Farmer's Father: Save the Innocence

Farmer's Father: Save the Innocence

Now that it's not EA... Too Buggy??
I have the original game, Farmer's Life. It's great. Is Farmer's Life still rough? Actually, it is, but it has a rough indie charm about it, with all the truly sharp edges polished off. With this game "seeming" to follow a similar progression?

Unfortunately, I can't vouch for the "timing" of the polishing on the original game. When did the serious bugs finally leave it? How was it originally when it went EA? More importantly, how was it when it left EA... did the game continue to improve? I bought it, quite late in the game cycle.

All of this asked, just to get a proper perspective on this game. I don't mind if it still has bugs... only if it remains "too-buggy" when the devs leave it. Unlike the majority of complainers and incredibly naive entitled recent-generation members, I tend to appreciate art and projects of love with realistic expectations. I also don't expect a game to stay in permanent development - a dev has to cut its' expenses and move on to games that will make money and pay it's bills. When a game leaves EA, a mess - that still bothers me, A LOT.

So, community, what is your impression? Is it ready to play? Based on the previous game's development history, is this one ready, or will it be, you think? Why?

Last edited by Lord von Games; Mar 30 @ 7:57pm