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Vagabond 18. okt. 2012 kl. 2.27
Another game, another "network" requiring a login.
I've got Steam. I log in to Steam. I trust Valve to keep my credentials safe. You guys, don't take this wrong, but not so much.

Even viewing this with the best of intentions, where said account is only used to keep character growth, win stats, blah blah blah, you should look into some sort of automatic account creation/login for Steam users. And most companies don't have the best of intentions, using account info to send me more spam, or worse.

Note: I rage just as much when EA or bioware pulls this crap with Games for Windows or Bio-net (or whatever it's called). This isn't me picking on a little guy. This IS however me walking away without even considering your product because the demo requires this.
< >
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Phaedros 18. okt. 2012 kl. 11.09 
No offense to you man, but when I read this stuff I find it hilarious, people who qq about the inconvenience of making a new account come across to me as being spoiled, suck it up and make a new account, I can promise you that you'll receive no spam, I've been signed up since shortly after release and haven't received one piece of spam email... -.-
Vagabond 18. okt. 2012 kl. 20.51 
Maybe it is being spoiled. But previous experences with other companies, along with the knowledge of just how useful datamining actually is to companies, make me distrust the motives of dev's in general. I'm willing to ignore/accept these ramifications if getting me into thier ecosystem is transparent.

By logging into Steam I prove that I am who I say I am (or at least that I have access). Steam trackes each user with a unique ID. And when a company is trying to get me to GIVE THEM MONEY, every hurdle they set up is potentially dollars lost.

I also get that the whole "sign up for an account" process has to exist for those crazy people who still buy the game directly, rather than through a service (be it Steam, GfW, D2D, GamersGate, whatever).

I do wonder how much stat tracking or other "good" uses for the account for demo users matter to players if/when they become full game purchasers.

And to finish this post off, this could very well just be a viewpoint that never came up during design. "Hanlon's Razor" and all that.
Sist redigert av Vagabond; 18. okt. 2012 kl. 20.52
RoguePylon 19. okt. 2012 kl. 0.12 
Hey Vagabond,

If you're worried about recieving spam, I think that you'd like to know that inputting your e-mail ID is purely optional. I'm sure that the login box you get mentions this, as well.

I hope that allays your fears about spam.


The BlueGiant Team
Windswept 27. nov. 2012 kl. 2.42 
Vagabond, I totally agree mate, I'm sick of buying games on Steam, only to have to create another account with yet another username and password etc.. Just to play what I have purchased on Steam. I too expect to just be able to launch and play my purchase on Steam, as I have already verified who I am by loging into Steam.

I do not want to be giving more faceless companies any details about my life, to many abuse the simple act of giving them an email address, and that pisses me off.
Gee Ellis 8. des. 2012 kl. 10.17 
I agree with OP, and no it isn't being spoiled, it is a matter of conveniance and un necessary accounts when we already have payed for a game.

The only reason a company imho should need an account made is so you can use their forums and or for promotional items (that the client can opt in to), fact is most companies say they don't sell the email databases but what they say and do are two different things,e specially if the companie needs to gain capital.

Anyways i guess our opinion means little others are to impulsive and driven by what they want not what they need.
Ryu_Sheng 8. des. 2012 kl. 10.24 
Adding steam integration is probably expensive, so they use their own to keep costs down. It's not a huge issue, and claiming it is is just more self entitled gamer crap
Mr. Gaiety 8. des. 2012 kl. 10.55 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Rhenthyl:
Adding steam integration is probably expensive, so they use their own to keep costs down. It's not a huge issue, and claiming it is is just more self entitled gamer crap

Maintaining their own infrastructure such as a masterserver isn't cheap either.

Heard what happened to CoD World at War? Their online account-list went on the fritz, making it almost impossible to join co-op games or maintain an online profile. Since the game was no longer being suppourted, the issue is taking awhile to address since Blops 2 was released.

When I buy I game, I do it out of convenience instead of the "alternative". I am already logged into Steam, other small-studio games like Killing Floor don't require me to have yet ANOTHER account. If this game was F2P, then it would be more acceptable, but it isn't.
Dev 8. des. 2012 kl. 11.02 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Phaedros:
No offense to you man, but when I read this stuff I find it hilarious, people who qq about the inconvenience of making a new account come across to me as being spoiled, suck it up and make a new account, I can promise you that you'll receive no spam, I've been signed up since shortly after release and haven't received one piece of spam email... -.-

Or maybe he's one of the many of us who don't want our information stolen when yet another underfunded server protection service fails to prevent hackers from stealing it.
kaay 8. des. 2012 kl. 11.03 
The practice of requiring to login to play a single player game is not acceptable.
Imagine if every game did that, you would have to create accounts and passwords for each game you play, not to mention you wouldnt be able to play anything if your connection was down for whatever reason, or if their authentication server was down.
Sist redigert av kaay; 8. des. 2012 kl. 11.04
Tealus 8. des. 2012 kl. 11.07 
Opprinnelig skrevet av deathephoenix:
Hey Vagabond,
If you're worried about recieving spam, I think that you'd like to know that inputting your e-mail ID is purely optional. I'm sure that the login box you get mentions this, as well.
I hope that allays your fears about spam.
The BlueGiant Team
Hey deathephoenix aka The BlueGiant Team,
If you were upfront and honest about your additional DRM on the store page, instead of hiding it under "Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection"
Just maybe people wouldn't be upset about finding about it after making the purchase.
A Lost Customer
hellscream 8. des. 2012 kl. 11.16 
Opprinnelig skrevet av kaay:
The practice of requiring to login to play a single player game is not acceptable.
Imagine if every game did that, you would have to create accounts and passwords for each game you play, not to mention you wouldnt be able to play anything if your connection was down for whatever reason, or if their authentication server was down.

While Multiplayer does require an account to be created (e-mail info is optional here) Tryst's single Player campaign and skirmish mode DO NOT require an account to be created or the player to be online.

Hopefully this can partially address your concerns regarding account creation

Blue Giant Team
NeuroSplicer 8. des. 2012 kl. 12.15 
Thank you for the heads-up, Vagabond.
I decided to try the demo only to find out it has no Single-player. That was when I uninstalled it.
However, I had it in my WishList - but I sure will be removing it after this!

In the past I have been suckered in (Gatling Gears was the last one I remember); however, loggin on more than one Networks (or Digital Distributors or Clients) is something I will avoid at all costs. Even if it means missing on a number of good games. So far I managed to stay out of ORIGIN even if it meant I had to sit out on MassEffect3.
DeadlyFred 8. des. 2012 kl. 19.10 
You can play AI on the multiplayer.
< >
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