Wanderlust: Rebirth

Wanderlust: Rebirth

pillow 2013 年 2 月 27 日 下午 7:07
A Review
I just recently bought this game for myself and three friends, figuring we could go through on a full party of balanced characters. We immediately hit problems. I am posting this here because my page wouldn't get seen, and I do not want to "recommend" this game.
First of all, the multiplayer is buggy to the point of nearly unplayable, with items refusing to pick up, lag preventing us from completing actions or seeing monsters, and events not registering. First player is the only one who can even tell what is going on because no quest text will appear for anyone else. We weren't sure if we were helping because nobody could form consensus on what anyone was actually doing, while sitting in the SAME ROOM. This is how bad the lag was, on a game that does not require much power.
Secondly, the game is impossible to solo for anyone who must get into melee combat. Monsters swarm around alchemists and warriors and their abilities recharge so slowly (even at maximum skill) that it is impossible to survive assaults of more than three foes (since any more and they WILL box you in). Elementalist is the only class I have seen that can get through even a single level alone without dying 7 or 8 times even on lowest difficulty.
Third, the visibility in this game is unbearable. I've been attacked by foes I could not see too many times to count, and that's when I could even see my own character. When trees or objects are not blocking my vision, clouds are. Clouds. Constantly. There are far too many clouds.
Finally, the game requires absurd amounts of grinding for what feels like an inconsequential reward. I spent two hours finding the materials to build a green helm for a recipe I received early on, and when I equipped it, I noticed no difference in my skills and I died just as quickly.
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Dangledorf  [开发者] 2013 年 2 月 28 日 上午 7:14 
First, thanks for your input. I would like to address a few points you have made.

Saying the multiplayer is buggy does not help us fix the problems you are having. I have my dedicated server up 24/7 and have not witnessed any multiplayer bugs. A lot of the multiplayer bugs you experience, such as not seeing enemies, or something online related getting out of synch is usually due to players running the game at a low FPS. If your computer is running the game slow, you need to run Steam as Admin (we address this in the FAQ on our website). This is a hardware issue that some users run into, and running Steam as Admin has helped a lot of players.

When you mention no quest text, are you talking about the side quest in Chapter 2? If so, only the host sees that chat. Now if you are referring to a cinema (the ones with black bars at top and bottom), then yes that is most likely a bug.

If you are experiencing bugs, first thing you need to do is check the error_log in the Wanderlust folder and post the errors in the bug topic over at reflectgames.com or email us it so we can take a look at it. Don't forget to mention what you were doing when the bug occurred.

Soloing is difficult in Wanderlust, I will give you that. By skills recharging too slow, I assume you are talking about the Alchemist (Fighter has no CDs). If you want to lower the CD of his abilities, put more points into Alchemy. The alchemist should never get caught in the middle of a group of enemies because he can easily dash through them. Try specing in crowd control skills (like Ice Potion or Blast Potion), and toss a potion when enemies get near then dash away. Do not try to play the Alchemist like a Fighter (getting up close and melee fighting enemies), or you will die, a lot. If being surrounded is the problem, try hit and run tactics, do not let the enemies surround you (their AI is programmed to try and surround you). Don't try to just run in there and mash away at the enemies, and as a fighter if you block constantly, you shouldn't have a problem killing 99% of everything in the game. When he blocks 2 hits from an enemy, he gets an instant crit on said enemy (and dodges their next hit).

Clouds will not cover you up when you are fighting (they disappear). If they bother you, you can always turn them off in the options menu. I will agree that having trees in your way can be annoying.

Grinding for materials/tokens is best done in crawl mode, where you get drops constantly, as well as tokens. If you were just wanting to craft a green, you could easily buy the green off of Gregin in the lobby (keep opening his store to re-random items). A green item is not going to cause a huge difference in stats, but a blue and orange do. If you go through normal mode, selling all of your materials, you can easily purchase full green gear before you finish the game.

A lot of the points you made against the game could/are resolved with better knowledge of the game. Learning what are great solo skills and how the enemies fight will allow you to solo chapters better. Learning where to get the best drops and tokens will allow you to craft better gear. You do have some points, WR is by far not perfect, but a lot of reviews lately put down aspects of WR that evolve more as you get further in your characters development. It IS a hard game (like those old school arcade games), but if you feel stuck at any point, go back to earlier chapters and try for 100%, and in the process you will get the tokens and materials you are looking for.

WR was designed in a way to reward skilled players to progress faster than players who are not as good at the game. Some players can solo the game no problem, some players go through chapters and get 100% on the first try, and others do not. Just don't come into WR and expect to be able to stomp all the enemies that cross your path, because that just isn't how WR was designed; it is supposed to kick your butt!
最后由 Dangledorf 编辑于; 2013 年 2 月 28 日 下午 12:38
pillow 2013 年 2 月 28 日 上午 9:59 
引用自 2 Angry Inches
Saying the multiplayer is buggy does not help us fix the problems you are having. I have my dedicated server up 24/7 and have not witnessed any multiplayer bugs. A lot of the multiplayer bugs you experience, such as not seeing enemies, or something online related getting out of synch is usually due to players running the game at a lot FPS. If your computer is running the game slow, you need to run Steam as Admin (we address this in the FAQ on our website). This is a hardware issue that some users run into, and running Steam as Admin has helped a lot of players.

I am running Steam as Admin. It is not a problem that only one player is having. Everyone except Player 1 has this problem in our group. This is also the only game I've got that has this problem.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
When you mention no quest text, are you talking about the side quest in Chapter 2? If so, only the host sees that chat. Now if you are referring to a cinema (the ones with black bars at top and bottom), then yes that is most likely a bug.

I was referring to this text. We were playing through as a group because the game was designed to be played like that, but none of us know what is going on besides 1P. If this is deliberate, it is very frustrating.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
Soloing is difficult in Wanderlust, I will give you that. By skills recharging too slow, I assume you are talking about the Alchemist (Fighter has no CDs). If you want to lower the CD of his abilities, put more points into Alchemy.

I did. I maxed out Alchemy. They still recharge so slowly I can't use them fast enough to fight back.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
The alchemist should never get caught in the middle of a group of enemies because he can easily dash through them.

Except that if the Alchemist runs out of special, he can't move unless he lets go, the meter drains while it's being held down, and while surrounded, I can't move without dashing, which I can't do because my meter drains so fast.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
Try specing in crowd control skills (like Ice Potion or Blast Potion), and toss a potion when enemies get near then dash away.

Except that I can't use those skills except when in melee range, and when I use them, it drains my special meter, which means it's empty when things come towards me to attack.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
Do not try to play the Alchemist like a Fighter (getting up close and melee fighting enemies), or you will die, a lot.

The Alchemist can only attack in melee range. I can only fight up close.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
If being surrounded is the problem, try hit and run tactics, do not let the enemies surround you (their AI is programmed to try and surround you). Don't try to just run in there and mash away at the enemies, and as a fighter if you block constantly, you shouldn't have a problem killing 99% of everything in the game. When he blocks 2 hits from an enemy, he gets an instant crit on said enemy (and dodges their next hit).

Blocking also drains my meter.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
Clouds will not cover you up when you are fighting (they disappear). If they bother you, you can always turn them off in the options menu. I will agree that having trees in your way can be annoying.

I don't have that option or I'd have found it by now. Are you sure it's there? Also, clouds never turn off for me.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
Grinding for materials/tokens is best done in crawl mode, where you get drops constantly, as well as tokens. If you were just wanting to craft a green, you could easily buy the green off of Gregin in the lobby (keep opening his store to re-random items). A green item is not going to cause a huge difference in stats, but a blue and orange do. If you go through normal mode, selling all of your materials, you can easily purchase full green gear before you finish the game.

I can't unlock Crawl mode because I can't beat the eighth boss. He annihilates my group. We all get frozen when he uses his special and then he spams ice to keep us frozen, meaning we never unfreeze until we die. He then heals faster than we can keep him hurt.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
A lot of the points you made against the game could/are resolved with better knowledge of the game. Learning what are great solo skills and how the enemies fight will allow you to solo chapters better. Learning where to get the best drops and tokens will allow you to craft better gear. You do have some points, WR is by far not perfect, but a lot of reviews lately put down aspects of WR that evolve more as you get further in your characters development

Okay, but I'm not having any fun by spending hours failing at the game, and my friends are not going to sit around and continue to fail at it for hours. There's no learning curve here. We just start off dying a lot and continue to die a lot as we progress.
There's also no way of learning anything about building besides brutal trial-and-error (with no room for screwing up because everything kills us in one hit) and asking people online.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
It IS a hard game (like those old school arcade games), but if you feel stuck at any point, go back to earlier chapters and try for 100%, and in the process you will get the tokens and materials you are looking for.

We are doing this. I have yet to finish a chapter without dying at least 12 times against the boss alone. In a group of four people. I'm not getting any points, and I have not found a single recipe besides one blue one I can't use. I haven't found ANY equipment.

引用自 2 Angry Inches
WR was designed in a way to reward skilled players to progress faster than players who are not as good at the game.

That's great. How are people supposed to GET skilled if the game punishes them for being new at it?

引用自 2 Angry Inches
Some players can solo the game no problem, some players go through chapters and get 100% on the first try, and others do not. Just don't come into WR and expect to be able to stomp all the enemies that cross your path, because that just isn't how WR was designed; it is supposed to kick your butt!

I don't expect to stomp every single enemy. I would, however, like to not get stomped by every single enemy. Soloing is clearly not possible for me, but I am not doing any better with a group. I understand we're not supposed to get 100% on the first try, but I have yet to get more than 50% on run after run, so I'm not improving at all. I've respecced my character so many times the numbers have started to blur together. My stats mean nothing to me anymore because I can't see any difference. I can't get better gear because we can't unlock Crawl and can't unlock Crawl because our gear isn't good enough to continue. It's a Catch-22.
Dangledorf  [开发者] 2013 年 2 月 28 日 上午 11:16 
I was referring to this text. We were playing through as a group because the game was designed to be played like that, but none of us know what is going on besides 1P. If this is deliberate, it is very frustrating.
That side quest (1 of 2 in the game), talks specifically to the party leader. If you guys were confused, the party leader should have just said go find my kid. The 2 side quests in the game give you very little points to begin with, so missing it isn't even imperative, it is just there to break up the chapter based gameplay a bit.

I did. I maxed out Alchemy. They still recharge so slowly I can't use them fast enough to fight back.
Well you aren't going to be able to spam 1 potion over and over. If you are wanting to chain spam potions, you will need to unlock multiple potions. Alchemy helps, a lot, but if you were able to just spam fire blast potions with max alchemy, it would be so OP it wouldn't even be funny. Put some points in alchemy, put some points in blast, ice, fire. You now can throw 3 potions in succession to do some damage. After that, flee until your CD is done.

Except that if the Alchemist runs out of special, he can't move unless he lets go, the meter drains while it's being held down, and while surrounded, I can't move without dashing, which I can't do because my meter drains so fast.
Yes, because when you are holding down the block button, you are in the dodge state (same as block for fighter). Don't put yourself in the situation to run out of stamina. If you see it getting low, dash to get away. If you get surrounded and let your stamina drain, well that is just bad tactics and you are going to take some damage because of it.

Except that I can't use those skills except when in melee range, and when I use them, it drains my special meter, which means it's empty when things come towards me to attack.
Even the level 1 potion has a blast radius bigger than a melee enemies range. Level 5 of any potion gets an even bigger radius, and level 10 of a potion gets even bigger. You have plenty of time to drop a potion when the enemy is headed your way and then dash away before they can even hit you. If your stamina is draining too fast, then dump some points into endurance to increase your max stamina.

The Alchemist can only attack in melee range. I can only fight up close.
This is not true. Sure, alchemist's MELEE hit will only hit in melee range, but even level 1 blast will hit enemies a space or so away. Alchemist's shouldn't even be trying to duke it out head to head anyways. Drop a blast potion, if the enemy gets stunned, dash through them and then melee hit them in the back. This will give you an instant crit doing massive damage.

Blocking also drains my meter.
Yes, because no player should be able to turtle in a block forever. Plan when to block rather than holding it down. As a fighter, if you block at the right time you will counter the enemy, taking no damage and getting an instant crit, usually killing the enemy in 1 hit.

I don't have that option or I'd have found it by now. Are you sure it's there? Also, clouds never turn off for me.
Yes, hiding clouds is in there.

I can't unlock Crawl mode because I can't beat the eighth boss. He annihilates my group. We all get frozen when he uses his special and then he spams ice to keep us frozen, meaning we never unfreeze until we die. He then heals faster than we can keep him hurt.
Not being able to beat the boss is no excuse. If you guys are really dying that much, you could literally brute force your way to the end of the chapter because you cannot get anything lower than 50% on normal mode. His cloned copies have 1 hp, save a soul charge until he does his ultimate, and then pop it and destroy the clones. As an Alchemist you can dash through attacks (spells), because as you are mid dash you are invincible to anything. Do not let the boss heal, he will only heal when you let him summon 2 skeleton warriors. If you see a skeleton warrior, stop attacking the boss and go kill it. If he does happen to sacrifice them and turn them into those purple orbs, then go pick them up and get cursed, but at least you stop him from healing himself.

Okay, but I'm not having any fun by spending hours failing at the game, and my friends are not going to sit around and continue to fail at it for hours. There's no learning curve here. We just start off dying a lot and continue to die a lot as we progress. There's also no way of learning anything about building besides brutal trial-and-error (with no room for screwing up because everything kills us in one hit) and asking people online.
There is plenty of room for trial and error. WR barely punished you on normal/hard if you die. Just hit continue and try again. Chapters take around 15 minutes to beat. If you just get stomped, figure out the enemies tactics and retry the chapter.

We are doing this. I have yet to finish a chapter without dying at least 12 times against the boss alone. In a group of four people. I'm not getting any points, and I have not found a single recipe besides one blue one I can't use. I haven't found ANY equipment.
This just sounds like you have not really figured out how to play the Alchemist. You could always try one of the other classes who aren't as squishy. Bosses are hard in WR, and a lot of games these days fail to have challenging bosses. It is ALL about learning your characters purpose in fights, and learning the bosses moves. Are you guys even using soul charges? These will literally make you destroy bosses in seconds.

That's great. How are people supposed to GET skilled if the game punishes them for being new at it?
If a game doesn't punish you for using bad tactics, how are you suppose to learn they are bad? If you could literally go in button mashing and destroy everything, then you would NEVER learn how to become skilled at the game.

I appreciate all reviews, good or bad, aimed towards WR, but your review was not a review. You stated many points that are all result of not understanding how to play your character class. You CANNOT go into WR button mashing or you will die. I think players expect WR to be a lot easier than it is because of the graphic style, but it is more akin to dark souls. At least we don't take all of your gold and make you start the entire chapter over when you die on normal/hard like that game.

It is fine if you do not like the game, you could have simply stated that the game was a lot harder than you expected. Bashing the game because you are dying a lot can easily be countered by not dying (learning how to avoid getting hit).

最后由 Dangledorf 编辑于; 2013 年 2 月 28 日 下午 12:41
AFFINE 2013 年 3 月 1 日 下午 4:50 
Try being more efficient with your SP... cuz somehow I do it just fine even on epic. I must be magic huh.
ArcheKnight 2013 年 3 月 15 日 下午 5:37 
I think giving a review based on not knowing enough about the game is a fair topic. It says that the game doesn't teach people well enough. I played the game for hours and I don't know if I ever figured out how to do the big attack as the elementalist (or w/e the class is and w/e the attack is called. I haven't played in months). I spent forever trying to figure it out...
Leth 2013 年 3 月 19 日 下午 4:04 
I will say this, the Alchemist is far and away the most challenging class to play in the game. Positioning is his primary mechanic (either to hit groups of enemies with potions or targeting single opponents with backstab damage). However, his dash-move enables him to do this with ease, if you can learn to master the technique. Endurance is needed to execute the dash multiple times without running out of Special Points. Start there.

For learning the game's intricacies, the "E Key" is probably the most effective solution.

For finding the best success, cooperative play is encouraged. Even having just one additional player will mean - on average - that only half of the enemies are attacking you at any given moment.

Hope this helps!
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