X3: Albion Prelude

X3: Albion Prelude

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Looking to do some capping
I never have done any capping.
How many Marines do I need?
What is the best ship for it?
Best weapon layout for the ship?
Or better what ship do you use?
Naposledy upravil Nomes586; 8. říj. 2023 v 13.52
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Cyan 15. říj. 2023 v 14.17 
I've tried boarding before and found it very difficult (ha ha skill issue etc, I know)
The answer to what would be the best ship to use depends on what you are trying to capture, usually you will need at least an M6 even for another M6.
You will need to keep the target's shields down entirely or the boarding will fail. A handful of throwaway M5s would be optimal for this.
When the target's shields are down then you launch the marines with boarding pods, or if you think your piloting skills are good enough you have to eject your marines right in front of the target so that the target will fly into them.
The marines will give you status updates on the progress if you succeeded up to that point.
I play XRM so I don't know if it's the same in vanilla or any conversion you might be playing: I just found out, If you put your wingmen in a wing you can order them to attack shields specifically, that should help.

But really, there are plenty of videos you could find to show the process.
I might try just to see if it would be fun.
In lasting vengeance you will find dukes m2. Those are good money makers. I played this years ago and remember using carrack for keeping the M2 shields at under 5%. You can mount beams on it's turrets. The beams you extract from laser towers.
Grumpy původně napsal:
In lasting vengeance you will find dukes m2. Those are good money makers. I played this years ago and remember using carrack for keeping the M2 shields at under 5%. You can mount beams on it's turrets. The beams you extract from laser towers.

It's a good ship to cap and sell and also increase the rep of your marines (you'll need them maxed AND a lot of them if you're achievement hunting the Xenon Q). A single M7M with 20 all skills maxed marines can get the job done at a cost of about 18 Hammers to take out the escort ships then 10-12 Hammers to reduce the M2's shields and then, depending on your technique, about 20-40 FBMs to lower the shields without damaging the hull too much. Plus four boarding pods. I allow for about 4 million credits to cap the M2 and if I repair the hull I can sell it for 60 million. That's a good deal for 10 minutes work.

I'm actually playing a 33/33 game at the moment where I've completed the main plot (Dead is Dead of course). I'm financing it solely from transport missions, some STs and CAG controlled stations AND capping ships in Lasting Vengence - no Nividium exploit, no Terran Rifles exploit, no stock trading.

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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 8. říj. 2023 v 13.49
Počet příspěvků: 4