Harmony: The Fall of Reverie

Harmony: The Fall of Reverie

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Mccoy Jun 8, 2023 @ 1:38pm
"them" instead of "her/him" (Bug?)
I noticed that some times Polly refers to Yana or someone among the Aspirations as "Them" instead of "Him/Her". At the beginning, for the Aspiration, I thought of some kind of a weird "Plural-Maiestatis" but for Yana... If not I'm wrong it is a mistake of writing (and dubbing, consequently), isn'it?
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Showing 1-15 of 38 comments
Ryuukaze Jun 8, 2023 @ 5:30pm 
Some people now prefer different pronouns, and "them" is one of the pronouns that some people choose instead of "him" or "her". So someone might prefer he/him, she/her, or they/them. In addition, some people prefer he/them instead, or the like.

So no, it's probably not a writing mistake. It's a deliberate choice.
Mccoy Jun 9, 2023 @ 12:41am 
Ah, I didn't know. But in this way it's a mess! I mean, using a plural for a singular person. Maybe if you are talking with thas person in flesh this them-thing can even works but in a movie or a game... Personally I went in cofusion mroe times and I suppose even others are not english native language. Besides, the "Aspirations" can be refered to with "it", because they are entity and not human. For Yana, she is an old friend from high school of Polly, so she should know wich pronoun use with her (I'm using her/she because the apperance and voice of Yana).
So... Boh.... in my opinion, it'a choice that creates confusion and it doesn't born from a real narrative necessity and they should correct it.
Last edited by Mccoy; Jun 9, 2023 @ 12:49am
Hunter Wolf Jun 9, 2023 @ 1:10am 
Yana is only ever referred to as they sor their non binary
Originally posted by Mccoy:
Ah, I didn't know. But in this way it's a mess! I mean, using a plural for a singular person. Maybe if you are talking with thas person in flesh this them-thing can even works but in a movie or a game... Personally I went in cofusion mroe times and I suppose even others are not english native language. Besides, the "Aspirations" can be refered to with "it", because they are entity and not human. For Yana, she is an old friend from high school of Polly, so she should know wich pronoun use with her (I'm using her/she because the apperance and voice of Yana).
So... Boh.... in my opinion, it'a choice that creates confusion and it doesn't born from a real narrative necessity and they should correct it.
ah.. hate this type of "woke" writing already in novels so much... thank you for making it easy for me to skip this game then.
Alt Jun 10, 2023 @ 11:02am 
Yeah. Decided to look up discussion before buying this. Not a fun of this new "them/they" stuff. its so confusing and childish really. This game is a skip for me i guess.
Last edited by Alt; Jun 10, 2023 @ 11:03am
Ignosius Jun 10, 2023 @ 10:46pm 
Originally posted by Alt:
Yeah. Decided to look up discussion before buying this. Not a fun of this new "them/they" stuff. its so confusing and childish really. This game is a skip for me i guess.
Indeed. Even setting aside whether it's logical or not to use different pronouns, it's objectively confusing from a grammar standpoint. Some people use singular grammar, but others use plural? It completely changes the context of sentences that used to be pretty clear.

As an avid reader, it's gotten really obnoxious every time someone uses "they" in a sentence now, as I have to do a double take and try to decipher context clues so I can figure out who the subject is. It's really awkward to read and constantly takes me out of whatever I'm trying to enjoy.

I'm also skipping any games that are trying to push this, so I appreciate these posts letting me know which games have it.

Hopefully, people will give up on this idea soon, and I can go back to simply enjoying media again.
Hahli Jun 11, 2023 @ 12:02am 
Originally posted by Ignosius:
Originally posted by Alt:
Yeah. Decided to look up discussion before buying this. Not a fun of this new "them/they" stuff. its so confusing and childish really. This game is a skip for me i guess.
Indeed. Even setting aside whether it's logical or not to use different pronouns, it's objectively confusing from a grammar standpoint. Some people use singular grammar, but others use plural? It completely changes the context of sentences that used to be pretty clear.

As an avid reader, it's gotten really obnoxious every time someone uses "they" in a sentence now, as I have to do a double take and try to decipher context clues so I can figure out who the subject is. It's really awkward to read and constantly takes me out of whatever I'm trying to enjoy.

I'm also skipping any games that are trying to push this, so I appreciate these posts letting me know which games have it.

Hopefully, people will give up on this idea soon, and I can go back to simply enjoying media again.

Totally agree, reading books and visuel novels written like this is so annoying
They should add a tag "inclusive language" so all dyslexic people can avoid it.
PainfulAC Jun 11, 2023 @ 9:38pm 
Originally posted by Ignosius:
Originally posted by Alt:
Yeah. Decided to look up discussion before buying this. Not a fun of this new "them/they" stuff. its so confusing and childish really. This game is a skip for me i guess.
Indeed. Even setting aside whether it's logical or not to use different pronouns, it's objectively confusing from a grammar standpoint. Some people use singular grammar, but others use plural? It completely changes the context of sentences that used to be pretty clear.

As an avid reader, it's gotten really obnoxious every time someone uses "they" in a sentence now, as I have to do a double take and try to decipher context clues so I can figure out who the subject is. It's really awkward to read and constantly takes me out of whatever I'm trying to enjoy.

I'm also skipping any games that are trying to push this, so I appreciate these posts letting me know which games have it.

Hopefully, people will give up on this idea soon, and I can go back to simply enjoying media again.

That's so true, you should tell Shakespeare and the like that using "they" in a reading is too confusing.
Ignosius Jun 11, 2023 @ 10:24pm 
Originally posted by PainfulAC:
That's so true, you should tell Shakespeare and the like that using "they" in a reading is too confusing.
I'm obviously referring to the usage of "they" to refer to a singular, known subject, not the word itself. Singular "they" is relatively new itself, and it only applied to a hypothetical or unknown person. It was never used as a specific, direct pronoun prior to the last few years.

Now that we've added a new definition to this existing word, it becomes more difficult to tell which definition the writer is using.
PainfulAC Jun 12, 2023 @ 6:58am 
Originally posted by Ignosius:
Originally posted by PainfulAC:
That's so true, you should tell Shakespeare and the like that using "they" in a reading is too confusing.
I'm obviously referring to the usage of "they" to refer to a singular, known subject, not the word itself. Singular "they" is relatively new itself, and it only applied to a hypothetical or unknown person. It was never used as a specific, direct pronoun prior to the last few years.

Now that we've added a new definition to this existing word, it becomes more difficult to tell which definition the writer is using.

Singular they has been used in writing since the 14th century. It's acceptability has varied over the years, but it's widely accepted in modern times since at least the 1990s.
If you just want to say you dislike trans and non-binary folks, don't try to hide behind some pretense of historical accuracy or literary confusion.
Alt Jun 12, 2023 @ 11:34am 
Originally posted by PainfulAC:
Originally posted by Ignosius:
I'm obviously referring to the usage of "they" to refer to a singular, known subject, not the word itself. Singular "they" is relatively new itself, and it only applied to a hypothetical or unknown person. It was never used as a specific, direct pronoun prior to the last few years.

Now that we've added a new definition to this existing word, it becomes more difficult to tell which definition the writer is using.

Singular they has been used in writing since the 14th century. It's acceptability has varied over the years, but it's widely accepted in modern times since at least the 1990s.
If you just want to say you dislike trans and non-binary folks, don't try to hide behind some pretense of historical accuracy or literary confusion.

As a fun of any sci-fi genre i understood long ago that at some point in the future we will likely see technology that allows us to changed our gender. Most likely not every function of the body, but 90% of it for sure. Also im 100% sure that at some point in the future pregnancies will be a thing of the past. Most children will be vatgrown. Same with human genom modifications before birth.

Problem is, our medicine and over all technology is still not ready for that. All current trans operations is just a huge medical mistake. Back in the day doctors thought that teeth removal will fix patients "crazy" state of the mind. That was such an awful tragic mistake, so many lifes were ruined by doctors like that. Now it is happening all over again but this time around people who want to change their gender are a new victim. Our current medical and technological level is just not ready for that sort of thing. I looked up those operations that are done to make female from a male... They are not pretty. Results are not great. Even if i cant distinguish a trans person in clothes from a real woman, any intimate interaction with said person will not fool anyone, and will not lead to the same experience you get with a real woman.
Last edited by Alt; Jun 12, 2023 @ 11:42am
Ignosius Jun 12, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
Originally posted by PainfulAC:
Singular they has been used in writing since the 14th century. It's acceptability has varied over the years, but it's widely accepted in modern times since at least the 1990s.
If you just want to say you dislike trans and non-binary folks, don't try to hide behind some pretense of historical accuracy or literary confusion.
Yes, singular "they" is a real thing, but it has never been used in this particular context before. Just because a word exists, doesn't mean you can start using it in any way you want without it becoming confusing.

Since its invention, it has always been used to mean that you literally don't know the person at all. You don't know if they are a man or a woman, either because they're hypothetical, or because it's someone you don't know enough about to make that determination. In that second case, it's purely used as a temporary solution until you find out whether to use "he" or "she". In the singular context, it specifically means "I don't know the person".

Now, we are also using it to mean "That particular individual that I am so familiar with that I'm aware of their non-standard gender identity". Now, the word means both "I don't know" and "I know", and you have to rely on context clues to figure out which one is being used.

That is confusing and obnoxious, and is not something that was ever a point of contention until the last few years.
Last edited by Ignosius; Jun 12, 2023 @ 12:17pm
PainfulAC Jun 12, 2023 @ 1:32pm 
Originally posted by Alt:
Originally posted by PainfulAC:

Singular they has been used in writing since the 14th century. It's acceptability has varied over the years, but it's widely accepted in modern times since at least the 1990s.
If you just want to say you dislike trans and non-binary folks, don't try to hide behind some pretense of historical accuracy or literary confusion.

As a fun of any sci-fi genre i understood long ago that at some point in the future we will likely see technology that allows us to changed our gender. Most likely not every function of the body, but 90% of it for sure. Also im 100% sure that at some point in the future pregnancies will be a thing of the past. Most children will be vatgrown. Same with human genom modifications before birth.

Problem is, our medicine and over all technology is still not ready for that. All current trans operations is just a huge medical mistake. Back in the day doctors thought that teeth removal will fix patients "crazy" state of the mind. That was such an awful tragic mistake, so many lifes were ruined by doctors like that. Now it is happening all over again but this time around people who want to change their gender are a new victim. Our current medical and technological level is just not ready for that sort of thing. I looked up those operations that are done to make female from a male... They are not pretty. Results are not great. Even if i cant distinguish a trans person in clothes from a real woman, any intimate interaction with said person will not fool anyone, and will not lead to the same experience you get with a real woman.

What are you talking about lol
You just jumped in to compare non-consensual teeth pulling with gender affirming surgery. Why are you spending hours googling post-surgery results of genitals anyways? Regardless of how "pretty" they end up looking, if it's a surgery a person wanted, who cares.
Please do not date any women regardless, you sound like a creep.
PainfulAC Jun 12, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
Originally posted by Ignosius:
Originally posted by PainfulAC:
Singular they has been used in writing since the 14th century. It's acceptability has varied over the years, but it's widely accepted in modern times since at least the 1990s.
If you just want to say you dislike trans and non-binary folks, don't try to hide behind some pretense of historical accuracy or literary confusion.
Yes, singular "they" is a real thing, but it has never been used in this particular context before. Just because a word exists, doesn't mean you can start using it in any way you want without it becoming confusing.

Since its invention, it has always been used to mean that you literally don't know the person at all. You don't know if they are a man or a woman, either because they're hypothetical, or because it's someone you don't know enough about to make that determination. In that second case, it's purely used as a temporary solution until you find out whether to use "he" or "she". In the singular context, it specifically means "I don't know the person".

Now, we are also using it to mean "That particular individual that I am so familiar with that I'm aware of their non-standard gender identity". Now, the word means both "I don't know" and "I know", and you have to rely on context clues to figure out which one is being used.

That is confusing and obnoxious, and is not something that was ever a point of contention until the last few years.

"He" used to be the generic, non-specific pronoun. Little kids used to be called "girl" regardless of gender. "They" has been used as a singular pronoun for hundreds of years, even if a particular non-binary usage is more recent. The point is that language changes over time, and, as you said, now the word can indicate non-standard gender identity.
If it's too confusing to figure out, just ask! Or google it if that's too intimidating. It's really not hard.
Ignosius Jun 12, 2023 @ 2:06pm 
Originally posted by PainfulAC:
"He" used to be the generic, non-specific pronoun. Little kids used to be called "girl" regardless of gender. "They" has been used as a singular pronoun for hundreds of years, even if a particular non-binary usage is more recent. The point is that language changes over time, and, as you said, now the word can indicate non-standard gender identity.
If it's too confusing to figure out, just ask! Or google it if that's too intimidating. It's really not hard.
Language should not change to be more confusing. I don't support that.

It's not confusing to figure out, it's confusing period, for the reasons I listed out in my post.
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