Realm of the Mad God Exalt

Realm of the Mad God Exalt

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Official Community Update 2/12/14
Hello Realm community,

A lot of you have been wondering what has been going on with Realm. When will the game be back? What's going on? Will there be a UT weekend?

We have some good news and some bad news (besides no UT weekend).

Since we like to save the good stuff for last, the bad news is that we will not have the game live this weekend. While that is disappointing, we have heard the community loud and clear for the desire for additional information, mostly: "Give us some sort of ETA!"

While we don't have an exact ETA, the good news is, we're getting very close to going live with the game. Over the next several days (and some of you have already noticed), you'll see our test and production servers going up and down. While you still will not be able to access the game, this process is necessary for us to test the game.

So, the plan is to finish our current work (which we cannot discuss, so please don't ask), and continue testing the game and get it ready for launch. We estimate that it will take us the remainder of this week and the weekend to complete this work, and then depending how that goes, along with testing, we'll be able to provide a more precise ETA early next week. If all goes well, and we get the thumbs up from engineering, production and QA, then we'll have the game up at some point next week. We can't give you a better estimate than that at this time.

Keep in mind, this is a lot more complicated than us making a single push, or restarting a server. There has been a lot of work put in over the last week, and still a number of tasks left to complete, including testing, before we're comfortable bringing the game back up.

As we get closer to bringing the game up we'll be able to provide additional details like:
[indent]- The change list for the build
- Details on the Player Appreciation Event[/indent]

Thank you again for your patience. We're eager to bring the game back to you guys.

~ RotMG Team
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Visualizzazione di 1-15 commenti su 386
No prob RotMG admin :)
so, a new thread...
another opportunity to do things right...

you guys are all Shallots.[]
outta my way, nubs!
Messaggio originale di Sebastian:
so, a new thread...
another opportunity to do things right...

you guys are all Shallots.[]
outta my way, nubs!
XD it says u were banned in ROTMG
Another bored weekend yay :L
See u guys when the game will back up.
I just got level 20 before the game got hacked too. :(
Oooh, the old thread got locked...YAY FOR A NEW SPOT TO COMPLAIN! xD
Messaggio originale di The Retro Bandit:
I just got level 20 before the game got hacked too. :(

It's not hard to get lvl 20, once you're used to it. Now, when you've got a 7/8 class, and you are fully planning on farming the last few pots, and then it happens, that's kinda sucky, lol!
Messaggio originale di AldhisslaTroll:
Messaggio originale di The Retro Bandit:
I just got level 20 before the game got hacked too. :(

It's not hard to get lvl 20, once you're used to it. Now, when you've got a 7/8 class, and you are fully planning on farming the last few pots, and then it happens, that's kinda sucky, lol!
Messaggio originale di The Retro Bandit:
I just got level 20 before the game got hacked too. :(
Was that the only time you got lvl20
Still can't play. I hear the annoying music, but the screnn turns all black after 100%.
good to know , i wanna pay realive money when its back !!!! some new voult chests
all you can see is a black screen and the music over the top
I know they are trying their best, but 2 weekends without rotmg... plus on top of that, very slow coming info on wtf is going on. I'm sorry, but 9 days have gone by and we know about as much as we did on day 1...
Take your time cleaning this up and testing it out. It's best to get everything set up as good as possible before opening the gates and letting everyone trample over everything. Best of luck!
Can't wait to play it again!
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Data di pubblicazione: 12 feb 2014, ore 16:22
Messaggi: 386