Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

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Sinclaire 23. des. 2017 kl. 9.31
Star Wars: Interregnum
Hello! This is a question related to the Star Wars: Interregnum Mod for SoaSE. In case you are looking for a Star Wars mod whilst still keeping the Sins gameplay and feel alive, then this is the mod for you.

That being said, I am hoping fellow players of the Galactic Empire can help me out in this game. Somehow, it feels as if those Warlords have the upperhand over the legitimate empire. They seem to have more options, items to research, superior strikecraft and titans. In contrast, we are burdened with the Morale System and have generally comparable units.

I may be missing it but what gives the Galactic Empire an edge over the Imperial Warlords? It seems like the Warlords have quite a lot of pros with minimal cons when compared to the Empire.
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Arakus 23. des. 2017 kl. 10.53 
Darth Vader titan is the best in my eyes!
Also Empire can support bigger fleet, but prevent loosing colonys!
Your tech Moff council gives you 4 extra capital ship slots, make use of it because empire capitals are mighty!

I have normally 2 Fleets consist of the following capitals plus smaller ship escorts:
1 Victory
1 Victory II
1 Imperial SD
1 Tector
2 Imperial II
1 Venator
1 Interdictor
As i play with bescar minimod i try to get an additional Mandalorian Capital as they are really good!
GoaFan77 23. des. 2017 kl. 11.34 
The Imperial Warlords do get pretty unrivaled research options and customization, but that is the main strength of their faction. They pay for it with a -25% fleet supply penalty, which basically means every other faction and field more ships than them.

Basically, as the Empire you have both a strong military and economy and can generally afford to go steamrolling people, but you cannot be too reckless as the morale systems punishes you for losing planets. You have to properly fortify what you gain. The Warlords have smaller fleets and need to use their technological advantages to be competitive.

I also disagree with the titans being better. Both the Warlords and Empire can build the Bellator and standard Executor. The Galactic Empire then gets Darth Vader as a third option, while the Warlords get 1 of 4 other titans based on which Warlord you join, but you still will only get 3 options in any one game.
TuNegritoSancho 25. des. 2017 kl. 10.09 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Arakus:
Darth Vader titan is the best in my eyes!
Also Empire can support bigger fleet, but prevent loosing colonys!
Your tech Moff council gives you 4 extra capital ship slots, make use of it because empire capitals are mighty!

I have normally 2 Fleets consist of the following capitals plus smaller ship escorts:
1 Victory
1 Victory II
1 Imperial SD
1 Tector
2 Imperial II
1 Venator
1 Interdictor
As i play with bescar minimod i try to get an additional Mandalorian Capital as they are really good!
Well I luv the mod,unfortunatly i have issues finding others that wanna play?Wzup
Arakus 26. des. 2017 kl. 3.34 
Opprinnelig skrevet av TuNegritoSancho:
Opprinnelig skrevet av Arakus:
Darth Vader titan is the best in my eyes!
Also Empire can support bigger fleet, but prevent loosing colonys!
Your tech Moff council gives you 4 extra capital ship slots, make use of it because empire capitals are mighty!

I have normally 2 Fleets consist of the following capitals plus smaller ship escorts:
1 Victory
1 Victory II
1 Imperial SD
1 Tector
2 Imperial II
1 Venator
1 Interdictor
As i play with bescar minimod i try to get an additional Mandalorian Capital as they are really good!
Well I luv the mod,unfortunatly i have issues finding others that wanna play?Wzup

Sorry but i play only singleplayer as i have often a break because of my health!
Sinclaire 26. des. 2017 kl. 3.49 
Opprinnelig skrevet av GoaFan77:
The Imperial Warlords do get pretty unrivaled research options and customization, but that is the main strength of their faction. They pay for it with a -25% fleet supply penalty, which basically means every other faction and field more ships than them.

Basically, as the Empire you have both a strong military and economy and can generally afford to go steamrolling people, but you cannot be too reckless as the morale systems punishes you for losing planets. You have to properly fortify what you gain. The Warlords have smaller fleets and need to use their technological advantages to be competitive.

I also disagree with the titans being better. Both the Warlords and Empire can build the Bellator and standard Executor. The Galactic Empire then gets Darth Vader as a third option, while the Warlords get 1 of 4 other titans based on which Warlord you join, but you still will only get 3 options in any one game.

Thank you for the reply! I am still wrapping my head around this great mod. Do you have any tips for the Empire (Warlords or Galactic) in terms of Capital Ship compositions? In most of my games, I typically just start with the Victory I and build Imperial 2s exclusively. Should I also get the other Star Destroyers?
GoaFan77 28. des. 2017 kl. 20.22 
Well, as a matter of fact, for a fuller look at the faction I made this video here which should have some tips.

But for stuff specifically for capitalships, yes, all factions benefit from having using multiple capitalships. Though multiple ISD-IIs are very powerful due to the "Induce Terror" lockout which can basically keep an enemy fleet from regenerating antimatter.

My typical build order is typically the following.

1. Victory I
2. Venator
3. First Hero
4. Imperial I
5. Tector/Second hero
6. Everything else as needed.

Tips for each one.

* Victory I - Basically you just use this for quick colonization without worrying about keeping a fleet supplied with sentinel landing crafts. But as you level it up it's planetary support abilities keep it relevant later on in the game. You can't count on it to stand up to other caps in a fleet battle though as its so heavily specialized in dealing with planets and defenses.

* Victory II - You can get this earlier on if you think you'll have some tough fleet battles early, like certain small maps. However, several of its abilities are actually more useful later game. Disruptive ion bolts is great at all stages of the game. It does extra damage to shields, which lets it defeat enemies more quickly early on, and reduces rate of fire once shields are depleted. The later is actually very useful against enemy titans since you can cut their weapon damage down signficantly. Screening and Doubled Efforts are especially helpful to other capitalships later game.

*Venator - The Venator is a bit fragile but backs a punch. It can field an impressive amount of fighter squadrons early thanks to Expanded Hanger Bays, but it cannot use more advanced TIE Interceptors or Defenders. It's missile damage and SPHA-T beams, plus bomber squads make this capitalship great at beating down a single target. Fighter Swarm let the Venator come back in long out battles if its squads all get shot down, and you can let it boost the range of your ships for if you want fleet support.

*Imperial I - A bit of a mixed bag, but rather useful as the first 1600 meter capitalship you get. Deploy Gunboats is great for extra bomber damage. Tractor Beam keeps enemies from getting away and boosts the damage of the Assault Shuttles ability, which lets the Empire capture enemy ships. One level 6+ ISD-I is great for its Imperial Presence ability, which is one of the few abilities that improves the surviveability of your whole fleet.

*Imperial II - The ISD-II is all about shutting down your enemy with debuffs. Ion Barrage interrupts enemy abilities and drains antimatter. Induce Terror prevent enemy antimatter regeneration for a while, and with multiple ISD-IIs timed well you can stop it completely. Rebel Scum reduces the enemy's offensive and defensive capabilities, while Symbols of Empire is good for some emergency shield healing of your caps to discourage focus fire.

*Tector - The Tector is the Empire's tank capitalship. I always have 1 in my fleets for Durasteel Curtain, which improves the armor of your entire fleet. It also can boost its damage and greatly regenerates shields with Energy Surge. And it can randomly do extra damage and disable enemy ships with Crippling Shots. The Tector is a bit unique as it is the only Imperial capitalship without a hangar and thus the ability to deploy fighters, but it makes up for it with extra armor and a fortified reactor that makes it immune to disable effects as a passive.

*Interdictor Star Destroyer - If you want an Interdictor cruiser in a more durable package, look nor farther than the Star Destroyer variant. While the ISD's primary armament has been removed for gravity well generators, it still packs a decent punch and is much more tanky than the cruiser, which lets it survivie more punishment before having to power down its gravity generators. It also can keep basic weapon and shield regeneration capabilites while interdicting, but at reduced effectiveness. It can also use its gravity generators for interesting things, like reducing physical weapon damage from enemy ships (great for dealing with enemy bomber spam or the TEC) or slowing enemy reinforcements/speeding up friendly ships in hyperspace.
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Dato lagt ut: 23. des. 2017 kl. 9.31
Innlegg: 6