Batman™: Arkham Knight

Batman™: Arkham Knight

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October 28th PC Patch Information

Patch notes can be found here.

Hi everyone,

With the game now available for sale, I wanted to provide a status update since the release of the September patch.

As we confirmed earlier today, the PC version of the game now supports all add-on content that has been released thus far for console. The configurations for this content are being updated now and we expect everything to be available in the next few hours. We’ll confirm when this process is completed.

We are still working with our GPU partners to add full support for SLI and Crossfire. In addition, we are working with these partners to address stability issues on certain cards related to the latest drivers.

After extensive testing, a hard drive paging issue with some GPUs on Windows 7 may occur after extended gameplay sessions. If you encounter this, simply re-launching the game will resolve the issue.

For Windows 10 users, we’ve found that having at least 12GB of system RAM on a PC allows the game to operate without paging and provides a smoother gameplay experience.
Naposledy upravil Laptop; 30. říj. 2015 v 17.18
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Zobrazeno 115 z 249 komentářů
lim3y 28. říj. 2015 v 11.40 
I don't see patch notes?
Laptop65, please tell the devs that they need to add DLCs into Premium Edition subs
Naposledy upravil EverchangerL; 28. říj. 2015 v 11.42
I only have a Geforce GTX765M 1GB Card - but 16GB of RAM...should I expect much difference?
I too would like a list of actual patch notes. Any idea when to expect them?
Where is the changelog?
@ Mac Tonight - 12 GB is under today's standards. 8GB was the standard 4 years ago. I'd suggest, if you haven't, to upgrade to 16 as soon as possible. It's relatively cheap to do so, and your overall computer experience will improve. Amazing graphics and performance of today's games comes from having hardware for today's standards.

You might also consider an SSD drive if you don't have one already.
at least 12 gb ram? are you for real? wtf?
Mhmmm 28. říj. 2015 v 11.44 
Splashless původně napsal:
Laptop65, please tell the devs that they need to add DLCs into Premium Edition subs
Jack 28. říj. 2015 v 11.46 
This is not how patch notes work
Mick 28. říj. 2015 v 11.46 
Thank you for at least acknowledging that SLI still needs work. I just hope I don't have to wait another 4 months for it.
These aren't patch notes.
mphuZ 28. říj. 2015 v 11.48 
12 GB RAM for Win10 ? LOOL

What were you doing for 4 months ? Why didn't you solve this problem ?
So wait.... Do we, or do we not, have any patch notes?
Title says 'Patch Notes', content says NO.....
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Zobrazeno 115 z 249 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 28. říj. 2015 v 11.38
Počet příspěvků: 249