DOOM 3: BFG Edition
Anyone able to get a refund on this slap in the face to customers?
Absolutely ridiculous... this was advertised as being visually upgraded. The textures are actually lower res and they removed dynamic shadows. The only thing different is the faces and brighter rooms.

ID software should be ashamed at releasing this
Отредактировано Seven One; 6 ноя. 2012 г. в 16:57
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The primary focus of this game was to make it available to the consoles. It wasn't meant to be a complete upgrade overhaul especially for PC, just doing some minor tweaks so that the 8-year-old game is up-to-date with modern technology and console-friendly so the 360 or PS3 don't melt from the original Doom 3's engine.
All the previews I read talked about upgraded visuals and remasted HD textures. Even the steam description says improved rendering. But the rendering isnt improved. Its worse. How can they release a game like this and charge $30? How lazy can they be to screw the game up and make it look worse than the 8 year old original?
im just happy i dont have to stuff around getting it to go in 1080p haha :P
As I said, it wasn't meant to be a "overhaul" upgrade. By digitally remastered and HD availability, it was a pure lack-luster way of saying "Hey, it's available in widescreen now since the original Doom 3 wasn't!" and by digitally remastered they meant it's played under Rage's technology so that it plays well on the consoles. They said the monsters look scarier than ever, but yeah I've noticed no difference.

THey really should've called it Doom 3 Console Edition because that's more straightforward with its purpose.
I was denied a refund and Steam demanded I give them my conversation with the developer on trying to get the game to work. I have around 200 games and I never even contact support for anything.
Автор сообщения: Numbertaker
im just happy i dont have to stuff around getting it to go in 1080p haha :P
Couldnt be easier to get the original Doom 3 to run in 1080p

Navigate to steamapps/common/Doom3/Base and create a txt file

Add this:

r_mode "-1"
r_customHeight "1080"
r_customWidth "1920"
r_aspectRatio "1"
com_fixedtic 1

then rename that file autoexec.cfg

the com_fixedtic 1 command is for win7 users and maybe helps on other OS as well with the annoying micro stutter issue. it took me forever to find this fix
Автор сообщения: IceHandz
As I said, it wasn't meant to be a "overhaul" upgrade. By digitally remastered and HD availability, it was a pure lack-luster way of saying "Hey, it's available in widescreen now since the original Doom 3 wasn't!" and by digitally remastered they meant it's played under Rage's technology so that it plays well on the consoles. They said the monsters look scarier than ever, but yeah I've noticed no difference.

THey really should've called it Doom 3 Console Edition because that's more straightforward with its purpose.

Like I mentioned above, Doom 3 can easily be run in widescreen mode. I took screenshots comparing the two versions and a lot of textures are noticibly worse in BFG which theres absolutely no reason for. If they say it has improved rendering and youre getting a worse product, somethings wrong and its false advertising on their end. Its even worse when you consider they temporarily removed Doom 3 as a stand alone purchase to try and force people to get BFG.
Отредактировано Seven One; 7 ноя. 2012 г. в 19:37
Not to mention that it is quite simple to get EVEN better texture and lighting effects with 3rd party mods for the original Doom 3 engine. I'll challange anyone that says that HD texture packs + sikkmod dont't wipe the floor with BFG's a**. Especially now that the POM texture glitches have been fixed by sikkpen (its a simple pak edit). Area for area, effect for effect it is absolutely NO CONTEST.
It is simple to get HD and high-res textures on the original Doom 3, I'm not saying anyone is wrong about that. I'm just pointing out that you can't get the original Doom 3 in HD on consoles, heck it's not even available on consoles, so out comes BFG.

id Software hadn't been doing well because of the growing console community. So since most console users won't even notice the difference between the BFG edition and original Doom 3 (because they hadn't played PC games), it's getting favorable scores for consoles. I'm not gonna complain because it's really going to help id Software in the future.
well its pretty evident that id software is just giving the middle finger to PC gamers, who are the reason they became sucessful in the first place.
They know they're pissing off PC gamers, not on purpose though. My bet is that all this failure from Rage till now is Bethesda's doing. We all know id is better than this!
Автор сообщения: IceHandz
The primary focus of this game was to make it available to the consoles. It wasn't meant to be a complete upgrade overhaul especially for PC, just doing some minor tweaks so that the 8-year-old game is up-to-date with modern technology and console-friendly so the 360 or PS3 don't melt from the original Doom 3's engine.
You do know that the ORIGNAL Doom 3 was released on the ORIGNAL XBOX, right?? Yeah..
The 3d support is awsome! I do love sikkmod and wulfen texture packs, its a shame we cant use them, But the 3d is awsome and 360 controller support is nice.
well i still want this mostly becus it come with doom 1 and 2 my dad has his windows 95 version but they dont work on newer pc
Автор сообщения: simonizor
You do know that the ORIGNAL Doom 3 was released on the ORIGNAL XBOX, right?? Yeah..
Yup! Only problem was the Xbox version of D3 was released on the same year the Xbox 360 was released. The Xbox version of D3 was also downgraded so that it COULD run on a console system, giving it that N64 look.
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Дата создания: 6 ноя. 2012 г. в 16:56
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