Lethal Company

Lethal Company

Goldie Nov 21, 2023 @ 3:26am
Mimic Enemy
I think that a mimic enemy would be a cool idea to add a bit of paranoia, found only indoors. It would look like a crew mate with the name tag of someone on your team and walk/run around looking for players. Bonus points if it waits before attacking to make it more of a surprise.

Would also be cool if it could repeat phrases it hears as a lure.

If not this I also think a sort of possession creature would be a good shout, that kills and takes control of a teammate and carries out a similar role.

Thoughts on this idea?
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Talos Nov 21, 2023 @ 3:32am 
Whats crazy is me and 2 of my friends all had that same idea while playing all independently from each other. This game NEEDS some form of mimic enemy.
Gary Garyson Nov 21, 2023 @ 3:52am 
a lot of people have had this idea, the issue is the voice recording, it can be done with an agreement with a TOS, but were talking 1 dev atm, not Microsoft or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ which I think utilize voice banning depending on how you talk. Tons of legal ♥♥♥♥.

Everything else would be awesome, but its a hard enemy I think to design. If your friend is talking a lot on mic, and all of a sudden NOT talking but walking around or trying to bait you, just meta game wise youd know its a mimic. SCP multiplayer game circumvents this by allowing one of the playable SCPs use a mic iirc.

My only idea for a mimic is it takes the body/name, and sprints around attracting monsters to you. You would hear the player footsteps and sprint sound, but if it mimicked a player running around like crazy, it would come off more natural as why you arent hearing the mic.
Butcher Nov 21, 2023 @ 4:17am 
Starcraft 2 horror mod had something like this. If someone died, monster could spawn zombie with the same name walking straight to the player.
Johnnyboy Nov 21, 2023 @ 9:27am 
<#1e8449>Murkiest Nov 21, 2023 @ 9:37am 
The audio bit with the mimic is the bit that goes really hard. It replays the audio that has been said in the round and lures you to the mimic and lures it to you. Maybe it drags the dead player's body around and THAT'S how it uses their exact same sounds.
lugas Nov 22, 2023 @ 3:33pm 
what if it only spoke at the same time as the player its imitating? it doesnt reuse it ,its as if they were speaking through the monster itself

Originally posted by Gary Garyson:
a lot of people have had this idea, the issue is the voice recording, it can be done with an agreement with a TOS, but were talking 1 dev atm, not Microsoft or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ which I think utilize voice banning depending on how you talk. Tons of legal ♥♥♥♥.

Everything else would be awesome, but its a hard enemy I think to design. If your friend is talking a lot on mic, and all of a sudden NOT talking but walking around or trying to bait you, just meta game wise youd know its a mimic. SCP multiplayer game circumvents this by allowing one of the playable SCPs use a mic iirc.

My only idea for a mimic is it takes the body/name, and sprints around attracting monsters to you. You would hear the player footsteps and sprint sound, but if it mimicked a player running around like crazy, it would come off more natural as why you arent hearing the mic.
Vitals Nov 22, 2023 @ 3:37pm 
I had this same idea today and posted something lol. I thought it would be cool though if the phrases it said were made by AI copying another players voice. It may not work due to legal reasons though
Gary Garyson Nov 22, 2023 @ 6:01pm 
Originally posted by lugas:
what if it only spoke at the same time as the player its imitating? it doesnt reuse it ,its as if they were speaking through the monster itself

Originally posted by Gary Garyson:
a lot of people have had this idea, the issue is the voice recording, it can be done with an agreement with a TOS, but were talking 1 dev atm, not Microsoft or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ which I think utilize voice banning depending on how you talk. Tons of legal ♥♥♥♥.

Everything else would be awesome, but its a hard enemy I think to design. If your friend is talking a lot on mic, and all of a sudden NOT talking but walking around or trying to bait you, just meta game wise youd know its a mimic. SCP multiplayer game circumvents this by allowing one of the playable SCPs use a mic iirc.

My only idea for a mimic is it takes the body/name, and sprints around attracting monsters to you. You would hear the player footsteps and sprint sound, but if it mimicked a player running around like crazy, it would come off more natural as why you arent hearing the mic.
it really just has to do with USA law, I know in my state both parties have to consent, BUT a TOS change might be able to allow it, I am almost positive microsoft is or is planning to have voice chat recorded and checked by AI or some ♥♥♥♥ for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I dunno, it seems weird, because maybe by just playing online you consent to possibly being recorded, or think of streamers playing with fans? The voice is being recorded.

If it wasnt some young as ♥♥♥♥ 19 year old(I think) being the sole developer atm, maybe this could happen and be fine and smooth, but I cant imagine waking up one day being a millionaire at such a young age. I wouldnt even know how to handle the bank/accounting.
taylor100550 Nov 22, 2023 @ 6:09pm 
Originally posted by Gary Garyson:
a lot of people have had this idea, the issue is the voice recording, it can be done with an agreement with a TOS, but were talking 1 dev atm, not Microsoft or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ which I think utilize voice banning depending on how you talk. Tons of legal ♥♥♥♥.

Everything else would be awesome, but its a hard enemy I think to design. If your friend is talking a lot on mic, and all of a sudden NOT talking but walking around or trying to bait you, just meta game wise youd know its a mimic. SCP multiplayer game circumvents this by allowing one of the playable SCPs use a mic iirc.

My only idea for a mimic is it takes the body/name, and sprints around attracting monsters to you. You would hear the player footsteps and sprint sound, but if it mimicked a player running around like crazy, it would come off more natural as why you arent hearing the mic.
Easy fix.
Step one: add a small monster that prevents players from speaking. You could probably let players whack it off their friends via shovel or a zap gun shot.
Step two: make a mimic monster that looks like a player with the monster from step one. That way you don't need it to actually speak.
Gary Garyson Nov 22, 2023 @ 6:14pm 
Originally posted by taylor100550:
Originally posted by Gary Garyson:
a lot of people have had this idea, the issue is the voice recording, it can be done with an agreement with a TOS, but were talking 1 dev atm, not Microsoft or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ which I think utilize voice banning depending on how you talk. Tons of legal ♥♥♥♥.

Everything else would be awesome, but its a hard enemy I think to design. If your friend is talking a lot on mic, and all of a sudden NOT talking but walking around or trying to bait you, just meta game wise youd know its a mimic. SCP multiplayer game circumvents this by allowing one of the playable SCPs use a mic iirc.

My only idea for a mimic is it takes the body/name, and sprints around attracting monsters to you. You would hear the player footsteps and sprint sound, but if it mimicked a player running around like crazy, it would come off more natural as why you arent hearing the mic.
Easy fix.
Step one: add a small monster that prevents players from speaking. You could probably let players whack it off their friends via shovel or a zap gun shot.
Step two: make a mimic monster that looks like a player with the monster from step one. That way you don't need it to actually speak.
Thats not a bad idea but the snare flea is step 1 already imo.
taylor100550 Nov 22, 2023 @ 6:36pm 
Originally posted by Gary Garyson:
Originally posted by taylor100550:
Easy fix.
Step one: add a small monster that prevents players from speaking. You could probably let players whack it off their friends via shovel or a zap gun shot.
Step two: make a mimic monster that looks like a player with the monster from step one. That way you don't need it to actually speak.
Thats not a bad idea but the snare flea is step 1 already imo.
I thought about that, but in my opinion the snare flea is too big a threat, too deadly, to give the mimic time to fool the players. Perhaps it could be a baby snare flea? Just resize the model and call it a day, Mr. Developer
Gary Garyson Nov 22, 2023 @ 7:57pm 
Originally posted by taylor100550:
Originally posted by Gary Garyson:
Thats not a bad idea but the snare flea is step 1 already imo.
I thought about that, but in my opinion the snare flea is too big a threat, too deadly, to give the mimic time to fool the players. Perhaps it could be a baby snare flea? Just resize the model and call it a day, Mr. Developer
snare flea is the easiest threat imo, 1 shovel its over for it. Though I wouldent be surprised if the single dev is thinking of a mimic. I wouldnt mind agreeing to a TOS of recording my voice but being 1 person, that can be a huge undertaking, even ignoring voice. I mean, Every single video online these days can be recorded without your consent, so many it has loopholes. But this is 1 late age teen, I think 19, probably is overwhelmed atm.
emi Nov 26, 2023 @ 12:14am 
I want to create this mod.. I love that so many people have independently thought of this idea, almost everyone I've talked to also had the same idea so it's just gotta be made. But learning how to mod for this game. I have a development background but little modding background, we'll see how it goes!
KomaedaxHope Nov 26, 2023 @ 3:20am 
Would love this, also optionally have it pick up items left on the ground possibly? players often leave stuff at the door etc or even stuff from dead bodies on the ground that they dropped maybe and have them hold it and possibly use it if possible as well, would make a good prize for killing it if it has stuff you left around on the entity you want back
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Date Posted: Nov 21, 2023 @ 3:26am
Posts: 14