pay attention...
but anyways yeah i agree with you :-O omg the great defender agrees with you holy cow man ...
but anyways the fact that i said chucklefish dosent bother with steam comunity should tell you im not a fanboy...
anti troll yup ill be that on any forum you may have wanted a negative responce but nah you make sense because getting an epic chest with a "useless basher" or some other stupid waste of space is irritating specialy when you had to fight a army of overpowered robots to get the chest...
and not to mention its still endless useless planets with nothing new or exciteing as was promised ...
but the only problem i have is the fact that they project to add "a pvp end game" wich has never been clearified here or on chucklefish's site ...
lack of clearity seems to be somthing that catchs to the comunity aswell obviously from this post

Originally posted by deadonarrival09:
(waiting for ravenscroftranch-high defender of starbound to rip into me)
yeah open the door for a rip you get it but has nothing to do with starbound in this case
LetumVelox May 4, 2014 @ 3:37am 
Originally posted by ravenscroftranch:
...thats why you get irritated responces to your question....

I'll have to disagree there. You get irritated responses because of the chicken-**** people that infest the internet now. To say that they only infest this community would be inaccurate as these types can be found in every aspect of every community that exists online. Rest assured though that you'd never be able to recognize them if you encountered them on the streets, they just use the internet as a disposal site for their rude behaviour are too cowardly to act as such in public (as it'd result in a real life confrontation as opposed to just text on a screen).

The guy asks a question and you spit in his face? Shame on you all. It reminds me of the type of person who would kick the cane out from under an elderly person trying to cross the street.
ravenscroftranch May 4, 2014 @ 4:11am 
rejek why you quote me then continue with shame on you all is beyond me that snip you dug out of my post was saying he gets the negative responces because of others and people are so unobservent that they dont bother to find out if he is legitamately asking or they just dotn care its the starbound comunity here in steam that is the problem in this case not some society internet bs its not every comunity online...
i am active in quite a few game forums here on steam starbound is the only one that A allows the trolling and B is so over run with trolls the others are quite peaceful and nice...
but you are right internet bullies are cowards and they are weak and have so little logic that they dont realize they dont make sense and it makes them angery when others make sense...
its bad here cause the mods arent able to catch the troll threads quick enough to get rid of them so the trolls think they get away with it...
specialy because people jump real quick to attacking others instead of focusing on why they are frustrated ....
point in case you assumed i was attacking the op when infact i was lettign him know why people responded the way they did and i was covering all the bases as i said "i dont know if" meaning i have no clue then i proceeded wit hyou should always check what downloads so you dont have stuff you dont want in your system...
and then went on to express my opinion on unobservent people... so quote one of the ones who attacked the OP instead of randomly focusing on one tryingto explain the anarchy that is the starbound forums here...
and if you did not mean it twords me sorry for responding as if you did :)
thats another thing that people dont understand when to say ok sorry i was wrong ...
but yeah im saying it before because your point is very valid... and if you dont understand what i meant in the post you took the snip from then ask ill explain in short not another long post :-P
Jason May 4, 2014 @ 4:42am 
For those that were raised in the '80s...

Punctuation! It's half of english!
G.I. Joe!!!

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Date Posted: May 3, 2014 @ 5:09pm
Posts: 327