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Helicopter Run
Great game but totally spoilt by the helicopter run, he is far to slow in his responses and I think I have spent enough time trying to do this run.

I'll have another go tomorrow before shelving the game if I cannot complete this run.
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
wt7 Aug 26, 2013 @ 10:43am 
I put it down after I met the Rat. Horrible story is horrible, even in a ficticious environment.
Not regretting purchase, just wish it were a bit more plausible.
Yeah the story of this game is really bad. And the part with the helicopter sucks too, I had to try it 10 times before I got it right. The game has its 2-3 really annoying scenes, but the rest is okay.
Mr Fraggle (UK) Aug 27, 2013 @ 1:12am 
I am pretty rubbish with a gamepad but I might try this part with one as I am having no luck with KB/mouse at this helicopter run.
Mr Fraggle (UK) Aug 27, 2013 @ 7:58am 
Got that bit done,eventually, it was the last fence that he really had problems with.

But now we have another bit of nonsence with the guys with guns chasing him after switching off the generator. The silly aiming with a gun does not help.

Watch this space ,lol.
Last edited by Mr Fraggle (UK); Aug 27, 2013 @ 7:58am
Mr Fraggle (UK) Aug 29, 2013 @ 7:04am 
OK finished the game decided on a second playthrough which is always easier the second time around except that helicopter run and in particular he seems to want to climb over leisurely and take even more time jumping off. So gave up on the second run, cannot be arsed.
Mr Fraggle (UK) Aug 31, 2013 @ 4:35am 
Originally posted by fauxtronic:
Originally posted by Mr Fraggle (UK):
I am pretty rubbish with a gamepad but I might try this part with one as I am having no luck with KB/mouse at this helicopter run.

Well I've used an X-Box 360 controller since the beginning and it's appalling, particularly in this segment.

I'm heading right and I jump over a fence but then (randomly) he decides to climb back over to the left side of the fence even though the stick is pointed to the right? WTF? So I pause to try and reload from checkpoint and the game freezes for anywhere between 10 seconds to a minute before I can do so.

I've just given up on the game at this point. I'd love to see the story through but I'm sick of all the bugs I'm hitting. There's no way on earth this game was beta tested. If anything it got through the alpha stage and we're all playing the beta.

I'm stunned that a game published by Microsoft Game Studios has such an abundance of critical, game killing bugs that were abandoned rather than fixed. "Microsoft Game Studios" is not synonymous with "quality" and "well tested" for me anymore after this (a shame after games like Mark of the Ninja and Alan Wake), and I won't touch another game by Tequila Works in my life, whether made for PC or console.

I agree with you. At first I thought it was my handling of the gamepad but after 10-15 trys I soon realised that it was the game. Which is a pity as overall I enjoyed the game but if they are to lazy to issue a patch to sort this and other bugs I too will be avoiding this developer in the future.
Mr Fraggle (UK) Aug 31, 2013 @ 8:32am 
I got past it eventually but I do not know how as I did nothing different, on the second run through when a game is usually simpler as you know what is expected of you and you are used to the controls, again I got to the heleicopter part and try as I might I could not get him over the last fence. As you say he has a tendency to go the other way or jumping off is far to slow.

Needless to say I have given up on the second run through and am now playing afterfall Insanity which is yet another game which has decided to through something totally pointless into the game without giving any real instructions as to what is required of you to get past.

A couple of more attemps and then if unsuccessful i'll binn the game. fortunately they are the cheapo games so no big deal, just a pain.
lungdoc Aug 31, 2013 @ 11:13am 
I found the helicopter run frustrating at first, too. Had to put the game down for a few hours. Came back and got it, probably took me about a dozen tries (give or take a few) before I finally got it. I found the end sequence more frustrating - didn't take me more than a few tries, but they really didn't let you see what was coming up ahead, which I found disappointing from a level design perspective.

What I absolutely hated the most - and this is why I dislike zombie games in general - were the scenes were you couldn't think or platform your way through, you just had to fight through a swarm of shadows, and in a game where resources were scarce (ammo, stamina) I thought these particular sequences were really frustrating to get through. I think it was intentional, though, as these bits were somewhat scarce, but the threat had its desired effect - sweaty palms, palpitations, facepalms, etc.

Some design/gameplay elements aside, I thought it was a decent game. Frustrating bits are frustrating, but I think there's a fine line between a game that is too hard/frustrating at times and a game that is too easy.
Codegears Sep 7, 2013 @ 11:51pm 
game is ♥♥♥♥ /thread
cdrMShepard Sep 18, 2013 @ 5:11pm 
Yes, it is a bit ridiculous! I am stuck on this part right now. Those fences! You get so far ahead of the helicopter, and then once you get to them the chopper is RIGHT THERE! wtf?
Mr Fraggle (UK) Sep 19, 2013 @ 9:11am 
All I can say is keep plugging away (or not) I didn't bother on the second play through I just gave up on it.
Rabid Urko Sep 19, 2013 @ 6:35pm 
Originally posted by wt7:
I put it down after I met the Rat. Horrible story is horrible, even in a ficticious environment.
Not regretting purchase, just wish it were a bit more plausible.

The Rat bit was tedious , ironically the story and gameplay really hots up after that bit.
Rabid Urko Sep 19, 2013 @ 6:36pm 
Originally posted by cdrMShepard:
Yes, it is a bit ridiculous! I am stuck on this part right now. Those fences! You get so far ahead of the helicopter, and then once you get to them the chopper is RIGHT THERE! wtf?

You gotta be fast, i died loads.
Last edited by Rabid Urko; Sep 19, 2013 @ 6:36pm
Mr Fraggle (UK) Sep 20, 2013 @ 3:04am 
Nothing to do with being fast as has been said you can be far ahead but get to the last fence and he will go everywhere but where you want him to go. But after a millions trys you succeed and hope that a save point has been created because you do not want to have to do that crap again.
Rabid Urko Sep 20, 2013 @ 12:13pm 
ahh i thought you meant the actual running.
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