Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

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chirulahr Dec 18, 2018 @ 1:23pm
Galaxy Forge question
Hi there,
question relating the creation of my own solar systems in the Galaxy Forge.
I have been playing this game on and off now for 10 years (it is one of my all time favorite games) and only bought Rebellion on Steam a couple of years ago.
I just re-installed it because of the latest DLC.
I always loved creating my own solar systems in the galaxy forge, but for some reason,
as of today, I cannot get it to work anymore (I am using the latest installed Galaxy Forge that came with the latest Steam install).
Problem- I tried to create a new star system from scratch today, and placed it in the Folder in Documents and I can select it in game.
BUT- although I have 4 players with home planets set up in the Forge, I cannot select any players except player one in the game.
I tested this with a few of the maps that come with the game and there appears to be a problem with the save- feature, because as soon as I save a pre-made map (that comes with the game) WITHOUT changing anything, just changing the file name, I won't be able to select players in game anymore.
Is the Galaxy Forge that comes with the latest install not compatible to the latest DLC?
Or am I missing anything completely?
Thank you!
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
GoaFan77 Dec 18, 2018 @ 1:37pm 
For single player you the human is always playe one. If you want a different position make sure randomized positions is set to True, that way you'll get a different start on the map every time.
chirulahr Dec 18, 2018 @ 2:17pm 
Yep, got that.
I tried both random positions true and false.
My problem is- although I have set up the map with 4 players and 4 home planets (one for each), I cannot select more than myself (Player1) in game. I cannot add any more players. Therefore, I cannot start a game at all because at least 2 players are needed.
I somehow never had that problem before.
Maybe I have forgotten something.
GoaFan77 Dec 18, 2018 @ 2:36pm 
Originally posted by chirulahr:
Yep, got that.
I tried both random positions true and false.
My problem is- although I have set up the map with 4 players and 4 home planets (one for each), I cannot select more than myself (Player1) in game. I cannot add any more players. Therefore, I cannot start a game at all because at least 2 players are needed.
I somehow never had that problem before.
Maybe I have forgotten something.

It sounds like while you may have 4 home planets, the there is not 4 players defined in the map. Make sure you go to the players tab of the galaxy forge and make sure there are in fact 4 players there, and add more if not.

If that is correct, make sure you didn't disable the other slots in game.
Fanta Dec 18, 2018 @ 2:48pm 
I have the same problem like chirulahr.
I tried with 2 players, 4 players and 10 players. Not working. Only the human slot is showing when you try to play the map and no AI slot.
Then i try something else: create a map inside the game and is working, then opened in the galaxy forge and saved under different name (just saving, didn't do anything else). Bang!! it's not working anymore. Same problem.
GoaFan77 Dec 18, 2018 @ 4:40pm 
Could one of you open your map in notepad and paste the result to a site like pastebin so I can take a look at it?
GoaFan77 Dec 18, 2018 @ 9:58pm 
In either galaxy forge or notepad, try changing the player type.

playerType "NPCOccupationVictory"


playerType "Normal"

Looks like this was an accidental bug in galaxy forge that changed this default value.
Last edited by GoaFan77; Dec 18, 2018 @ 9:58pm
chirulahr Dec 18, 2018 @ 11:30pm 
Wow, that did it!!
Thank you very very much!
I just love to play DIY star systems.
Xoidin Dec 19, 2018 @ 2:29pm 
Thanks a lot GoaFan77 it worked for me too. i would just add that don't forget in the notepad to change the player type for everyone if it can save someone 2 minutes before figuring out.
Originally posted by Xoidin:
Thanks a lot GoaFan77 it worked for me too. i would just add that don't forget in the notepad to change the player type for everyone if it can save someone 2 minutes before figuring out.

Can you tell me how to change the player type?
Fanta Dec 20, 2018 @ 5:25am 
Originally posted by GoaFan77:
In either galaxy forge or notepad, try changing the player type.

playerType "NPCOccupationVictory"


playerType "Normal"

Looks like this was an accidental bug in galaxy forge that changed this default value.

Cool! Thanx man! It's working now.

You have great skill, i bet it took some heavy grinding to reach this level of experience :steamhappy: (i know, i know, i love RPG games)
Fanta Dec 20, 2018 @ 6:50am 
Originally posted by M0NSIEUR C00KIE:
Originally posted by Xoidin:
Thanks a lot GoaFan77 it worked for me too. i would just add that don't forget in the notepad to change the player type for everyone if it can save someone 2 minutes before figuring out.

Can you tell me how to change the player type?

In case you didn't manage to change player type, do this:
1. Open your map with notepad;
2. Press Ctrl+H;
3. at "Find what" put "NPCOccupationVictory"
4. at "Replace with" put "Normal"
5. then press "Replace all";
6. save.

Now go and play your map :)
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Date Posted: Dec 18, 2018 @ 1:23pm
Posts: 12