Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars

Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars

If the Suikoden series was Remade what would you be most interested in seeing?
I think for me if they took the knowledge of the future games into account and expanded the games it would be interesting to see characters who were in future games show up in the older ones.

IIRC mathiu tricked the city states into attacking the scarlet moon empire to help secure victory. would be cool to see military leaders from the region actually attacking the boarder to draw Barbarosa's attention away. just expanded world in general IMHO.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Lord_Abaddon; 3 ธ.ค. 2023 @ 3: 46pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 21 ความเห็น
Harmonia and a final concision to the story.

1 and 2 combined into an single game
(1 is so short and archaic. Even at the time when you has games like Star Ocean.)
I feel like 1 & 2 could be expanded on. add more content similar to how FF7 Remake added a ton to just the midgar portion of the game.
1) Secret / Story of Jeane, Viki
2) Exploration of Sindar Ruins
3) Reveal all of the 27 True Runes
4) Protagonist as Flame Champion (Story before suikoden 3)
5) Hikusaak & Harmonia
6) Yuber and his true rune, story with Pesmerga
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย 大魔王; 4 ธ.ค. 2023 @ 9: 25pm
Remade or a sequel be made i'm confused? If it's a sequel I want a Harmonia/Hikusaak continuation from 3.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Funeral Wind:
Remade or a sequel be made i'm confused? If it's a sequel I want a Harmonia/Hikusaak continuation from 3.

A remake in the same vein as the FF7 remakes story. it's not 1:1 as far as lore and story goes since new stuff has been introduced in future games allow that stuff to flow into the originals story and expand it.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Lord_Abaddon:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Funeral Wind:
Remade or a sequel be made i'm confused? If it's a sequel I want a Harmonia/Hikusaak continuation from 3.

A remake in the same vein as the FF7 remakes story. it's not 1:1 as far as lore and story goes since new stuff has been introduced in future games allow that stuff to flow into the originals story and expand it.

If they remake the games i'd like more involvement from previous protagonists. I felt cheated a bit by how little Mcdohl reacted or factored into S2 despite being one of the most powerful beings in the world at that point.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Funeral Wind:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Lord_Abaddon:

A remake in the same vein as the FF7 remakes story. it's not 1:1 as far as lore and story goes since new stuff has been introduced in future games allow that stuff to flow into the originals story and expand it.

If they remake the games i'd like more involvement from previous protagonists. I felt cheated a bit by how little Mcdohl reacted or factored into S2 despite being one of the most powerful beings in the world at that point.

I kind of disagree with re-using the same protagonist in each game. even if they're not the main character these games are about war and having a highly decorated commander or general from another country participating in the events would seem odd they're country isn't involved as well. there's also the issue of the star system. IIRC the stars of destiny are unique to each conflict with the Tenkai star usually being the leader. so having multiple of the same would be weird.

Tir mcdohl in S2 was a Cameo for completing the original game and porting the save data over. it would be interesting to see him as a larger character with more dialogue in the future games but as a usable character they would either have to depower him every game or when you get him it's basically ez mode then because of his power. same with riou if he showed up in later games as a character the bright shield and dark sword runes and his general strength would cause balancing issues.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Lord_Abaddon:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Funeral Wind:

If they remake the games i'd like more involvement from previous protagonists. I felt cheated a bit by how little Mcdohl reacted or factored into S2 despite being one of the most powerful beings in the world at that point.

I kind of disagree with re-using the same protagonist in each game. even if they're not the main character these games are about war and having a highly decorated commander or general from another country participating in the events would seem odd they're country isn't involved as well. there's also the issue of the star system. IIRC the stars of destiny are unique to each conflict with the Tenkai star usually being the leader. so having multiple of the same would be weird.

Tir mcdohl in S2 was a Cameo for completing the original game and porting the save data over. it would be interesting to see him as a larger character with more dialogue in the future games but as a usable character they would either have to depower him every game or when you get him it's basically ez mode then because of his power. same with riou if he showed up in later games as a character the bright shield and dark sword runes and his general strength would cause balancing issues.

How would it be odd when some stars of destiny are in every game? Especially from 1-2 some of Tir's best friends are fighting for their lives again and he's retired fishing in a small village. I also never said they had to be available party members for 99% of the game or at all. Even though it's slightly irrelevant since none of the Suikoden games are difficult if you can do simple math. You can beat the final boss in the first two games in 2-3 turns (Without Tir in S2). There is also a precedent for "Depowering" characters since obviously Viktor and Flik are guaranteed at least level 50+ but show up in S2 at level 25-35.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dark All Day; 20 ธ.ค. 2023 @ 10: 46am
They could make the visual novel playable (Suikogaiden) and make the future games stick to 6 party members, this was the reason that never made me play other game than the first two since it was their selling point at the time (I played the 4 and was liking, but the limit on party members turned me down).
I’d like to see 4 remade with its many design flaws corrected. At its core that was my favorite game in the series.
Suikoden 5 remade with main hero outfit change, keep travel clothes or end credit armor; NO black spandex or whatever that outfit was.
First two Suikodens delivered epic and fan favourite characters.
Why not expand the timeline forward from Suikoden 3?
I want to see an aged fat Viktor owning (for example) a tavern in Leona´s role. Or Flik remaining single unable to to forget Odessa. Or maybe he found love and have five kids?
Why not Pahn teaching martial arts in a dojo where the new main character trains?
Has Tuta become and old doctor like Liukan? Who is that misterious, silent character? Cant be Jowy, right?

Point is, Suikoden lore is rich. And I would like to see how former characters are doing. Even if thery were not recruitable.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย 大魔王:
1) Secret / Story of Jeane, Viki
2) Exploration of Sindar Ruins
3) Reveal all of the 27 True Runes
4) Protagonist as Flame Champion (Story before suikoden 3)
5) Hikusaak & Harmonia
6) Yuber and his true rune, story with Pesmerga
Pretty sure you explore ruins in 3.

I KNOW 6 was eventually supposed to be done in further sequels.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย jomigaru:
First two Suikodens delivered epic and fan favourite characters.
Why not expand the timeline forward from Suikoden 3?
I want to see an aged fat Viktor owning (for example) a tavern in Leona´s role. Or Flik remaining single unable to to forget Odessa. Or maybe he found love and have five kids?
Why not Pahn teaching martial arts in a dojo where the new main character trains?
Has Tuta become and old doctor like Liukan? Who is that misterious, silent character? Cant be Jowy, right?

Point is, Suikoden lore is rich. And I would like to see how former characters are doing. Even if thery were not recruitable.

flik doesn't find love and remain single (i forget where i read it, if im not mistaken suikoden 2 ending) and in suikoden 3 we can hear from the new owner of the sword, viktor is traveling with his friend as mercenary till old

tuta become a famous doctor in city state or whatever u named your army is. do u even watch suikoden 2 ending till finish ??

and what silent chara ? if it suikoden 2, if u get happy ending "jowy is alive with the power of gate rune and traveling the world with MC n nanami the 1st destination is harmonia" if it normal ending well jowy is dead.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Zen:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย jomigaru:
First two Suikodens delivered epic and fan favourite characters.
Why not expand the timeline forward from Suikoden 3?
I want to see an aged fat Viktor owning (for example) a tavern in Leona´s role. Or Flik remaining single unable to to forget Odessa. Or maybe he found love and have five kids?
Why not Pahn teaching martial arts in a dojo where the new main character trains?
Has Tuta become and old doctor like Liukan? Who is that misterious, silent character? Cant be Jowy, right?

Point is, Suikoden lore is rich. And I would like to see how former characters are doing. Even if thery were not recruitable.

flik doesn't find love and remain single (i forget where i read it, if im not mistaken suikoden 2 ending) and in suikoden 3 we can hear from the new owner of the sword, viktor is traveling with his friend as mercenary till old

tuta become a famous doctor in city state or whatever u named your army is. do u even watch suikoden 2 ending till finish ??

and what silent chara ? if it suikoden 2, if u get happy ending "jowy is alive with the power of gate rune and traveling the world with MC n nanami the 1st destination is harmonia" if it normal ending well jowy is dead.

Flik´s ending in suikoden 2

"Instead of going back to Warriors' Village, sets off on a journey with Viktor."

Anyway, did you even notice the question marks in my post?

About Viktor. Did you notice the word "aged" referring to Viktor or the "why not expand the timeline forward from Suikoden 3?"
Even if Viktor was travelling with Flik till old, I guess they would have to stop ftom time to time...dont you think? And I would like to know more about them.

About Tuta.
Did you even notice the word "old" referring to him? He was not old in Sukoden 3, was he?

About Jowy

Again. Expand the timeline forward from Suikoden 3. Jowy would be a mature man or an old person in that case. Why couldnt he show up as a character, even if not openly? I would like to see it.
Back in the day there was a theory about Queen (S3) being actually Jillia Blight.

And none of that matters if you care to read the original post. What would you like to see if the suikoden series was remade? Did you even read it? Someone might like Neclord as main character or wish to see Taki falling in love with Sigfried.
Since you wrote what you would like and I didnt say anything about it, perhaps you could return the same courtesy.
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วันที่โพสต์: 3 ธ.ค. 2023 @ 3: 45pm
โพสต์: 21
