A Game of Dwarves

A Game of Dwarves

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Death on the Battlefield Kill Question
Hey all I have question regarding this achiv....
Since I'm achievement wh*re I'm planning to get this achiv but does this achiv count for killing 10k enemies in one custom map | whole campain or after finishing custom map and starting new one it will add the killed one to the "counter "

And speaking of counter it would be REALLY REALLY helpful if there would be some progress bar showing how many enemies you have slain.
< >
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Yeah, I was wondering about this. I'm certainly going to complete the game, but this is the one achievement that I think will be horrible. If I get to the end of the campaign and I still need 500 kills, I would go for it. If I need another 8000 it would be time to quit.

So I would really like a way to now where my count is.....
< >
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