Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single Player

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single Player

Ryan Feb 4, 2016 @ 11:53pm
Unlimited Edition mod - Adds Collector's weapons, New Game Plus, and alternate NPC voices
Hey all.

This is a project I've been working on for the Steam version of Dark Messiah.

Unlimited Edition is a mod intended to restore features previously restricted to Limited Edition. It also includes a few more features which are listed below:
  • Adds the Collector's weapons from Limited Edition.
  • Adds a New Game Plus mode accessible from the credits map.
  • Adds previously unused voices to NPCs throughout the game.
  • Fixes Leanna's missing sound when telling her to stop following the player.
  • Fixes potions/food from stacking past the 20 item limit.
  • Several minor level fixes.
New Game Plus lets you replay the game from the start with all your skills and equipment, including your holy weapons or special ability or both (if you make strategic choices in-game).

New in 1.2:
  • Adds New Game Plus reward: extra inventory. Beat the game for access to a second inventory grid. Bind a key to invswap (e.g. "bind b invswap") to activate.
  • Adds a difficulty selection area to credits map.
  • Adds a new difficulty, Endurance, selectable from credits map. Enemies have double their Hardcore health and deal damage similar to Hard. Intended for players that find New Game Plus too easy with end-game equipment.
  • Fixes missing ballista explosion sounds.

Version 1.3 adds a subtle decal to the first map to visually confirm the mod is installed correctly. It also swaps positions of the holy sword and staff to prevent an issue when equipping shields.

Version 1.4 adds support for two add-ons: Freeze Damage and New Zoom. See below for download links.

Some screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GLK5l https://i.imgur.com/URLL9lC.jpg

This mod doesn't require Limited Edition to work because the assets for the Collector's weapons are prepackaged with all versions of the game. Feel free to share any feedback and/or issues you experience here.

Special thanks to 5hmmoe for donating.

Unlimited Edition:

Unlimited Edition with most mini-mods (includes everything except Regen Binds, Free Inv Swap and Normal Health)


Some user-requested features have been made into separate mini-mods. Unlimited Edition can work with all of them:
  • White Wizard Eye[www.dropbox.com]
    Removes the blue tint from the Dark Vision spell.

  • Clearer Sanctuary[www.dropbox.com]
    Increases the transparency of Sanctuary's visual effect to improve visibility in darkness.

  • Goblin Range Fix[www.dropbox.com]
    Makes the range of goblins' attacks match their size.

  • Super Telekinesis[www.dropbox.com]
    Allows huge objects and more NPCs to be grabbed (necromancer lords, liches, spiders, villagers, and others). Full adrenaline is still required to grab living NPCs.
    Will conflict with mods that change the spell config.

  • Normal Health[www.dropbox.com]
    Prevents NPCs' health from scaling on harder difficulties but retains their damage scaling. In other words, NPCs always have the same health as they do on Normal difficulty.
    Will conflict with mods that change the gameplay config.

  • Regen Binds[www.dropbox.com]
    Adds key bindings to options menu for toggling mana and adrenaline regeneration.
    Will conflict with mods that change the game text or keyboard menu config.

  • Free Inventory Swap[www.dropbox.com]
    Enables Unlimited Edition's inventory swapping without needing to start New Game Plus. Also adds a "Swap Inventory" key binding to the keyboard menu.
    Requires Unlimited Edition. Will conflict with mods that change the autoexec config, game text, or keyboard menu config.

  • Freeze Damage[www.dropbox.com]
    Makes the Freeze spell deal damage when cast on enemies.
    Requires Unlimited Edition. Will conflict with mods that change the autoexec config.

  • New Zoom[www.dropbox.com]
    Allows the player to use the Zoom key at all times.
    Requires Unlimited Edition. Will conflict with mods that change the autoexec config.

  • Missing Sound Patch[www.dropbox.com]
    A patch that fixes a few missing sounds and suppresses console warnings for intentionally absent audio. Fixed sounds: Lich-Leanna impale, alternate Necroguard idle, and alternate Necromancer hail. Some sounds are only heard with Unlimited Edition.

  • Mini-mod Compatibility Patch[www.dropbox.com]
    Patch to allow Regen Binds, Free Inventory Swap, Freeze Damage, and New Zoom to cooperate. Mods must be downloaded separately.
Last edited by Ryan; Jul 12, 2019 @ 7:41pm
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Showing 1-15 of 308 comments
liewhdfsoljh Feb 6, 2016 @ 8:46am 
Dude, what about multiplayer collector armour for warrior class? Did you implement it too? I heard of the bug, which used to enable the armour in multiplayer mode. It was probably code issue.
Ryan Feb 6, 2016 @ 1:13pm 
This mod is single player only. The Collector's armour is from multiplayer so it never appears in the single player campaign.

Just now I created a quick mod for multiplayer Dark Messiah that loads the bonus warrior model in place of the regular model. It doesn't work. The game uses a checksum to verify the integrity of the models. I'm not sure how one would get around this.
Scrubwave Mar 26, 2016 @ 7:48am 
I'm bumping because I think it's well deserved.
LordNoryam Mar 30, 2016 @ 12:43pm 
Bullett00th Apr 1, 2016 @ 3:51am 
Does new game plus buff enemies? Cause otherwise you'd be so OP that fighting would become boring
Ryan Apr 1, 2016 @ 12:49pm 
Enemies aren't buffed in New Game Plus. They stay at whatever difficulty the game was started on. I could possibly add a way to change the difficulty, but I'm not sure how I could make the enemies tougher if the player is already playing on the hardest difficulty.
I will try it, thanks
Shmooe Apr 20, 2016 @ 5:03pm 
tried it.. weapons work and the voices and all but... most my hits go through enemies now and it seems they dont die unless they damage you 1st. i just beat this yesterday no issues and now almost every enemy is half god mode... any reason for this or a fix before i uninstall it? i really only want to see this cutscene

Played a bit more restarted the game and it seems better... the weapons are cool and the voices not being as broken are sweet! all in all this mod is awesome.

Wondering if maybe you can fix the picking up large object with magic being broken as this has never worked for me
Last edited by Shmooe; Apr 20, 2016 @ 6:22pm
Ryan Apr 21, 2016 @ 2:36pm 
Thanks for the feedback, 5hmooe.

Originally posted by 5hmooe:
but... most my hits go through enemies now and it seems they dont die unless they damage you 1st.
It sounds like you're describing the issue listed in the readme. It's a bug within Dark Messiah itself caused by repeatedly toggling the player's special ability during dialogs. It can prevent the player from inflicting damage. Sometimes it fixes itself on a level load but the best fix is to load a game saved prior to the bug. I've tried to patch this by locking the player's special ability during dialogs but I haven't been able to achieve this.

i really only want to see this cutscene
It's actually a scripted scene which is an in-game "cutscene" of sorts. You might have noticed an example of this at Menelag's if his servant thanked you for saving him. In this case, it's the encounter with the Spectre Statue but her dialog will be different. I apologize for misleading you. I'll make this clearer in the readme.

Wondering if maybe you can fix the picking up large object with magic being broken as this has never worked for me
I can look into it but I'm not sure what you're describing. Can you give me an example?
Shmooe Apr 21, 2016 @ 3:52pm 
Originally posted by Ryan:
Thanks for the feedback, 5hmooe.
I can look into it but I'm not sure what you're describing. Can you give me an example?

Ok this is way late in the game but a for sure example. when you fight the cyclops to help percy get through (the one right after getting the fire bow) there is a lage rock that highlights when you have teleknisis on but you cant pick it up even with adrenaline. but if you just walk around the game you will see object that highlight and even make your hands move but dont pick up.

Also when you get the skull of shadows the cutscene were arintir kills you by knocking you back on the spike doesnt play for me anymore. it just goes to the dream scene and me waking up on chapter 7

Also Also youre a badass i love the weapons and the lost voices i havent heard some of this stuff like leana's lets go and ill wait stuff in so long
Last edited by Shmooe; Apr 21, 2016 @ 5:16pm
Dr. Rockenstone Apr 21, 2016 @ 6:28pm 
Amazing work dude! Glad to see this game is still getting some modding attention. I tried to fool around with modding this game but the only thing I got done was changing the menu background.
Ryan Apr 21, 2016 @ 7:16pm 
Originally posted by 5hmooe:
it just goes to the dream scene and me waking up on chapter 7
Are you referring to the dream where Sareth sees his father? Because that occurs in the same cutscene where Arantir kills Sareth; it just happens later on. The cutscene is 2m20s long with the first 1m30s being the dream part.

I did a quick level warp to beat the Specter Statue and saw the correct cutscene play. Is it possible that you cancelled it too early?

Ok this is way late in the game but a for sure example. when you fight the cyclops to help percy get through (the one right after getting the fire bow) there is a lage rock that highlights when you have teleknisis on but you cant pick it up even with adrenaline.
That's a perfect example, thank you. I'll see what I can do.

Originally posted by Rayniac:
Amazing work dude! Glad to see this game is still getting some modding attention. I tried to fool around with modding this game but the only thing I got done was changing the menu background.
Thanks, Rayniac. I appreciate the kind words.
Shmooe Apr 21, 2016 @ 7:26pm 
Originally posted by Ryan:
Originally posted by 5hmooe:
it just goes to the dream scene and me waking up on chapter 7
Are you referring to the dream where Sareth sees his father? Because that occurs in the same cutscene where Arantir kills Sareth; it just happens later on. The cutscene is 2m20s long with the first 1m30s being the dream part.

I did a quick level warp to beat the Specter Statue and saw the correct cutscene play. Is it possible that you cancelled it too early?

Oh damn youre right! i thought it was the other way around.... i just played it again and it is after you have the 1st dream.
Ryan Apr 22, 2016 @ 12:23am 
I understand now why some objects highlight from telekinesis but cannot be grabbed. The game splits objects into two groups according to their mass: huge and not-huge. Huge objects, like the stone you mentioned, are not meant to be grabbed but still highlight because they are props.

This means that the mistake isn't that some objects can't be picked up but rather that they highlight when they shouldn't. I'm glad you pointed this out since its something both the developers and I overlooked.

My intended solution now is to remove the telekinesis highlight from objects that can't be grabbed. This will take some time. I did test two other approaches that allow the player to carry huge objects but both have their own issues. If you're not a fan of this solution, I could put together a quick mini-mod to increase the telekinesis grab threshold. It would indiscriminately allow you to pickup heavy objects.
Last edited by Ryan; Apr 22, 2016 @ 12:23am
Shmooe Apr 22, 2016 @ 6:39pm 
Originally posted by Ryan:
If you're not a fan of this solution, I could put together a quick mini-mod to increase the telekinesis grab threshold. It would indiscriminately allow you to pickup heavy objects.

Yeah i want to pick that stuff up!!!! lol even if its unstable it would be sweet to crush stuff. I have to ask why are you going through all this for this old game?
I would really like to support you even if its small do you have a paypal or something?
I have logged over 1500 hrs in this game on CD and i swear 150hrs in the demo before the game was released. Then i got it on steam and logged almost 300 so... I Love This Game! i still have my CD and everything for personal value :)
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