Analogue: A Hate Story

Analogue: A Hate Story

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Korroz 8 NOV 2012 a las 8:40
Finished the game, thoughts and impressions.
So I got through the game last night. I must say that I felt kind of sick after the whole thing. I was also surprised at the impact the story managed to have. Maybe I was a little off guard, not expecting a game of this format to be capable of producing such intense emotions, but it still left me in a state of shock almost.

The way the story unfolded, the pace at which events were revealed; it all contributed to the creeping feeling of disgust. Even so, it was also thought-provoking so that I felt inspired to think about the larger societal and ethical issues mixed with feelings of disgust for the individual events from the story. This mix of emotions was indeed a strange combination. I must say that the game delievered a richer and deeper experience than I had anticipated, which was a pleasant surprise (even if that experience was party that of of disgust).

So how did the game affect you? Did it have an impact at all? What were your expectations and were they met or suceeded even?

It would be interesting to hear.
< >
Mostrando 1-15 de 23 comentarios
MSJ-06II-C 9 OCT 2013 a las 12:15 
it was like... okay i admit it i was close to crying at the end i cant even tell if i should hate hyun-ae or not its just so - well you know that feeling. When mute explained her desire to kill herself i paused almost 1 minute thinking of deactivating her core then i finally typed download. I wish there where more games like this hope i didnt spoil anything for you just in case
Última edición por MSJ-06II-C; 9 OCT 2013 a las 12:16
Korroz 16 OCT 2013 a las 7:26 
Thanks for sharing!

By far the most interesting aspect of the game I thought was the emotional tumult it managed to produce. Sadly though, most discussions about the game I've seen around focuses on the trivial and superficial topic of the choice of rescuee or how to get them both. I hope that's because it's an easier topic to approach and not that the plot and impact of it were lost on most gamers.
5M0k1N 17 OCT 2013 a las 12:24 
was a long time ago when i played. cant remember much about how i felt at the moment but i do remember i loved it and it was one of those games / books / animes / movies / whatever that you finish and for the next weeks you keep thinking about it at random times :p
Black Iron Tarkus4 13 NOV 2013 a las 18:58 
Am I allowed to post spoilers here? Because the part where the kims cut Hyan-ae's tongue was messed up. You know it might be a strech to say this, but the game may have made me a better person, because it did make me aware of how horrible it must be to be completely powerless like that, especially since it happens in the modern world as well. I don't know, that's my two cents. It had a pretty big effect.
Spoonykipper 13 NOV 2013 a las 21:00 
I enjoyed it! Looking forward to seeing what happens in the sequel
Korroz 14 NOV 2013 a las 0:47 
Publicado originalmente por Black Iron Tarkus:
... how horrible it must be to be completely powerless like that ...

Aye, that event was the major source of disgust for me at least. Early in the game, when you first notice there is a sudden change in the Pale Bride's behavior, I made it my goal as a player to find out what caused it. Finally finding out was very shocking and left me with a surprisingly strong resentment of their society. I mean early on I could clearly see that the society was unjust and flawed in many ways already, but that was an objective assesment. It wasn't until I could read about what truly horrifying things a society such as that could produce. The sadest part was that the individuals involved thought they were doing good.

Punchhole 15 NOV 2013 a las 23:17 
I played this game blindly and I'm glad I did so.

I think it's easy to feel pity for poor Hyun-ae. Since she's the first person I met in the game and she was so nice and cheerful, it's natural for me to take her side. I listened to her story patiently. I saw Mute as antagonist. And when I found out what had happened, I felt like I wanted to hug Hyun-ae and comfort her. When I clicked on the button telling her that I don't hate her, I do feel that I don't hate her at all. I cannot hate Hyun-ae, although what she did was wrong and what she did deserves mass-murderer title. I'm a little unsatisfied that the game has no option for me to tell her directly that 'No, I don't hate you. But what you did was wrong.'
At the end I wonder what it would be like if my first impression of Hyun-ae was from Mute's perspective. I think it's harder and challenging to overcome hatred and prejudice, and it's a topic which a game could be a perfect medium.

My greatest impression from this game is when I tried to defend Hyun-ae from Mute. I felt sad I'm the only person in the entire universe to know who actually was Hyun-ae, and I was so determined to make Mute realize what had happened to Hyun-ae. I felt sad that Mute won't even listen and there's no way I could bring her to see that block by herself. When I figured out how to do it and finally had Mute accepted Hyun-ae, I was overjoyed. It was a very satisfying feeling. It's truly a winning.
But it's a game. I know and have experienced that, in real life I cannot change someone's perspective by presenting the truth alone. Even with the truth right in front of their eyes, hatred and prejudice will blind people. Well, Mute is an AI; and perhaps that's why it's easy to make her listen. At least I'm glad I have a happy ending here.
Evil Bee 29 NOV 2013 a las 6:13 
I was kinda 'meh'. Story had an interesting premise, whilst expected me to suspend disbelief a little too much on a few occasions, but the childlike dialogue (for both characters) and cutesy manga was a major put off. The interface and way that you reveal the story is interesting, but rather clunky to use. I just ended up feeling that it would've been much better as a short story than a interactive story.

Oh and worst terminal emulator ever.
Korroz 29 NOV 2013 a las 6:36 
Publicado originalmente por Footissimo:
... whilst expected me to suspend disbelief a little too much on a few occasions ...

Interesting, what exactly was so hard to believe?

Personally, the only part of the story that seemed to not add up was how Hyun-ae managed to upload her consciousness into the computer.

Publicado originalmente por Footissimo:
The interface and way that you reveal the story is interesting, but rather clunky to use.

Yes, you're right it is rather clunky. But I guess it lended to the immersion for me, digging through a derelict ships faultering computer sounds like it's not the smoothest thing you could do.

Publicado originalmente por Footissimo:
Oh and worst terminal emulator ever.

Haha, I've seen worse.

Too bad your experience wasn't as immersive as it was for some of us, but thanks for sharing anyway.
Última edición por Korroz; 29 NOV 2013 a las 6:38
Alex 16 FEB 2014 a las 13:05 
The story in this one left me shocked as well.Didn't expect such an ending,AT ALL.Would love to read something else so well writen,but majority of translated VN is just...ugh...mediocre,at best,or has an interesting idea but not so great execution behind it,like Fate or Tsukihime,both of which have an interesting adventurous(is that even a valid word?sorry if it's not)-plot overall,flawed by out-of-place parts and worse.Of course,Analogue stands on a whole different level.To not demonstrate my horrible english any further,I'll just add that I felt much the same like Korroz did after playing the game.It's probably the first time that I was so strongly affected by video game
Glitter Trash 16 FEB 2014 a las 15:02 
Publicado originalmente por mazanakaUA:
Would love to read something else so well writen

Try Christine Love's other excelent ones, Hate Plus is the sequel to this, and she has 2 free VNs that are really great too.
Doom_Diver 16 FEB 2014 a las 23:05 
played it blind. shock to learn the truth. with hyun and mute, i understand both sides. i feel story for hyun and i can forgive her actions. i also understand mute hate. this is why i like the non canon ending with both still alive. i hate how the story ends in which 1 of the ais is... well you know. the story was sooooooooooo good but yet, so dark at times. worth the money.
Vincil 17 FEB 2014 a las 22:57 
Well, I actualy found myself predicting every plot twist in the *Hyun-ae arc. And seeing as the *Hyun-ae relied HEAVILY on the shock facter, the arc didn't really leave any impression on me. But it's through detailing of the social strcuture was facinating, and the whole arc was generaly entertaining.

And then I played the *Mute arc, and it was great. The way is humanized the characters, the way it revealed more about *Mute's character as she reveleled more about the characters in the logs. The way it revelaed the character to have both virtues and flaws. And that ending :p

In the series left quite an impression on me. And it was all good.... well until day 3...
KayKayBanaynays 18 FEB 2014 a las 4:29 
I'll admit that I was being extra nice to *Hyun-ae from the beginning and taking her side just 'cause I thought she was cute. As the story unfurled, that shallowness turned into genuine compassion. And by the end I felt so bad for her. I remember that right when I got my theory of what the Kim family had done to the Pale Bride, I said out loud "No way... you motherf*****s".

Another memorable point was when I had to decide what to do to shut down the reactor. I played my first run blind and knew there was probably a way to save both AIs but had no idea how to go about doing it. I turned off everything I could but then I was stuck... two AIs using 5% power each, and I need to use 5% less power. I eventually chose *Hyun-ae, but it wasn't exactly a quick decision.

I can definitely see this as one of those games I think about for a while. I just wish my friends would give a game like this a fair chance, but I know they won't. :(

Publicado originalmente por Raynor:
this is why i like the non canon ending with both still alive.

Well Hate Plus continues off of any ending except for the ending where you leave alone. So who's to say that ending isn't canon?
Última edición por KayKayBanaynays; 18 FEB 2014 a las 4:41
Doom_Diver 18 FEB 2014 a las 6:15 
Publicado originalmente por MegaSeveN:
I'll admit that I was being extra nice to *Hyun-ae from the beginning and taking her side just 'cause I thought she was cute. As the story unfurled, that shallowness turned into genuine compassion. And by the end I felt so bad for her. I remember that right when I got my theory of what the Kim family had done to the Pale Bride, I said out loud "No way... you motherf*****s".

Another memorable point was when I had to decide what to do to shut down the reactor. I played my first run blind and knew there was probably a way to save both AIs but had no idea how to go about doing it. I turned off everything I could but then I was stuck... two AIs using 5% power each, and I need to use 5% less power. I eventually chose *Hyun-ae, but it wasn't exactly a quick decision.

I can definitely see this as one of those games I think about for a while. I just wish my friends would give a game like this a fair chance, but I know they won't. :(

Publicado originalmente por Raynor:
this is why i like the non canon ending with both still alive.

Well Hate Plus continues off of any ending except for the ending where you leave alone. So who's to say that ending isn't canon?
in hate plus, they break the fourth wall and say it themselves, that this non canon lol
< >
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