Batman™: Arkham Knight

Batman™: Arkham Knight

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Zen Shot 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:29
Entitled brats will destroy PC gaming.
Yeah sure your annoyed. Angry even. But this backlash against the game, the avalanche of refunds happening on release day along with the meaningless Metacritic abuse, does nothing for PC gaming development at all. You think you are "sending a message" and "voting with your wallets"?


All you will achieve with this purile tantrum is to make devs think, "Why should we even bother with PC anymore?" Just when PC gaming was experiencing a real renaissance too. If you are not careful, all you will have left is early access crap with the vain hope of an update every 8 months or so. (I'm looking at you DayZ)

Those who stuck around with say, Battlefield 4 for example, will tell you it's now one of the finest shooters around. That of course wasn't the case at launch. It has taken almost 2 years to get to it's current sate of near perfection. Entitled brats gave up playing it very early on of course and will never know it's current glory. Ask these reprobates about the game and they will no doubt tell you "it's crap!". Which it was. However, those who stuck with it or were sensible enough to wait before buying now have a truly superb game to play which is still being supported by Dice with patches, new free content and the community test environment. Would they have bothered supporting the game in this way if EA had used a similar refund policy to Steam and all the brats had behaved the way they are with Batman™: Arkham Knight? Of course not, and who could blame them?

So kids, take a deep breath, calm down, ask your mom to take you out for some quality time and a malted and think about what I've told you before asking for your refund.


tl;dr WOOAH!



EDIT#3 *fixed
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Zen Shot; 23 czerwca 2015 o 14:45
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 690 komentarzy
CountZero 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:31 
It seems like the devs didn't "bother with PC" at all. Poor console port, based on the reviews I've read. I'm glad I waited.
Canyons Of Static 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:31 
Push over consumers are what's destroying PC gaming.

How dare we expect a playable version of a game we paid full price for? What are we thinking?
Meturoido 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:32 
Please take your battered spouse syndrom and terrorism tactics elsewhere, neither Rocksteady nor WB are the sole game producing studios on PC.

Ostatnio edytowany przez: Meturoido; 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:33
TheRat62 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:33 
As a PC gamer I just wish consoles would die. They get in the way of potential.
JohnDman 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:33 
I can run ark evolved better than this game that says alot lol
Dr.Jones 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:33 
The problem is the quality of the ports to PC, if you don't vote with the wallet they will never fix the problem. If they think that the games are not worth making for PC, then other devs will and we will buy them from them. And lastly don't forget the XO and PS4 are underpowered AMD PC's so there is always incentive to develop for PC.
Shrapnel 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:33 
Waiting 2 years for a company to fix their game is 100% unacceptable.
Yes, this backlash wreaks of immaturity, but its also warranted.

Now that steam is giving out refunds like its nothing, people have even less responsibility to be careful with their money. This will become the new trend in gaming.
Rent a game, ♥♥♥♥ on it, then get your refund.
Adrian 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:34 
I have very much playable version. Already almost completed main story and had a great time with game. I meet only minimum requirements and have no issues. I dont know where the negative reviews come from.

Maybe from people who doesn't know how to properly install drivers?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Adrian; 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:36
Echoplex25 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:35 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Zen Shot:
Yeah sure your annoyed. Angry even. But this backlash against the game, the avalanche of refunds happening on release day along with the meaningless Metacritic abuse, does nothing for PC gaming development at all. You think you are "sending a message" and "voting with your wallets"?


All you will achieve with this purile tantrum is to make devs think, "Why should we even bother with PC anymore?" Just when PC gaming was experiencing a real renaissance too. If you are not careful, all you will have left is early access crap with the vain hope of an update every 8 months or so. (I'm looking at you DayZ)

Those who stuck around with say, Battlefield 4 for example, will tell you it's now one of the finest shooters around. That of course wasn't the case at launch. It has taken almost 2 years to get to it's current sate of near perfection. Entitled brats gave up playing it very early on of course and will never know it's current glory. Ask these reprobates about the game and they will no doubt tell you "it's crap!". Which it was. However, those who stuck with it or were sensible enough to wait before buying now have a truly superb game to play which is still being supported by Dice with patches, new free content and the community test environment. Would they have bothered supporting the game in this way if EA had used a similar refund policy to Steam and all the brats had behaved the way they are with Batman™: Arkham Knight? Of course not, and who could blame them?

So kids, take a deep breath, calm down, ask your mom to take you out for some quality time and a malted and think about what I've told you before asking for your refund.
I knew you weren't taking yourself seriously. anyone with a brain would know Battlefield has been a fall from grace since bad company 2. thanks for the essay tho, had a good chuckle
CardinalStorm 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:36 
With games like Batman Knight and PCARS being released unfinished, I don't care if the devs never make another game for PC.

If I treated my customers in the same way, I'd not expect them to return.
Dan 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:36 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Casual Gamer:
I have very much playable version. Already almost completed main story and had a great time with game. I meet only minimum requirements and have no issues. I dont know where the negative reviews come from.
It might work for you but for the vast majority of players this game doesnt.
Mountain Man 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:36 
So according to the OP, we should just sit down, shut up, and accept a broken game.

Yeah, how about no.
life is dank 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:37 
They won't bother making PC ports anymore? Lol! I heard the same arguement about Final Fantasy 13 (super stuttery edition with no "exit game" option in menu), yet Squeenix has been releasing games years before and will continue to do afterward. Same as Warner Bros.

No sir, you are just paranoid. They will keep releasing games on PC, good ports or not, regardless of anybody's reaction to it. And so will Capcom, and so will Ubisoft, and so will Techmo, etc. etc.

Besides, even if they did stop making PC ports, it probably for the best. For example, I'd rather the monstrosity known as Saints Row 2 PC version had NEVER been released than to release garbage.
Superfly 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:37 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Shrapnel:
Waiting 2 years for a company to fix their game is 100% unacceptable.
Yes, this backlash wreaks of immaturity, but its also warranted.

Now that steam is giving out refunds like its nothing, people have even less responsibility to be careful with their money. This will become the new trend in gaming.
Rent a game, ♥♥♥♥ on it, then get your refund.

Until they get tired of the whining children and eliminate the refund program completely. Abuse refunds all you want, just don't be surprised when they don't exist soon.
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Data napisania: 23 czerwca 2015 o 12:29
Posty: 690