DOOM 3: BFG Edition

DOOM 3: BFG Edition

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Doom 3 BFG Edition

gestern habe ich mir oben genanntes Spiel gekauft und musste feststellen das absolut gar nichts funktioniert nach der Installation. Wie viele bei vielen anderen Spielern ist es mir nicht möglich das Spiel zu starten es kommt nur folgende Meldung:

"idJointBuffer::MapBuffer: failed"

Ich habe sämtliche Foren durchsucht Fenster Modus ausprobiert meine Treiber aktualisiert, an der Hardwarebeschleunigung rumgespielt Sprachen umgestellt alle möglichen "tollen Vorschläge" die es zu finden gab. Also wenn noch irgendjemand ne Idee hat wäre ich dankbar ansonsten werd ich wohl in den Laden stiefeln und mein Geld zurück verlangen dafür das man mir und anderen diesen Müll verkauft hat.

Hab Windows XP 32:

35: vec4 texCUBElod( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler,, texcoord.w ); }



38: uniform vec4 _fa_[6];


40: uniform sampler2D samp0;

41: uniform sampler2D samp1;


43: in vec2 vofi_TexCoord0;


45: out vec4 gl_FragColor;


47: void main() {

48: if ( tex2D ( samp0 , vofi_TexCoord0 ). w == 0.0 ) {

49: discard ;

50: }

51: float windowZ = tex2D ( samp1 , vofi_TexCoord0 ). x ;

52: vec3 ndc = vec3 ( vofi_TexCoord0 * 2.0 - 1.0 , windowZ * 2.0 - 1.0 ) ;

53: float clipW = - _fa_[4 /* rpProjectionMatrixZ */] . w / ( - _fa_[4 /* rpProjectionMatrixZ */] . z - ndc. z ) ;

54: vec4 clip = vec4 ( ndc * clipW , clipW ) ;

55: vec4 reClip ;

56: reClip. x = dot ( _fa_[0 /* rpMVPmatrixX */] , clip ) ;

57: reClip. y = dot ( _fa_[1 /* rpMVPmatrixY */] , clip ) ;

58: reClip. z = dot ( _fa_[2 /* rpMVPmatrixZ */] , clip ) ;

59: reClip. w = dot ( _fa_[3 /* rpMVPmatrixW */] , clip ) ;

60: vec2 prevTexCoord ;

61: prevTexCoord. x = ( reClip. x / reClip. w ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ;

62: prevTexCoord. y = ( reClip. y / reClip. w ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ;

63: vec2 texCoord = prevTexCoord ;

64: vec2 delta = ( vofi_TexCoord0 - prevTexCoord ) ;

65: vec3 sum = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;

66: float goodSamples = 0 ;

67: float samples = _fa_[5 /* rpOverbright */] . x ;

68: for ( float i = 0 ; i < samples ; i = i + 1 ) {

69: vec2 pos = vofi_TexCoord0 + delta * ( ( i / ( samples - 1 ) ) - 0.5 ) ;

70: vec4 color = tex2D ( samp0 , pos ) ;

71: sum += color. xyz * color. w ;

72: goodSamples += color. w ;

73: }

74: float invScale = 1.0 / goodSamples ;

75: gl_FragColor = vec4 ( sum * invScale , 1.0 ) ;

76: }
WARNING: 0:45: warning(#375) Redeclaration of built-in name: gl_FragColor
While compiling vertex program renderprogs\shadow.vertex
1: #version 150

2: #define PC


4: float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }

5: vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }

6: vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }

7: vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }

8: vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }



11: uniform vec4 _va_[5];


13: float dot4 (vec4 a , vec4 b ) {return dot ( a , b ) ; }

14: float dot4 (vec2 a , vec4 b ) {return dot ( vec4 ( a , 0 , 1 ) , b ) ; }


16: in vec4 in_Position;


18: out vec4 gl_Position;


20: void main() {

21: vec4 vPos = in_Position - _va_[0 /* rpLocalLightOrigin */] ;

22: vPos = ( vPos. wwww * _va_[0 /* rpLocalLightOrigin */] ) + vPos ;

23: gl_Position . x = dot4 ( vPos , _va_[1 /* rpMVPmatrixX */] ) ;

24: gl_Position . y = dot4 ( vPos , _va_[2 /* rpMVPmatrixY */] ) ;

25: gl_Position . z = dot4 ( vPos , _va_[3 /* rpMVPmatrixZ */] ) ;

26: gl_Position . w = dot4 ( vPos , _va_[4 /* rpMVPmatrixW */] ) ;

27: }
WARNING: 0:18: warning(#375) Redeclaration of built-in name: gl_Position
While compiling vertex program renderprogs\shadow_skinned.vertex
1: #version 150

2: #define PC


4: float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }

5: vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }

6: vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }

7: vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }

8: vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }



11: uniform vec4 _va_[5];


13: float dot4 (vec4 a , vec4 b ) {return dot ( a , b ) ; }

14: float dot4 (vec2 a , vec4 b ) {return dot ( vec4 ( a , 0 , 1 ) , b ) ; }

15: uniform matrices_ubo {vec4 matrices [] ; } ;


17: in vec4 in_Position;

18: in vec4 in_Color;

19: in vec4 in_Color2;


21: out vec4 gl_Position;


23: void main() {

24: float w0 = in_Color2 . x ;

25: float w1 = in_Color2 . y ;

26: float w2 = in_Color2 . z ;

27: float w3 = in_Color2 . w ;

28: vec4 matX , matY , matZ ;

29: float joint = in_Color . x * 255.1 * 3 ;

30: matX = matrices [] * w0 ;

31: matY = matrices [] * w0 ;

32: matZ = matrices [] * w0 ;

33: joint = in_Color . y * 255.1 * 3 ;

34: matX += matrices [] * w1 ;

35: matY += matrices [] * w1 ;

36: matZ += matrices [] * w1 ;

37: joint = in_Color . z * 255.1 * 3 ;

38: matX += matrices [] * w2 ;

39: matY += matrices [] * w2 ;

40: matZ += matrices [] * w2 ;

41: joint = in_Color . w * 255.1 * 3 ;

42: matX += matrices [] * w3 ;

43: matY += matrices [] * w3 ;

44: matZ += matrices [] * w3 ;

45: vec4 vertexPosition = in_Position ;

46: vertexPosition. w = 1.0 ;

47: vec4 modelPosition ;

48: modelPosition. x = dot4 ( matX , vertexPosition ) ;

49: modelPosition. y = dot4 ( matY , vertexPosition ) ;

50: modelPosition. z = dot4 ( matZ , vertexPosition ) ;

51: modelPosition. w = in_Position . w ;

52: vec4 vPos = modelPosition - _va_[0 /* rpLocalLightOrigin */] ;

53: vPos = ( vPos. wwww * _va_[0 /* rpLocalLightOrigin */] ) + vPos ;

54: gl_Position . x = dot4 ( vPos , _va_[1 /* rpMVPmatrixX */] ) ;

55: gl_Position . y = dot4 ( vPos , _va_[2 /* rpMVPmatrixY */] ) ;

56: gl_Position . z = dot4 ( vPos , _va_[3 /* rpMVPmatrixZ */] ) ;

57: gl_Position . w = dot4 ( vPos , _va_[4 /* rpMVPmatrixW */] ) ;

58: }
WARNING: 0:21: warning(#375) Redeclaration of built-in name: gl_Position
Unknown command 'vid_restart'
idJointBuffer::MapBuffer: failed
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
< >
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Hab das selbe Problem. Blos, dass ich das Spiel auf Vista 32Bit spielen will. Hab diese Daten bekommen:

QA Timing INIT: 000802ms
D3BFG 1.1400 win-x86 Nov 9 2012 10:38:21
1800 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT
3312 MB System Memory
16 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: {0B0EB74A-0526-4333-8E15-F38F9C1D4D30} NVIDIA nForce 10/100 Mbps Ethernet -
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
doom using MMX & SSE for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
------ Initializing File System ------
Loaded resource file _common.resources
Loaded resource file _ordered.resources
Loaded resource file _sound_pc.resources
Loaded resource file _sound_pc_en.resources
Reading resource CRCs...
Current search path:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\DOOM 3 BFG Edition/base
C:\Users\Romana\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 3 BFG/base
file system initialized.
WARNING: Unable to open resource file maps/_startup.resources
----- Initializing Decls -----
Couldn't open journal files
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec D3BFGConfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
----- R_InitOpenGL -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem with multisamples:0 stereo:0 fullscreen:1
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear
display device: 0
DeviceName : \\.\DISPLAY1
DeviceString: NVIDIA GeForce 7050 / NVIDIA nForce 610i
StateFlags : 0x5
DeviceID : PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_07E3&SUBSYS_82AE1043&REV_A2
DeviceKey : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{1F95FE9C-0671-4277-A6CB-F2B076826235}\0000
DeviceName : \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
DeviceString: PnP-Monitor (Standard)
StateFlags : 0x3
DeviceID : MONITOR\ACR019E\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003
DeviceKey : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003
dmPosition.x : 0
dmPosition.y : 0
dmBitsPerPel : 32
dmPelsWidth : 1366
dmPelsHeight : 768
dmDisplayFlags : 0x0
dmDisplayFrequency: 60
...calling CDS: ok
display device: 0
DeviceName : \\.\DISPLAY1
DeviceString: NVIDIA GeForce 7050 / NVIDIA nForce 610i
StateFlags : 0x5
DeviceID : PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_07E3&SUBSYS_82AE1043&REV_A2
DeviceKey : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{1F95FE9C-0671-4277-A6CB-F2B076826235}\0000
DeviceName : \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
DeviceString: PnP-Monitor (Standard)
StateFlags : 0x3
DeviceID : MONITOR\ACR019E\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003
DeviceKey : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003
dmPosition.x : 0
dmPosition.y : 0
dmBitsPerPel : 32
dmPelsWidth : 1280
dmPelsHeight : 720
dmDisplayFlags : 0x0
dmDisplayFrequency: 60
...created window @ 0,0 (1280x720)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...creating GL context: failed to create OpenGL 3.2 context
created OpenGL 2.0 context
...making context current: succeeded
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
freespace_version: 0.6
0 freespace devices
OpenGL Version: 2.1
OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL GLSL : 1.2
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_EXT_direct_state_access
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
...using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
X..GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map not found
X..GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB not found
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
Couldn't find proc address for: glBindBufferRange
...using GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
...using GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
X..GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex not found
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
X..GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object not found
...using GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test
...using GL_ARB_sync
...using GL_ARB_occlusion_query
...using GL_ARB_timer_query
Couldn't find proc address for: glGetQueryObjectui64vARB
X..GL_ARB_debug_output not found
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
0: Lautsprecher (VIA High Definition Audio)
2 channels, 44100 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
Default Console Device, Multimedia Device, Communications Device, and Game Device
1: SPDIF Interface (TX0) (VIA High Definition Audio)
2 channels, 44100 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
2: Ohrkopfhörer (Logitech USB Headset)
2 channels, 44100 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
Using device 0
ERROR: GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex not available
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
< >
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 10.2.2013 klo 5.21
Viestejä: 1