Red Faction: Guerrilla Steam Edition

Red Faction: Guerrilla Steam Edition

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fm 31 DIC 2014 a las 6:13 a. m.
game won't start
Edit: thanks question solved
Última edición por fm; 22 JUL 2018 a las 7:20 p. m.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 64 comentarios
Murray 31 DIC 2014 a las 6:48 a. m. 
It's on Mars, the Red Planet.

No preaching.
RageMojo 31 DIC 2014 a las 8:00 a. m. 
You are not a smart person. Also please show me anytime Ron Paul was anti communist or even Anti Russian. Are you trolling or just a dumb kid? Also you must just love Obamacare then LOL!
Última edición por RageMojo; 31 DIC 2014 a las 8:00 a. m.
Pèpè Silvia 31 DIC 2014 a las 9:03 a. m. 
Why so serious? It's a game, not real life
RageMojo 31 DIC 2014 a las 9:51 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por tkZoon:
Publicado originalmente por Pepe Silvia:
Why so serious? It's a game, not real life

I just don't like it when people shove their ideologies in my face, i wouldn't do that to others. Art should be enjoyable to all people. If I made a video game or a song, I'd make one that even socialists could enjoy. People who force their ideologies on others enrage me, like for example SOAD. I like their music but those dirty revolutionary anti-capitalist lyrics make me hate it.

Publicado originalmente por RageMojo:
You are not a smart person. Also please show me anytime Ron Paul was anti communist or even Anti Russian. Are you trolling or just a dumb kid? Also you must just love Obamacare then LOL!

Wh-what? Who said anything about being anti-Russian? Mr. Paul is libertarian, and libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism are on the very opposite ends of the political spectrum. He might not hate communists but politically speaking they're worst enemies. You do know libertarians, including Ron Paul, hate Obamacare? Libertarianism = Minimal state and no taxation. Obamacare = taxes. You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you

Have you been watching too many 1980's movies? Communism is not a threat, you're about 30 years behind in thinking. The new boogie men are mulsim extremists. Catch up.

worst enemies... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piotrek, Engineer of Design 31 DIC 2014 a las 10:14 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por tkZoon:
Now, I'm a hardcore capitalist, i love my Ron Paul and Ayn Rand, and hate commies. The hammer logo and the name Red Faction make it seem like this game has some sort of marxist agenda behind it, but i've heard good things about the game.

Will I enjoy the gameplay or does the game rustle my jimmies with stalinist preaching? I bought it because it was dirt cheap but i'm not sure if i want to install it or let it rot in my library.

I'm going to have to warn you that in this game you can actually MURDER another human being. Isn't it weird that no one brags about it? You hate commies but murderers are fine?
Última edición por Piotrek, Engineer of Design; 31 DIC 2014 a las 10:15 a. m.
RageMojo 31 DIC 2014 a las 10:27 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por tkZoon:
Publicado originalmente por RageMojo:

Have you been watching too many 1980's movies? Communism is not a threat, you're about 30 years behind in thinking. The new boogie men are mulsim extremists. Catch up.

worst enemies... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Communism is not a threat anymore, but communists actually exist and they with socialists and liberals ruin everything because democracy doesn't work. Communism is wrong, evil and i don't want to play a game that forces me to listen to their fallacious red rambling.

I have news for you, the USA has been part socialist for almsot 100 years. It is all in how it is presented and percieved. I can also give you a point by point response about how democracy is just as eveil, even though the USA is not a democracy. It is a Republic and you would be well served to learn the difference.

This is a video game with no subliminal brainwashing, so take your politics off of Steam.

and if i was you i would seek professional help for your mental thing you got going on there.

There is no communism in this game, only in your head.
Última edición por RageMojo; 31 DIC 2014 a las 10:32 a. m.
Piotrek, Engineer of Design 31 DIC 2014 a las 10:47 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por tkZoon:
Publicado originalmente por Piotrek, Master of Design:
I'm going to have to warn you that in this game you can actually MURDER another human being. Isn't it weird that no one brags about it? You hate commies but murders are fine?

First of all, it's a video game, not real life so yes, murder is fine. Nobody plays a video game and becomes a serial killer. Communism on the other hand is an ideology. If something glorifies communism, someone who isn't educated might actually turn to communism (fun fact: communists have poorer backgrounds, less education and lower intelligence). Communism is a revolutionary ideology so it may well hurt people if there are riots. Communism doesn't work, and dozens of millions of people in the USSR, PRC, DPRK and many others died of famine and got executed by their "great leaders".

Isn't it funny how a communist game is fine to you but there would be a huge outrage if someone made National Socialism Simulator 2015?

Double standards. You could say a lot of games glorify killing, let alone GTA series or Hatred. I have no intention to play Hatred for example, but I have nothing against it being released. If it won't sell well it means we don't need such games. Simple. Same for Socialism Sim or whatever. I guess I wouldn't play it, but some might want to. I won't stop them.

And I don't deny the evil that Soviet commies did. But it's just part of the story. Did you actually read Marx our got to know with it? Because otherwise how could you argue with it? I didn't read it though I know the base conception and that it was far from Soviet reality.

And I know communism won't ever work with humanity because we're a bunch of greedy bastards, the fact that capitalism works somehow just proves it, but that's just my point of view.
Última edición por Piotrek, Engineer of Design; 31 DIC 2014 a las 11:02 a. m.
minefield 31 DIC 2014 a las 5:58 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por tkZoon:

I just don't like it when people shove their ideologies in my face, i wouldn't do that to others.

Publicado originalmente por tkZoon:

Communism is not a threat anymore, but communists actually exist and they with socialists and liberals ruin everything because democracy doesn't work. Communism is wrong, evil and i don't want to play a game that forces me to listen to their fallacious red rambling.

What an unbelievable hypocrite you are... Just shut up with your brainwashed American exceptionalist capitilism-is-king mentality. This wasn't an issue until YOU brought it up. YOU are the one shoving ideologies in to peoples faces.
Última edición por minefield; 31 DIC 2014 a las 6:05 p. m.
jonesguest1 31 DIC 2014 a las 11:14 p. m. 
As you may notice with many of the gameplay videos, the "red" in Red Faction, mostly comes from the color of the surface of mars, of which the game takes place. Mars has a reddish surface because of it's high iron content, a similar phenomena happens on earth in some deserts.

While Russia is composed of mostly "desert", the main color of the country is not reddish in the slightest. If I were to guess, it would be dark green or brown, maybe even white if you count snow!

I beleive the hammer in the logo for the game is due to the fact that you may use melee weapons in the game (the hammer being one of them) and they had decided to advertise that feature with the logo. I think we can agree that the hammer is not exclusive to Communism, it existed long before it was even conceived!

While I have not completed the game on the Xbox I have yet to find a direct connection with the communist movement, Russia, or China.

At the end, I do not beleive this game has any ties to the communist party, so you should be okay with playing it.

If you are still not convinced that there is no tie to communism, I encourage you to look through the credits of the game and trace back each of the developer's lineage for 2 generations (after that it becomes increasingly hard to find information) and see if any of them have ties to any country who has ever been affiliated with the communist party.

I hope you have learned a great deal of information from this and appreciate that you are taking such politically sensitive issues into the gaming world, it is your right as a consumer to educate yourself on the matter, and here you are seeking it out.

It is my pleasure to help you with your toubles, comrade.
K NASTY 1 ENE 2015 a las 12:20 a. m. 
if u have to question the games "marxist agenda" then dont play it. or play it and find out for yourself. not hard to do.
agileFlow 1 ENE 2015 a las 1:04 a. m. 
The citizens are under martial law. Makes sense to have a revolutionary symbol, no?
A MASSIVE SPLIFF 1 ENE 2015 a las 6:34 a. m. 
I think you're messed up in the head my friend, I hope this helps.
Doctor ☢ Apocalypse 1 ENE 2015 a las 6:48 a. m. 
You play the role of a glorified terrorist in this game. Why are we even having this discussion.
Anderson 1 ENE 2015 a las 10:16 a. m. 
This game is not communist. It does the socialistic revolution in a way, but it never leaves the ground with it. It's just a revolution in the sense of the americanized way of viewing the October Revolution of 1917 in a sci-fi world with destruction.

Basically, it doesn't mean too much. But the execution is awesome and is done in style, with music and amazing representation of the world it happens in. A lot of work went into the conceptual design. I still remember the promo's before the game even came out. They had on their website an article about pretty much everything.

The fact that the game focuses specifically on a mass-scale socialistic revolt is to actually destroy the oppresive regime.

To put it straightforward: imagine a Budapest 50's riot with a total success. The Ceausescu's government of 1989 overthrown with success, but what if the army stood with the dictator? That's aproximately what it is. There is no mention in the game of neither socialism nor communism however. It's just in the air.
Anderson 1 ENE 2015 a las 10:21 a. m. 
To be honest by the way, I wish the game's singleplayer explored the topic more.
The closest thing was in Red Faction 2. Loved that game. Great music, cool dictator combination of Hitler and Stalin - Sopot! :RedStar:

I know everyone hates that game, but I completed it 20 times, knowing it's in's and out's... Really sad it didn't get a jump in popularity.
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